13 research outputs found

    Lifelong Generative Modeling

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    Lifelong learning is the problem of learning multiple consecutive tasks in a sequential manner, where knowledge gained from previous tasks is retained and used to aid future learning over the lifetime of the learner. It is essential towards the development of intelligent machines that can adapt to their surroundings. In this work we focus on a lifelong learning approach to unsupervised generative modeling, where we continuously incorporate newly observed distributions into a learned model. We do so through a student-teacher Variational Autoencoder architecture which allows us to learn and preserve all the distributions seen so far, without the need to retain the past data nor the past models. Through the introduction of a novel cross-model regularizer, inspired by a Bayesian update rule, the student model leverages the information learned by the teacher, which acts as a probabilistic knowledge store. The regularizer reduces the effect of catastrophic interference that appears when we learn over sequences of distributions. We validate our model's performance on sequential variants of MNIST, FashionMNIST, PermutedMNIST, SVHN and Celeb-A and demonstrate that our model mitigates the effects of catastrophic interference faced by neural networks in sequential learning scenarios.Comment: 32 page

    Continual Classification Learning Using Generative Models

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    Continual learning is the ability to sequentially learn over time by accommodating knowledge while retaining previously learned experiences. Neural networks can learn multiple tasks when trained on them jointly, but cannot maintain performance on previously learned tasks when tasks are presented one at a time. This problem is called catastrophic forgetting. In this work, we propose a classification model that learns continuously from sequentially observed tasks, while preventing catastrophic forgetting. We build on the lifelong generative capabilities of [10] and extend it to the classification setting by deriving a new variational bound on the joint log likelihood, log⁥p(x;y)\log p(x; y).Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, under review in Continual learning Workshop NIPS 201

    Kanerva++: extending The Kanerva Machine with differentiable, locally block allocated latent memory

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    Episodic and semantic memory are critical components of the human memory model. The theory of complementary learning systems (McClelland et al., 1995) suggests that the compressed representation produced by a serial event (episodic memory) is later restructured to build a more generalized form of reusable knowledge (semantic memory). In this work we develop a new principled Bayesian memory allocation scheme that bridges the gap between episodic and semantic memory via a hierarchical latent variable model. We take inspiration from traditional heap allocation and extend the idea of locally contiguous memory to the Kanerva Machine, enabling a novel differentiable block allocated latent memory. In contrast to the Kanerva Machine, we simplify the process of memory writing by treating it as a fully feed forward deterministic process, relying on the stochasticity of the read key distribution to disperse information within the memory. We demonstrate that this allocation scheme improves performance in memory conditional image generation, resulting in new state-of-the-art conditional likelihood values on binarized MNIST (<=41.58 nats/image) , binarized Omniglot (<=66.24 nats/image), as well as presenting competitive performance on CIFAR10, DMLab Mazes, Celeb-A and ImageNet32x32

    Variational Saccading: Efficient Inference for Large Resolution Images

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    Image classification with deep neural networks is typically restricted to images of small dimensionality such as 224 x 244 in Resnet models [24]. This limitation excludes the 4000 x 3000 dimensional images that are taken by modern smartphone cameras and smart devices. In this work, we aim to mitigate the prohibitive inferential and memory costs of operating in such large dimensional spaces. To sample from the high-resolution original input distribution, we propose using a smaller proxy distribution to learn the co-ordinates that correspond to regions of interest in the high-dimensional space. We introduce a new principled variational lower bound that captures the relationship of the proxy distribution's posterior and the original image's co-ordinate space in a way that maximizes the conditional classification likelihood. We empirically demonstrate on one synthetic benchmark and one real world large resolution DSLR camera image dataset that our method produces comparable results with ~10x faster inference and lower memory consumption than a model that utilizes the entire original input distribution. Finally, we experiment with a more complex setting using mini-maps from Starcraft II [56] to infer the number of characters in a complex 3d-rendered scene. Even in such complicated scenes our model provides strong localization: a feature missing from traditional classification models.Comment: Published BMVC 2019 & NIPS 2018 Bayesian Deep Learning Worksho

