166 research outputs found

    A retail category management model integrating shelf space and inventory levels

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    A retail category management model that considers the interplay of optimal product assortment decisions, space allocation and inventory quantities is presented in this paper. Specifically, the proposed model maximizes the total net profit in terms of decision variables expressing product assortment, shelf space allocation and common review period. The model takes into consideration several constraints such as the available shelf space, backroom inventory space, retailer's financial resources, and estimates of rate of demand for products based on shelf space allocation and competing products. The review period can take any values greater than zero. Results of the proposed model were compared withthe results of the current industry practice for randomly generated product assortments of size six, ten and fourteen. The model also outperformed the literature benchmark. The paper demonstrates that the optimal common review period is flexible enough to accommodate the administrative restrictions of delivery schedules for products, without significantly deviating from the optimal solution

    Cross-National Logo Evaluation Analysis: An Individual Level Approach

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    The universality of design perception and response is tested using data collected from ten countries: Argentina, Australia, China, Germany, Great Britain, India, the Netherlands, Russia, Singapore, and the United States. A Bayesian, finite-mixture, structural-equation model is developed that identifies latent logo clusters while accounting for heterogeneity in evaluations. The concomitant variable approach allows cluster probabilities to be country specific. Rather than a priori defined clusters, our procedure provides a posteriori cross-national logo clusters based on consumer response similarity. To compare the a posteriori cross-national logo clusters, our approach is integrated with Steenkamp and Baumgartner’s (1998) measurement invariance methodology. Our model reduces the ten countries to three cross-national clusters that respond differently to logo design dimensions: the West, Asia, and Russia. The dimensions underlying design are found to be similar across countries, suggesting that elaborateness, naturalness, and harmony are universal design dimensions. Responses (affect, shared meaning, subjective familiarity, and true and false recognition) to logo design dimensions (elaborateness, naturalness, and harmony) and elements (repetition, proportion, and parallelism) are also relatively consistent, although we find minor differences across clusters. Our results suggest that managers can implement a global logo strategy, but they also can optimize logos for specific countries if desired.adaptation;standardization;Bayesian;international marketing;design;Gibbs sampling;concomitant variable;logos;mixture models;structural equation models

    The geometric phase and the dynamics of quantum phase transition induced by a linear quench

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    We have analysed here the role of the geometric phase in dynamical mechanism of quantum phase transition in the transverse Ising model. We have investigated the system when it is driven at a fixed rate characterized by a quench time τq\tau_q across the critical point from a paramagnetic to ferromagnetic phase. Our argument is based on the fact that the spin fluctuation occurring during the critical slowing down causes random fluctuation in the ground state geometric phase at the critical regime. The correlation function of the random geometric phase determines the excitation probability of the quasiparticles, which are excited during the transition from the inital paramagnetic to the ferromagnetic phase. This helps us to evaluate the number density of the kinks formed during the transition, which is found to scale as τq12\tau_q^{-\frac{1}{2}}. In addition, we have also estimated the spin-spin correlation at criticality.Comment: 10 pages, accepted in J. Phys. A: Math and Theor. (Special issue on Quantum Phases

    Topological phase in two flavor neutrino oscillations

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    We show that the phase appearing in neutrino flavor oscillation formulae has a geometric and topological contribution. We identify a topological phase appearing in the two flavor neutrino oscillation formula using Pancharatnam's prescription of quantum collapses between non-orthogonal states. Such quantum collapses appear naturally in the expression for appearance and survival probabilities of neutrinos. Our analysis applies to neutrinos propagating in vacuum or through matter. For the minimal case of two flavors with CP conservation, our study shows for the first time that there is a geometric interpretation of the neutrino oscillation formulae for the detection probability of neutrino species.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, accepted in Phys. Rev.

    The Geometric Phase and Ray Space Isometries

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    We study the behaviour of the geometric phase under isometries of the ray space. This leads to a better understanding of a theorem first proved by Wigner: isometries of the ray space can always be realised as projections of unitary or anti-unitary transformations on the Hilbert space. We suggest that the construction involved in Wigner's proof is best viewed as an use of the Pancharatnam connection to ``lift'' a ray space isometry to the Hilbert space.Comment: 17 pages, Latex file, no figures, To appear in Pramana J. Phy

    Quantum anomaly and geometric phase; their basic differences

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    It is sometimes stated in the literature that the quantum anomaly is regarded as an example of the geometric phase. Though there is some superficial similarity between these two notions, we here show that the differences bewteen these two notions are more profound and fundamental. As an explicit example, we analyze in detail a quantum mechanical model proposed by M. Stone, which is supposed to show the above connection. We show that the geometric term in the model, which is topologically trivial for any finite time interval TT, corresponds to the so-called ``normal naive term'' in field theory and has nothing to do with the anomaly-induced Wess-Zumino term. In the fundamental level, the difference between the two notions is stated as follows: The topology of gauge fields leads to level crossing in the fermionic sector in the case of chiral anomaly and the {\em failure} of the adiabatic approximation is essential in the analysis, whereas the (potential) level crossing in the matter sector leads to the topology of the Berry phase only when the precise adiabatic approximation holds.Comment: 28 pages. The last sentence in Abstract has been changed, the last paragraph in Section 1 has been re-written, and the latter half of Discussion has been replaced by new materials. New Conclusion to summarize the analysis has been added. This new version is to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Bargmann invariants and off-diagonal geometric phases for multi-level quantum systems -- a unitary group approach

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    We investigate the geometric phases and the Bargmann invariants associated with a multi-level quantum systems. In particular, we show that a full set of `gauge-invariant' objects for an nn-level system consists of nn geometric phases and 1/2(n1)(n2){1/2}(n-1)(n-2) algebraically independent 4-vertex Bargmann invariants. In the process of establishing this result we develop a canonical form for U(n) matrices which is useful in its own right. We show that the recently discovered `off-diagonal' geometric phases [N. Manini and F. Pistolesi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 8, 3067 (2000)] can be completely analysed in terms of the basic building blocks developed in this work. This result liberates the off-diagonal phases from the assumption of adiabaticity used in arriving at them.Comment: 13 pages, latex, no figure

    Cross-National Logo Evaluation Analysis: An Individual Level Approach

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    The universality of design perception and response is tested using data collected from ten countries: Argentina, Australia, China, Germany, Great Britain, India, the Netherlands, Russia, Singapore, and the United States. A Bayesian, finite-mixture, structural-equation model is developed that identifies latent logo clusters while accounting for heterogeneity in evaluations. The concomitant v

    Combined effects of franchise management strategies and employee service performance on customer loyalty: a multilevel perspective

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    Although franchisee performance is likely to be influenced by franchisors’ management strategies, little is known about whether and how franchisors’ strategies affect franchisee employees’ performance. This study examines the combined effects of three franchisor management strategies, namely innovative culture, support services and autonomy on service performance of the franchisee store employees and the loyalty of their customers. Data were collected from a total of 38 employees and 679 customers of 25 franchisee stores. The study employs multilevel analysis on a nested data-set created by matching customer data with employee data for each store. The results reveal that customer loyalty of a franchisee store is positively influenced by the service performance of its employees and the support services received by the employees of the store from its franchisor. On the other hand, it has been found that franchisor management strategy such as innovative culture and autonomy negatively influence customer loyalty of the franchisee store. The paper discusses relevant theoretical and managerial implications of the findings