10,614 research outputs found

    Succinct Representations of Permutations and Functions

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    We investigate the problem of succinctly representing an arbitrary permutation, \pi, on {0,...,n-1} so that \pi^k(i) can be computed quickly for any i and any (positive or negative) integer power k. A representation taking (1+\epsilon) n lg n + O(1) bits suffices to compute arbitrary powers in constant time, for any positive constant \epsilon <= 1. A representation taking the optimal \ceil{\lg n!} + o(n) bits can be used to compute arbitrary powers in O(lg n / lg lg n) time. We then consider the more general problem of succinctly representing an arbitrary function, f: [n] \rightarrow [n] so that f^k(i) can be computed quickly for any i and any integer power k. We give a representation that takes (1+\epsilon) n lg n + O(1) bits, for any positive constant \epsilon <= 1, and computes arbitrary positive powers in constant time. It can also be used to compute f^k(i), for any negative integer k, in optimal O(1+|f^k(i)|) time. We place emphasis on the redundancy, or the space beyond the information-theoretic lower bound that the data structure uses in order to support operations efficiently. A number of lower bounds have recently been shown on the redundancy of data structures. These lower bounds confirm the space-time optimality of some of our solutions. Furthermore, the redundancy of one of our structures "surpasses" a recent lower bound by Golynski [Golynski, SODA 2009], thus demonstrating the limitations of this lower bound.Comment: Preliminary versions of these results have appeared in the Proceedings of ICALP 2003 and 2004. However, all results in this version are improved over the earlier conference versio

    From exotic phases to microscopic Hamiltonians

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    We report recent analytical progress in the quest for spin models realising exotic phases. We focus on the question of `reverse-engineering' a local, SU(2) invariant S=1/2 Hamiltonian to exhibit phases predicted on the basis of effective models, such as large-N or quantum dimer models. This aim is to provide a point-of-principle demonstration of the possibility of constructing such microscopic lattice Hamiltonians, as well as to complement and guide numerical (and experimental) approaches to the same question. In particular, we demonstrate how to utilise peturbed Klein Hamiltonians to generate effective quantum dimer models. These models use local multi-spin interactions and, to obtain a controlled theory, a decoration procedure involving the insertion of Majumdar-Ghosh chainlets on the bonds of the lattice. The phases we thus realise include deconfined resonating valence bond liquids, a devil's staircase of interleaved phases which exhibits Cantor deconfinement, as well as a three-dimensional U(1) liquid phase exhibiting photonic excitations.Comment: Invited talk at Peyresq Workshop on "Effective models for low-dimensional strongly correlated systems". Proceedings to be published by AIP. v2: references adde

    Deviations in Tribimaximal Mixing From Sterile Neutrino Sector

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    We explore the possibility of generating a non-zero Ue3U_{e3} element of the neutrino mixing matrix from tribimaximal neutrino mixing by adding a light sterile neutrino to the active neutrinos. Small active-sterile mixing can provide the necessary deviation from tribimaximal mixing to generate a non-zero θ13\theta_{13} and atmospheric mixing θ23\theta_{23} different from maximal. Assuming no CP-violation, we study the phenomenological impact of sterile neutrinos in the context of current neutrino oscillation data. The tribimaximal pattern is broken in such a manner that the second column of tribimaximal mixing remains intact in the neutrino mixing matrix.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, 2 table
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