3 research outputs found

    An anomalous abductor digiti minime-muscle - A case report.

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    The accessory fasciculi of the hypothenar muscles have been implicated in vascular and nerve compression. During a routine dissection of an adult male cadaver we observed an accessory belly of the abductor digiti minimi muscle. The accessory belly was found to take its origin from the deep forearm fascia, and traversed Guyon's canal superficial to the ulnar nerve and vessels to reach the hypothenar eminence. Its course through Guyon's canal could be a cause for ulnar tunnel syndrome. The ulnar nerve trunk innervated the muscle

    Clinically important variations in the lower limb - A case repot.

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    In this paper, three variations in the lower limb are reported and their clinical importance is discussed. The variations reported include a duplication of the piriformis muscle, the tibial nerve being pierced by the tendon of the plantaris and an additional muscle in the peroneal compartment of the leg