6 research outputs found

    Detecting malicious URLs using binary classification through adaboost algorithm

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    Malicious Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is a frequent and severe menace to cybersecurity. Malicious URLs are used to extract unsolicited information and trick inexperienced end users as a sufferer of scams and create losses of billions of money each year. It is crucial to identify and appropriately respond to such URLs. Usually, this discovery is made by the practice and use of blacklists in the cyber world. However, blacklists cannot be exhaustive, and cannot recognize zero-day malicious URLs. So to increase the observation of malicious URL indicators, machine learning procedures should be incorporated. This study aims to discuss the exposure of malicious URLs as a binary classification problem using machine learning through an AdaBoost algorithm

    A new framework to alleviate DDoS vulnerabilities in cloud computing

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    In the communication age, the Internet has growing very fast and most industries rely on it. An essential part of Internet, Web applications like online booking, e-banking, online shopping, and e-learning plays a vital role in everyday life. Enhancements have been made in this domain, in which the web servers depend on cloud location for resources. Many organizations around the world change their operations and data storage from local to cloud platforms for many reasons especially the availability factor. Even though cloud computing is considered a renowned technology, it has many challenges, the most important one is security. One of the major issue in the cloud security is Distributed Denial of Service attack (DDoS), which results in serious loss if the attack is successful and left unnoticed. This paper focuses on preventing and detecting DDoS attacks in distributed and cloud environment. A new framework has been suggested to alleviate the DDoS attack and to provide availability of cloud resources to its users. The framework introduces three screening tests VISUALCOM, IMGCOM, and AD-IMGCOM to prevent the attack and two queues with certain constraints to detect the attack. The result of our framework shows an improvement and better outcomes and provides a recovered from attack detection with high availability rate. Also, the performance of the queuing model has been analysed

    Performance analysis of sentiments in Twitter dataset using SVM models

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    Sentiment Analysis is a current research topic by many researches using supervised and machine learning algorithms. The analysis can be done on movie reviews, twitter reviews, online product reviews, blogs, discussion forums, Myspace comments and social networks. The Twitter data set is analyzed using support vector machines (SVM) classifier with various parameters. The content of tweet is classified to find whether it contains fact data or opinion data. The deep analysis is required to find the opinion of the tweets posted by the individual. The sentiment is classified in to positive, negative and neutral. From this classification and analysis, an important decision can be made to improve the productivity. The performance of SVM radial kernel, SVM linear grid and SVM radial grid was compared and found that SVM linear grid performs better than other SVM models

    Secure Smart Wearable Computing through Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems for Health Monitoring

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    The functionality of the Internet is continually changing from the Internet of Computers (IoC) to the “Internet of Things (IoT)”. Most connected systems, called Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), are formed from the integration of numerous features such as humans and the physical environment, smart objects, and embedded devices and infrastructure. There are a few critical problems, such as security risks and ethical issues that could affect the IoT and CPS. When every piece of data and device is connected and obtainable on the network, hackers can obtain it and utilise it for different scams. In medical healthcare IoT-CPS, everyday medical and physical data of a patient may be gathered through wearable sensors. This paper proposes an AI-enabled IoT-CPS which doctors can utilise to discover diseases in patients based on AI. AI was created to find a few disorders such as Diabetes, Heart disease and Gait disturbances. Each disease has various symptoms among patients or elderly. Dataset is retrieved from the Kaggle repository to execute AI-enabled IoT-CPS technology. For the classification, AI-enabled IoT-CPS Algorithm is used to discover diseases. The experimental results demonstrate that compared with existing algorithms, the proposed AI-enabled IoT-CPS algorithm detects patient diseases and fall events in elderly more efficiently in terms of Accuracy, Precision, Recall and F-measure

    An efficient and privacy-preserving scheme for disease prediction in modern healthcare systems

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    With the Internet of Things (IoT), mobile healthcare applications can now offer a variety 12 of dimensionalities and online services. Disease Prediction Systems (DPS) increase the speed and 13 accuracy of diagnosis, improving the quality of healthcare services. However, privacy is garnering 14 an increasing amount of attention these days, especially concerning personal healthcare data, 15 which is sensitive. There are a variety of prevailing privacy preservation techniques for disease 16 prediction that are rendered. Nonetheless, there is a chance of medical users being affected by 17 numerous disparate diseases. Therefore, it is vital to consider multi-label instances, which might 18 decrease the accuracy. Thus, this paper proposes an efficient privacy-preserving (PP) scheme for 19 patient healthcare data collected from IoT devices aimed at disease prediction in the modern 20 Health Care System (HCS). The proposed system utilizes the Log of Round value-based Elliptic 21 Curve Cryptography (LR-ECC) to enhance the security level during data transfer after the initial 22 authentication phase. The authorized healthcare staff can securely download the patient data on 23 the hospital side. Utilizing the Herding Genetic Algorithm-based Deep Learning Neural Network 24 (EHGA-DLNN) can test these data with the trained system to predict the diseases. The experi- 25 mental results demonstrate that the proposed approach improves prediction accuracy, privacy, 26 and security compared to the existing methods

    Ensemble-based cryptography for soldiers’ health monitoring using mobile ad hoc networks

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    Information technology acts an important role in gathering, transmitting with executing data from areas of disaster-prone such as the battlefield and international borders. In addition to the country’s security, the soldier needs protection by defending himself with advanced weapons such as a bomb detector. This paper provides the capability to track the whereabouts and health of soldiers who have been lost or injured on the battlefield. It assists in reducing the time, searching and rescuing operation efforts of the military control room. This paper implements a system for health-condition monitoring that sends soldiers’ health parameters, such as the electrocardiogram (ECG), blood oxygen level, pulse rate, and temperature, to the control room via a Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET). Body parameters are sensed utilizing various body sensors fixed to the bodies of soldiers. The body parameters are broadcasted to the control room via MANET devices at the path. To preserve the health parameters data of soldiers from enemies while data transmission, this paper also proposes a cryptographic ensemble approach. This approach combines Symmetric Key Encryption, and Identity Based Encryption (IBE) with Identity Based Signature (IBS). The experimental result shows proposed cryptographic ensemble provides high security compared with existing MANET security algorithms