37 research outputs found

    Multiple Intelligence Skills among Library and Information Science Professionals of Government and Private Universities in Tamil Nadu, India: An Exploratory Study

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    The study analyse the multiple intelligence skills of LIS professionals in working government and private universities in Tamil Nadu. Data were collected through questionnaire method. Totally 441 questionnaire were collected from 114 in traditional, 291 in Professional and 36 in Multi-discipline subjects. The study reveals that the private universities LIS professionals are more compare than government universities. The respondents from Government Universities are better skilled than their counterparts from private universities in all the 17 linguistic intelligence skills. Both government and private ranked first in the statement better stock verification. It is also clearly understand the respondents of Government universities are better skilled than their counterparts at private universities in respect of their bodily-kinaesthetic intelligence. The study found that in the statement “I enjoy working with other LIS professionals” ranked with first both government and private universities in the Interpersonal Intelligence skills. A well equipped library professional good at many skills is an asset any institution he/she works in. His/her multiple intelligence skills may bring drastic changes and positive impacts both in the library landscape and library services. The study suggested that professional bodies / learned societies in the field of library and information science may join hands with universities and other non-governmental organizations to organize various soft skills / multiple intelligence skills training programmes taking a survey beforehand. A well groomed library professional good at many skills is an asset any institution he/she works in. His/her multiple intelligence skills may bring drastic changes and positive impacts both in the library landscape and library services

    Emotional Intelligence Management Skills of Library and Information Science Professionals in the Universities of Tamil Nadu, India: An Analytical Study

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    This study examined the Emotional Intelligence Management Skills of Library and Information Science (LIS) professionals working in universities in Tamil Nadu. The study reveals that out of 441 respondents surveyed under the study, 325 (73.7%) are male respondents and 116 (26.3%) are female respondents. It was found that 130 (29.5%) respondents strongly agree that they can tackle typical & uncomfortable situations taking place in the library while 128 (29%) respondents strongly agree that they can share novel ideas and new information with library users and feel helpless while managing library activities. It was found that the male respondents possess higher skills in 5 emotional intelligence management as their WAM is more than 4.0.The female respondents are better skilled than male respondents in escaping from complicated situations by leaving the place then. In the case of all other emotional intelligence management skills, male respondents are better skilled than female respondents. The study investigated whether Government. Universities and Private Universities differ on whether they rate their emotional intelligence management skills as strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree or strongly disagree, chi-square statistic was used. The Pearson Chi-square result and indicates that the Government. Universities and Private Universities respondents are significantly different on their rating of 14 emotional intelligence management skills as strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree or strongly disagree since p-value for these 14 variables are less than the significant level of 0.05. Thus, null hypothesis is rejected and alternative hypothesis is accepted. This study suggested the well groomed library professional good at many skills is an asset to any institution he/she works in. His/her emotional intelligence management skills may bring drastic changes and positive impacts both in the library landscape and library services

    Gender Differences in the Multiple Intelligence Skills of Library and Information Science Professionals in Universities in Tamil Nadu, India

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    This article examine the male and female Library and Information Science (LIS) professionals working in universities in Tamil Nadu. The study reveals that out of 441 respondents surveyed under the study, 73.7% (325) are male respondents and 26.3% (116) are female respondents. This study reveals that the male LIS professionals are very good and good at many skills while female LIS professionals are OK at many skills. The results of levene’s test for equality of variances along with descriptive statistics. The test reveals that the p-values for all the nine multiple intelligences are less than 0.05. So, null hypothesis i.e. there is no variation between the male and female respondents with regard to the respective intelligence, is rejected and alternative hypothesis is accepted. Since the population variances are relatively not equal, the research should look at the ‘Equal variances not assumed’ row for the t-test results. This study suggested the well groomed library professional good at many skills is an asset any institution he/she works in. His/her multiple intelligence skills may bring drastic changes and positive impacts both in the library landscape and library services

    Webometric Analysis of Deemed University Websites in India

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    This paper examines Webometric analysis the website of deemed universities in India. This study covered 125 deemed universities in India. The researcher identified and classified the four domains like State Universities, Central Universities, Deemed Universities and Private Universities. The researcher found that, out of 21 states, Tamil Nadu has a maximum of 28 (22.40%) universities, it is followed by Maharashtra 21(16.8%). The study calculated the Internal Link, External Link, back link and Size of the website. The study indicates that the numbers of backlinks are very low comparing to some of internal and external link. The researcher suggested that the websites of deemed universities need to attract more external links and impact factor by introducing novel and creative online sources and services and updates of news and research information

    Research Productivity of the scientists of Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR) Kalpakkam (Chennai): A Scientometric Analysis

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    The present study evaluates the research publication trend among scientists of Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research during the period 1989-2013. Data were analyzed based on type of publication, year of publication, language, source, country, institutions, most preferred journals and most prolific authors among other variables. The study revealed that majority (96.26%) of the researchers preferred to publish their research papers in joint authorship only and the degree of author collaboration ranges from 0.84 to 0.99 and its mean value is 0.95. It also revealed that IGCAR scientists preferred to publish their work in the Journal of Nuclear Materials and Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals. The top three collaborative institutions with IGCAR are Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai and Anna University, Chennai

    Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR - India) Institutes Website: A Webometric Analysis

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    The term ‘webometrics’ was coined for the quantitative analysis of web – related phenomena, content analysis, including links, search engine performances and web technology analysis from an information science perspective. This paper explored into the webometric study of web sites of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) institutions in India. There are 41 CSIR research institutions in India. The study aimed at to establish a kind of ranking of websites of CSIR institutions in India by measuring their WIF. The study of the ranking will help the reader to compare and identify CSIR institutions websites in India by their WIF. The objectives of the study includes, To identify and classify the domain of CSIR institutes’ websites in India; To calculate the Number of WebPages, Number of link pages, Number of self link pages and external link pages of CSIR institutes’ websites in India; To calculate the Simple Web Impact Factor (WIF), Self link Web Impact Factor, External Web Impact factor and Revised Web Impact Factor of CSIR institutes’’ websites in India and rank them as per the WIF and To analyse the link network of the CSIR websites in India. Four types of links and Web Impact Factors are formulated as The Simple WIF, the ratio of all links to the number of pages; The Self Link WIF, the ratio of self links within the site to number of pages; The external WIF, the ratio of links made from external sites to the target site, to the number of pages at the site ;The Revised WIF, and the ratio of links made incoming from other sites

    An Analysis of Women Faculty Attitudes, Perceptions and Experiences of Information Access Competency

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    The paper aims to present the awareness of library rules, use of library services and information access competency of the women faculty members (Mother Teresa Women’s University and its affiliated colleges) was investigated for their opinions and experiences about assorted techniques of information access. Data were collected through questionnaire method. Copies of the questionnaires were distributed to 87.59% of population i.e. 254 out of 290 women faculty members in their staff rooms with the permission and assistance of the registrar/principal. This study showed that 242 (95.2%) respondents agree/strongly agree that ‘they can access printed and electronic reference sources’. 235 (92.5%) respondents agree/strongly agree that ‘they can read the text and understand the main idea from the text’. 210 (82.7%) respondents agree/strongly agree that ‘they can restate the text in their own words and present data accurately’. While 83% (213) of the respondents agree/strongly agree that ‘they can identify similar information from both print and electronic resources’, This study was conducted on a single group and in a certain academic institutions namely Mother Teresa Women’s University and its affiliated colleges. Therefore findings and conclusions may not be applicable and reasonable to be generalized for all the groups i.e. guest lectures and teaching assistants. This study empirically validated the ten information access competency variables. The study also investigated the faculty age and experience, in addition to education level and academic discipline, as new affects

    Research Productivity of All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS): A Scientometric Analysis

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    This study evidences the growth of research literature produced by AIIMS (All India Institute of Medical Sciences) for the period of 2007 to 2016. A total of 14410 records were retrieved from the Scopus database. Descriptive statistics for the research publication output revealed mean = 1441, Sd = 318.92, minimum = 1087, maximum = 2141 at 95.0% confidence level. The curve fitting methodology was used to fit the growth of research publication of AIIMS. R square value for exponential growth model is higher (0.908) than the linear growth model (0.849). Journals are identified as most preferred publication pattern (69.42%). The research output of top 20 department aggregates to 57.77% of total productivity. This study also identified the top 20 most preferred journals by the faculties of AIIMS and comparison was made with the previous study revealed Indian Journal of Pediatrics, Indian Journal of Medical Research, and Indian Pediatrics were the most preferred journals among the faculties. The observation of this study exhibits that AIIMS plays a vital role in reducing disease burden of India by means of quantitative and qualitative research publications

    Measuring Co- authorship Pattern in Research Output of Chromosome Anomalies

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    This article studies about the collaborative measures of published documents in the field of chromosome anomalies. It discusses about inadequacies of collaborative measures in analyzing the collaborating behavior and strength of collaboration in a discipline. It also suggests centrality measures, as degree centrality, closeness, and betweenness in analyzing the collaboration among the researchers and scientists in the field of chromosome anomalies. The bibliographical database PubMed is used as sources for bibliometrics and 35912 citations examined for co – authorship pattern, collaborative behavior of the scientists. Centrality measures were used to construct a network for co – authorship in chromosome anomalies research during the year 2007 – 2016 and to find out the most influential predominant author in the field

    Research Productivity of All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS): A Scientometric Analysis

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    This study evidences the growth of research literature produced by AIIMS (All India Institute of Medical Sciences) for the period of 2007 to 2016. A total of 14410 records were retrieved from the Scopus database. Descriptive statistics for the research publication output revealed mean = 1441, Sd = 318.92, minimum = 1087, maximum = 2141 at 95.0% confidence level. The curve fitting methodology was used to fit the growth of research publication of AIIMS. R square value for exponential growth model is higher (0.908) than the linear growth model (0.849). Journals are identified as most preferred publication pattern (69.42%). The research output of top 20 department aggregates to 57.77% of total productivity. This study also identified the top 20 most preferred journals by the faculties of AIIMS and comparison was made with the previous study revealed Indian Journal of Pediatrics, Indian Journal of Medical Research, and Indian Pediatrics were the most preferred journals among the faculties. The observation of this study exhibits that AIIMS plays a vital role in reducing disease burden of India by means of quantitative and qualitative research publications