4 research outputs found

    A simple quantum algorithm to efficiently prepare sparse states

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    State preparation is a fundamental routine in quantum computation, for which many algorithms have been proposed. Among them, perhaps the simplest one is the Grover-Rudolph algorithm. In this paper, we analyse the performance of this algorithm when the state to prepare is sparse. We show that the gate complexity is linear in the number of non-zero amplitudes in the state and quadratic in the number of qubits. We then introduce a simple modification of the algorithm, which makes the dependence on the number of qubits also linear. This is competitive with the best known algorithms for sparse state preparatio

    Metamorfosi dei Lumi 8

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    “L’età della storia”, così Foucault, in Les mots et les choses, definisce lo sconvolgimento dell’episteme occidentale avvenuto alla fine del Settecento e nei primi decenni dell’Ottocento che dà l’avvio all’era della modernità. Foucault teorizza il disfacimento del sapere classico e la conseguente mutazione dall’”ordine” alla “storia”: all’ordine del sapere classico, ai valori della tradizione, si è sostituita l’idea di progresso, nonché la visione frammentata di una realtà naturale molteplice, le cui variazioni sono legate allo scorrere del tempo. Il valore normativo della tradizione viene, d’altra parte, contestato, negli ultimi decenni del diciottesimo secolo, da vari sommovimenti politici che sconvolgono l’ordine tradizionale delle nazioni europee: la Rivoluzione americana crea un governo razionale fondato sul diritto naturale; la Rivoluzione francese recide traumaticamente i legami con i valori di una monarchia secolare; i suoi drammatici sviluppi, il Terrore, le guerre europee, il crollo dell’impero napoleonico impongono, nel corso degli anni, la consapevolezza concreta dell’incidere storico. Questa irruzione della dimensione storica nel mondo europeo è stata, nel biennio 2013-2015, al centro dei lavori del seminario “Metamorfosi dei Lumi” che presenta, nel suo ottavo volume, un insieme di articoli centrati sul processo di temporalizzazione che caratterizza il tournant des Lumières, nelle esperienze di vita e in tutti i settori dello scibile

    Supplemental_Material_Study_Sites - Efficacy and Safety of a Biosimilar Versus Branded Enoxaparin in the Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism Following Major Abdominal Surgery: A Randomized, Prospective, Single-Blinded, Multicenter Clinical Trial

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    <p>Supplemental_Material_Study_Sites for Efficacy and Safety of a Biosimilar Versus Branded Enoxaparin in the Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism Following Major Abdominal Surgery: A Randomized, Prospective, Single-Blinded, Multicenter Clinical Trial by Eduardo Ramacciotti, Ubirajara Ferreira, Agenor José Vasconcelos Costa, Selma Regina O. Raymundo, João Antônio Correa, Salvador Gullo Neto, Alessandro Bersch Osvaldt, Leandro Agati, Valéria Cristina Resende Aguiar, Ronaldo Davila, Tania Benevenuto Caltabiano, Flávia Magalhães Magella, Giuliano Giova Volpiani, Valter Castelli, Roberto Augusto Caffaro, Lucas Zeponi DalAcqua, Wagner Eduardo Matheus, Debora Yuri Sato, Gleison Juliano da Silva Russeff, Daniela Garcia de Souza, Lucas Eduardo Pazetto, Tiago Aparecido Maschio de Lima, Eloá Maria da Silva Colnago, Eliane Yumii Fugii, Juliana Sekeres Mussalem, Vanessa Therumi Assao, Odaly Toffoletto, Debora Garcia Rodrigues, Jorge Barros Afiune, and Gilson Roberto Araujo in Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis</p

    Primary results of the brazilian registry of atherothrombotic disease (NEAT)

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    Abstract There is limited contemporary prospective real-world evidence of patients with chronic arterial disease in Latin America. The Network to control atherothrombosis (NEAT) registry is a national prospective observational study of patients with known coronary (CAD) and/or peripheral arterial disease (PAD) in Brazil. A total of 2,005 patients were enrolled among 25 sites from September 2020 to March 2022. Patient characteristics, medications and laboratorial data were collected. Primary objective was to assess the proportion of patients who, at the initial visit, were in accordance with good medical practices (domains) for reducing cardiovascular risk in atherothrombotic disease. From the total of patients enrolled, 2 were excluded since they did not meet eligibility criteria. Among the 2,003 subjects included in the analysis, 55.6% had isolated CAD, 28.7% exclusive PAD and 15.7% had both diagnoses. Overall mean age was 66.3 (± 10.5) years and 65.7% were male patients. Regarding evidence-based therapies (EBTs), 4% were not using any antithrombotic drug and only 1.5% were using vascular dose of rivaroxaban (2.5 mg bid). Only 0.3% of the patients satisfied all the domains of secondary prevention, including prescription of EBTs and targets of body-mass index, blood pressure, LDL-cholesterol, and adherence of lifestyle recommendations. The main barrier for prescription of EBTs was medical judgement. Our findings highlight that the contemporary practice does not reflect a comprehensive approach for secondary prevention and had very low incorporation of new therapies in Brazil. Large-scale populational interventions addressing these gaps are warranted to improve the use of evidence-based therapies and reduce the burden of atherothrombotic disease. ClinicalTrials.gov NCT0467772