    The Role of Entropy and Reconstruction in Multi-View Self-Supervised Learning

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    The mechanisms behind the success of multi-view self-supervised learning (MVSSL) are not yet fully understood. Contrastive MVSSL methods have been studied through the lens of InfoNCE, a lower bound of the Mutual Information (MI). However, the relation between other MVSSL methods and MI remains unclear. We consider a different lower bound on the MI consisting of an entropy and a reconstruction term (ER), and analyze the main MVSSL families through its lens. Through this ER bound, we show that clustering-based methods such as DeepCluster and SwAV maximize the MI. We also re-interpret the mechanisms of distillation-based approaches such as BYOL and DINO, showing that they explicitly maximize the reconstruction term and implicitly encourage a stable entropy, and we confirm this empirically. We show that replacing the objectives of common MVSSL methods with this ER bound achieves competitive performance, while making them stable when training with smaller batch sizes or smaller exponential moving average (EMA) coefficients. Github repo: https://github.com/apple/ml-entropy-reconstruction.Comment: 18 pages: 9 of main text, 2 of references, and 7 of supplementary material. Appears in the proceedings of ICML 202

    DUET: 2D Structured and Approximately Equivariant Representations

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    Multiview Self-Supervised Learning (MSSL) is based on learning invariances with respect to a set of input transformations. However, invariance partially or totally removes transformation-related information from the representations, which might harm performance for specific downstream tasks that require such information. We propose 2D strUctured and EquivarianT representations (coined DUET), which are 2d representations organized in a matrix structure, and equivariant with respect to transformations acting on the input data. DUET representations maintain information about an input transformation, while remaining semantically expressive. Compared to SimCLR (Chen et al., 2020) (unstructured and invariant) and ESSL (Dangovski et al., 2022) (unstructured and equivariant), the structured and equivariant nature of DUET representations enables controlled generation with lower reconstruction error, while controllability is not possible with SimCLR or ESSL. DUET also achieves higher accuracy for several discriminative tasks, and improves transfer learning.Comment: Accepted at ICML 202

    Stabilizing Transformer Training by Preventing Attention Entropy Collapse

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    Training stability is of great importance to Transformers. In this work, we investigate the training dynamics of Transformers by examining the evolution of the attention layers. In particular, we track the attention entropy for each attention head during the course of training, which is a proxy for model sharpness. We identify a common pattern across different architectures and tasks, where low attention entropy is accompanied by high training instability, which can take the form of oscillating loss or divergence. We denote the pathologically low attention entropy, corresponding to highly concentrated attention scores, as entropy collapse\textit{entropy collapse}. As a remedy, we propose σ\sigmaReparam, a simple and efficient solution where we reparametrize all linear layers with spectral normalization and an additional learned scalar. We demonstrate that the proposed reparameterization successfully prevents entropy collapse in the attention layers, promoting more stable training. Additionally, we prove a tight lower bound of the attention entropy, which decreases exponentially fast with the spectral norm of the attention logits, providing additional motivation for our approach. We conduct experiments with σ\sigmaReparam on image classification, image self-supervised learning, machine translation, automatic speech recognition, and language modeling tasks, across Transformer architectures. We show that σ\sigmaReparam provides stability and robustness with respect to the choice of hyperparameters, going so far as enabling training (a) a Vision Transformer to competitive performance without warmup, weight decay, layer normalization or adaptive optimizers; (b) deep architectures in machine translation and (c) speech recognition to competitive performance without warmup and adaptive optimizers

    Position Prediction as an Effective Pretraining Strategy

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    Transformers have gained increasing popularity in a wide range of applications, including Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision and Speech Recognition, because of their powerful representational capacity. However, harnessing this representational capacity effectively requires a large amount of data, strong regularization, or both, to mitigate overfitting. Recently, the power of the Transformer has been unlocked by self-supervised pretraining strategies based on masked autoencoders which rely on reconstructing masked inputs, directly, or contrastively from unmasked content. This pretraining strategy which has been used in BERT models in NLP, Wav2Vec models in Speech and, recently, in MAE models in Vision, forces the model to learn about relationships between the content in different parts of the input using autoencoding related objectives. In this paper, we propose a novel, but surprisingly simple alternative to content reconstruction~-- that of predicting locations from content, without providing positional information for it. Doing so requires the Transformer to understand the positional relationships between different parts of the input, from their content alone. This amounts to an efficient implementation where the pretext task is a classification problem among all possible positions for each input token. We experiment on both Vision and Speech benchmarks, where our approach brings improvements over strong supervised training baselines and is comparable to modern unsupervised/self-supervised pretraining methods. Our method also enables Transformers trained without position embeddings to outperform ones trained with full position information.Comment: Accepted to ICML 202