237 research outputs found

    Effect of magnetic field on the velocity autocorrelation and the caging of particles in two-dimensional Yukawa liquids

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    We investigate the effect of an external magnetic field on the velocity autocorrelation function and the "caging" of the particles in a two-dimensional strongly coupled Yukawa liquid, via numerical simulations. The influence of the coupling strength on the position of the dominant peak in the frequency spectrum of the velocity autocorrelation function confirms the onset of a joint effect of the magnetic field and strong correlations at high coupling. Our molecular dynamics simulations quantify the decorrelation of the particles' surroundings - the magnetic field is found to increase significantly the caging time, which reaches values well beyond the timescale of plasma oscillations. The observation of the increased caging time is in accordance with findings that the magnetic field decreases diffusion in similar systems

    Dynamical properties of inertial confinement fusion plasmas

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    Study of the interaction processes of ion beams with dense plasmas is one of the important problems in the physics of inertial confinement fusion (ICF), warm dense matter and highpower lasers physics. Nowadays, a state of matter under extremely high pressure is an object of high interest..

    Non-Stationary Optical Transmission Spectra of Inhomogeneous Plasma of Nanosecond Electrical Discharges near Narrow Spectral Absorption Lines

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    Non-stationary optical plasma transmission spectra of high-speed ionization waves in cylindrical plasma waveguides filled with neon gas in the pressure range of 1-60 Torr have been experimentally investigated. The analysis of the results obtained in the experimental study of transmission spectra of nanosecond discharge plasma shows that in the propagation of laser irradiation at an angle to the axis of the plasma waveguide, the classical ratio for absorption by Beer-Lambert law is shifting

    The comparison of the interaction of regional industrial clusters with the financial sector of the economy

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    © 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. This article presents a comparative analysis of forms of interaction between real and financial sectors of the economy in different clusters in the regional economy. Significant differences between the nature of the interaction of real and financial sector, depending on the direction of the regional cluster is its orientation to the internal or external customer, as well as the nature of competition and pricing for the products

    The formation of the system of priorities of the cluster policy of the region

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    This article presents an analysis of approaches to the identification of the territorial cluster and supporting the development of territorial production clusters. We found significant differences between the approaches to defining priorities for development in the area of the clusters. There are also differences in the way support clusters that depend on the parameters of cluster development, market orientation and the level of maturity of the cluster. Presents the concept of regional support cluster initiatives to identify the most priority to support clusters

    Ion core effect on transport characteristics in warm dense matter

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    An effective potential approach in combination with the molecular dynamics (MD) method was used to study the effect of the ionic core on the transport properties of ions in the warm dense matter regime. As an example, we considered shocked silicon. The results of MD simulations within microcanonical ensemble were analyzed by computing the mean squared displacement (MSD) and the velocity autocorrelation function (VAF) of particles. The MSD and VAF are used to compute the diffusion coefficient of ions. The results are compared with the data computed neglecting the ion core effect. It is found that the ion core effect leads to a significant decrease of the diffusion coefficient. Additionally, we computed the viscosity coefficient of ions using the Green-Kubo relation connecting viscosity and the stress autocorrelation function. It is revealed that the ion core effect can cause increase or reduction of the viscosity coefficient depending on the strength of inter-ionic coupling

    Effective Screened Potentials of Strongly Coupled Semiclassical Plasma

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    The pseudopotentials of particle interaction of astrongly coupled semiclassical plasma, taking into account bothquantum-mechanical effects of diffraction at short distances andalso screening field effects at large distances are obtained. Thelimiting cases of potentials are considered.Comment: 15 pages, TeX, 7 figure

    Influence of the ion core on relaxation processes in dense plasmas

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    The effect of an ionic core on the temperature relaxation in dense hot plasma of beryllium is studied using the pseudpotential model by Gericke et al [Phys. Rev. E 2010, 81, 065401(R)]. Employing the screened version of the ion pseudpotential [by Ramazanov et al, Phys. Plasmas 2021, 28 (9), 092702], we computed the quantum transport cross-section for the electron-ion collisions in dense beryllium plamsas, where screening is taking into account using the density response function in the long wavelength regime. The results for the transport cross-section are used to compute a generalised Coulomb logarithm and electron-ion collision frequency. Utilizing the latter, we show the effect of the ionic core on the temperature relaxation. To understand the role of the ionic core, we compare the results with the data computed considering ions as point-like charges