861 research outputs found

    Writing philosophically about the parent-child relationship

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    The discussion in this extract is illustrative of the approach we adopted in our initial conversations that led to the preparation of the book proposal, and later throughout the whole process of writing the book. In collecting material throughout this process, we often found ourselves sharing examples of descriptions of parenting (for example, in magazines and websites aimed at parents, in parenting guides and self-help books, or in policy documents and media reports on the role of parents), and expressing our frustration at the sweeping generalisations that seemed typical of such accounts (e.g. the tendency to make statements beginning with ‘Children are...’, ‘Parents should...’ or ‘Research shows that...’). In trying to express this frustration, we found ourselves reaching towards an articulation of what it was that these kinds of accounts left out in their depiction of the experience of being a parent, and how they seemed to be failing to do justice to the complexities of the daily lived experience of being a parent. At the same time, we found ourselves drawn to first-person accounts of the experience of being a parent that we encountered in novels, magazines, or simply in the process of talking to other parents and to each other about our own experiences. Our actual writing process, then, often began with simply describing such experiences and sending our descriptions to each other so that we could comment on what we thought was significant or valuable in them, and then seeing how they fitted in with the general critical view we were in the process of developing. So, for example, in the above extract, imagining the scene of a mother with a screaming toddler in the supermarket, which we describe in everyday language, allowed us to make the conceptual points about the irreducibly ethical significance of parents’ daily interactions with their children, and the impossibility of imposing any definitive model of choice or closure on the ways in which parents respond to such situations, in a concrete and accessible manner

    Система электропривода задвижки паропровода

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    INTRODUCTION: Encephalitis is a rare complication of primary varicella-zoster virus (VZV) infection in immunocompetent children. METHODS: The clinical and laboratory findings of two girls with VZV-related encephalitis are reported. RESULTS: Both children presented with focal epileptic seizures, corresponding to cortical/subcortical as well as white matter lesions. The first showed a typical vesicular skin rash. She was easily diagnosed and made a rapid recovery during acyclovir and steroid treatment. In the second girl, a preceding measles-mumps-rubella virus vaccination and the absence of skin vesicles were misleading with respect to the diagnosis, which was finally proven by IgG seroconversion and intrathecal synthesis of IgG antibodies to VZV. She developed left parieto-occipital tissue necrosis and recovered only transiently during initial acyclovir/steroid treatment. Eight weeks after onset, progressive white matter demyelination and the occurrence of erythema nodosum in the lower limbs necessitated a second 4-month course of oral steroids. The VZV PCR from cerebrospinal fluid was negative in both children. CONCLUSIONS: Primary VZV infection may cause severe encephalitis that may occur without skin vesicles and lead to a chronic course with systemic vasculitis. The coincidence of vaccination and neurologic diseases offers no proof per se of a causal relationship

    Исследование влияния давления в реакторах на процесс каталитического риформинга бензинов

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    Freeman-Sheldon syndrome is defined as a combination of microstomia, deep set eyes, small palpebral fissures, arthrogryposis with ulnar deviation of the hand, talipes equinovarus and generalized muscular hypertension. Respiratory and swallowing problems are frequently encountered in these patients due to small orifices of mouth and nose. Obstruction of the upper airway tract resulting in tracheostomy has only been described twice. The described child manifested the typical dysmorphic features of Freeman-Sheldon syndrome and suffered from serious respiratory distress and swallowing difficulties from birth. The boy died at the age of 7 months after accidental decannulation of the tracheostoma during sleep. He did not show anatomical or histopathological abnormalities in the pharyngeal, laryngeal or tracheal regions. We assume that the only explanation of the repeated obstructive episodes is a functional muscular obstruction. Copyright © 2002 S. Karger AG, Basel

    On the combustion of fine iron particles beyond FeO stoichiometry: Insights gained from molecular dynamics simulations

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    Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are performed to investigate the thermal and mass accommodation coefficients (TAC and MAC, respectively) for the combination of iron(-oxide) and air. The obtained values of TAC and MAC are then used in a point-particle Knudsen model to investigate the effect on the combustion behavior of (fine) iron particles. The thermal accommodation for the interactions of Fe\mathrm{Fe} with N2\mathrm{N_2} and FexOy\mathrm{Fe_xO_y} with O2\mathrm{O_2} is investigated for different surface temperature, while the mass accommodation coefficient for iron(-oxide) with oxygen is investigated for different initial oxidation stages ZOZ_\mathrm{O}, which represents the molar ratio of O/(O+Fe)\mathrm{O}/\left(\mathrm{O} + \mathrm{Fe}\right), and different surface temperatures. The MAC decreases almost linearly as a function of ZOZ_\mathrm{O}, with a steeper slope when ZO<0.5Z_\mathrm{O} < 0.5 and a gentler slope when 0.5<ZO<0.570.5 < Z_\mathrm{O} < 0.57. By incorporating the MD-informed accommodation coefficients into the single iron particle model, the oxidation beyond ZO=0.5Z_\mathrm{O} = 0.5 (from stoichiometric FeO\mathrm{FeO} to Fe3O4\mathrm{Fe_3O_4}) is modeled. A new temperature evolution for single iron particles is observed compared to results obtained with previously developed continuum models. Specifically, results of the present simulations show that the oxidation process continues after the particle reaching the peak temperature, while previous models predicting a maximum temperature was attained when the particle is fully oxidized to ZO=0.5Z_\mathrm{O} = 0.5. Since the rate of formation slows down as the MAC decreases with an increasing oxidation stage, the rate of heat loss exceeds the rate of heat release upon reaching the maximum temperature. Finally, the effect of transition-regime heat and mass transfer on the combustion behavior of fine iron particles is investigated and discussed

    Immunocap® ISAC and microtest for multiplex allergen testing in people with difficult to manage allergic disease: A systematic review and cost analysis

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    __Background__ Allergy is a form of immune-mediated exaggerated sensitivity (hypersensitivity) to a substance that is either inhaled, swallowed, injected or comes into contact with the skin. Foreign substances that provoke allergies are called allergens. It has been claimed that multiplex allergen testing may help in diagnosing the cause of symptoms in patients with an unclear cause of allergy or who are allergic to more than one substance. __Objectives__ To evaluate multiplex allergen testing [devices that can measure the presence of multiple immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies in a patient’s blood at the same time], by assessing (1) clinical effectiveness (allergy symptoms, incidence of acute exacerbations, mortality, adverse events of testing and treatment, health-care presentations or admissions, health-related quality of life); (2) effects on treatment (diet, immunotherapy medications, other potential testing); (3) any additional diagnostic information provided by multiplex allergen testing; and (4) cost-effectiveness (cost of different assessment strategies). __Methods__ Fifteen databases were searched from 2005 to April 2015, including MEDLINE (via OvidSp), MEDLINE In-Process Citations, MEDLINE Daily Update, PubMed (National Library of Medicine), EMBASE, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR), Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE), Health Technology Assessment (HTA) database, Science Citation Index (SCI), Conference Proceedings Citation Index-Science (CPCI-S), BIOSIS Previews, Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (LILACS), National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) HTA programme, and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA); supplementary searches of conference proceedings and trials registries were performed. Review methods followed published guidance from the Cochrane Collaboration and the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, University of York, UK. The methodological quality of included studies was assessed using appropriate published tools or a review-specific tool designed by the project team. Studies were summarised in a narrative synthesis. Owing to a lack of data on the clinical effectiveness of multiplex allergen testing, no long-term cost-effectiveness model was developed. A conceptual model structure was developed and cost analyses were performed to examine the short-term costs of various possible diagnostic pathways. __Results__ Fifteen studies were included in the review. The very limited available data indicated that the addition of multiplex allergen testing [ImmunoCAP® Immuno Solid-phase Allergen Chip (ISAC), Thermo Fisher Scientific/Phadi