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    Opening Up the World of Chemistry

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    ¿knowing that numerous European Chemical Societies support the development of ChemistryOpen, it became apparent that this would be a distinctive project and an exciting opportunity. We expect ChemistryOpen will soon reach the very high-standards of other general chemistry journals published by Wiley- VCH¿Martínez Mañez, R.; Wirth, T. (2012). Opening Up the World of Chemistry. ChemistryOpen. 1(4):4-4. doi:10.1002/open.201100009S441

    Chromogenic and fluorogenic chemosensors and reagents for anions. A comprehensive review of the year 2009

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    This critical review is focused on examples reported in the year 2009 dealing with the design of chromogenic and fluorogenic chemosensors or reagents for anions (264 references). © 2011 The Royal Society of Chemistry.Moragues Pons, ME.; Martínez Mañez, R.; Sancenón Galarza, F. (2011). Chromogenic and fluorogenic chemosensors and reagents for anions. A comprehensive review of the year 2009. Chemical Society Reviews. 40(5):2593-2643. doi:10.1039/c0cs00015a25932643405Schmidtchen, F. P., Gleich, A., & Schummer, A. (1989). Selective molecular hosts for anions. Pure and Applied Chemistry, 61(9), 1535-1546. doi:10.1351/pac198961091535Dietrich, B. (1993). Design of anion receptors: Applications. Pure and Applied Chemistry, 65(7), 1457-1464. doi:10.1351/pac199365071457Atwood, J. L., Holman, K. T., & Steed, J. W. (1996). Laying traps for elusive prey: recent advances in the non-covalent binding of anions. Chemical Communications, (12), 1401. doi:10.1039/cc9960001401Schmidtchen, F. P., & Berger, M. (1997). Artificial Organic Host Molecules for Anions. Chemical Reviews, 97(5), 1609-1646. doi:10.1021/cr9603845Antonisse, M. M. G., & Reinhoudt, D. N. (1998). Neutral anion receptors: design and application. Chemical Communications, (4), 443-448. doi:10.1039/a707529dGale, P. (2000). Anion coordination and anion-directed assembly: highlights from 1997 and 1998. Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 199(1), 181-233. doi:10.1016/s0010-8545(99)00149-6Gale, P. A. (2001). Anion receptor chemistry: highlights from 1999. Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 213(1), 79-128. doi:10.1016/s0010-8545(00)00364-7Gale, P. A. (2003). Anion and ion-pair receptor chemistry: highlights from 2000 and 2001. Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 240(1-2), 191-221. doi:10.1016/s0010-8545(02)00258-8Gale, P. A., & Quesada, R. (2006). Anion coordination and anion-templated assembly: Highlights from 2002 to 2004. Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 250(23-24), 3219-3244. doi:10.1016/j.ccr.2006.05.020Gale, P. A., García-Garrido, S. E., & Garric, J. (2008). Anion receptors based on organic frameworks: highlights from 2005 and 2006. Chem. Soc. Rev., 37(1), 151-190. doi:10.1039/b715825dCaltagirone, C., & Gale, P. A. (2009). Anion receptor chemistry: highlights from 2007. Chem. Soc. Rev., 38(2), 520-563. doi:10.1039/b806422aKubik, S. (2009). Amino acid containing anion receptors. Chem. Soc. Rev., 38(2), 585-605. doi:10.1039/b810531fSchmidtchen, F. P. (2005). Artificial Host Molecules for the Sensing of Anions. Anion Sensing, 1-29. doi:10.1007/b101160Schmidtchen, F. P. (2006). Reflections on the construction of anion receptors. Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 250(23-24), 2918-2928. doi:10.1016/j.ccr.2006.07.009Gale, P. A. (2006). Structural and Molecular Recognition Studies with Acyclic Anion Receptors†. Accounts of Chemical Research, 39(7), 465-475. doi:10.1021/ar040237qSessler, J. L., Camiolo, S., & Gale, P. A. (2003). Pyrrolic and polypyrrolic anion binding agents. Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 240(1-2), 17-55. doi:10.1016/s0010-8545(03)00023-7Bondy, C. R., & Loeb, S. J. (2003). Amide based receptors for anions. Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 240(1-2), 77-99. doi:10.1016/s0010-8545(02)00304-1Choi, K., & Hamilton, A. D. (2003). Macrocyclic anion receptors based on directed hydrogen bonding interactions. Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 240(1-2), 101-110. doi:10.1016/s0010-8545(02)00305-3Davis, A. P. (2006). Anion binding and transport by steroid-based receptors. Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 250(23-24), 2939-2951. doi:10.1016/j.ccr.2006.05.008Best, M. D., Tobey, S. L., & Anslyn, E. V. (2003). Abiotic guanidinium containing receptors for anionic species. Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 240(1-2), 3-15. doi:10.1016/s0010-8545(02)00256-4Llinares, J. M., Powell, D., & Bowman-James, K. (2003). Ammonium based anion receptors. Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 240(1-2), 57-75. doi:10.1016/s0010-8545(03)00019-5Schug, K. A., & Lindner, W. (2005). Noncovalent Binding between Guanidinium and Anionic Groups:  Focus on Biological- and Synthetic-Based Arginine/Guanidinium Interactions with Phosph[on]ate and Sulf[on]ate Residues. Chemical Reviews, 105(1), 67-114. doi:10.1021/cr040603jYoon, J., Kim, S. K., Singh, N. J., & Kim, K. S. (2006). Imidazolium receptors for the recognition of anions. Chemical Society Reviews, 35(4), 355. doi:10.1039/b513733kBlondeau, P., Segura, M., Pérez-Fernández, R., & de Mendoza, J. (2007). Molecular recognition of oxoanions based on guanidinium receptors. Chem. Soc. Rev., 36(2), 198-210. doi:10.1039/b603089kXu, Z., Kim, S. K., & Yoon, J. (2010). Revisit to imidazolium receptors for the recognition of anions: highlighted research during 2006–2009. Chemical Society Reviews, 39(5), 1457. doi:10.1039/b918937hGarcía-España, E., Díaz, P., Llinares, J. M., & Bianchi, A. (2006). Anion coordination chemistry in aqueous solution of polyammonium receptors. Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 250(23-24), 2952-2986. doi:10.1016/j.ccr.2006.05.018Schmuck, C. (2006). How to improve guanidinium cations for oxoanion binding in aqueous solution? Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 250(23-24), 3053-3067. doi:10.1016/j.ccr.2006.04.001Amendola, V. (2001). Anion recognition by dimetallic cryptates. Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 219-221, 821-837. doi:10.1016/s0010-8545(01)00368-xBeer, P. D., & Hayes, E. J. (2003). Transition metal and organometallic anion complexation agents. Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 240(1-2), 167-189. doi:10.1016/s0010-8545(02)00303-xSteed, J. W. (2009). Coordination and organometallic compounds as anion receptors and sensors. Chem. Soc. Rev., 38(2), 506-519. doi:10.1039/b810364jO’Neil, E. J., & Smith, B. D. (2006). Anion recognition using dimetallic coordination complexes. Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 250(23-24), 3068-3080. doi:10.1016/j.ccr.2006.04.006Rice, C. R. (2006). Metal-assembled anion receptors. Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 250(23-24), 3190-3199. doi:10.1016/j.ccr.2006.05.017Amendola, V., & Fabbrizzi, L. (2009). Anion receptors that contain metals as structural units. Chem. Commun., (5), 513-531. doi:10.1039/b808264mMartínez-Máñez, R., & Sancenón, F. (2003). Fluorogenic and Chromogenic Chemosensors and Reagents for Anions. Chemical Reviews, 103(11), 4419-4476. doi:10.1021/cr010421eKatayev, E. A., Ustynyuk, Y. A., & Sessler, J. L. (2006). Receptors for tetrahedral oxyanions. Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 250(23-24), 3004-3037. doi:10.1016/j.ccr.2006.04.013Suksai, C., & Tuntulani, T. (2003). Chromogenic anion sensors. Chemical Society Reviews, 32(4), 192. doi:10.1039/b209598jKim, S. K., Lee, D. H., Hong, J.-I., & Yoon, J. (2009). Chemosensors for Pyrophosphate. Accounts of Chemical Research, 42(1), 23-31. doi:10.1021/ar800003fBeer, P. (2000). Electrochemical and optical sensing of anions by transition metal based receptors. Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 205(1), 131-155. doi:10.1016/s0010-8545(00)00237-xBeer, P. D. (1996). Anion selective recognition and optical/electrochemical sensing by novel transition-metal receptor systems. Chemical Communications, (6), 689. doi:10.1039/cc9960000689De Silva, A. P., Gunaratne, H. Q. N., Gunnlaugsson, T., Huxley, A. J. M., McCoy, C. P., Rademacher, J. T., & Rice, T. E. (1997). Signaling Recognition Events with Fluorescent Sensors and Switches. Chemical Reviews, 97(5), 1515-1566. doi:10.1021/cr960386pGunnlaugsson, T., Glynn, M., Tocci (née Hussey), G. M., Kruger, P. E., & Pfeffer, F. M. (2006). Anion recognition and sensing in organic and aqueous media using luminescent and colorimetric sensors. Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 250(23-24), 3094-3117. doi:10.1016/j.ccr.2006.08.017Amendola, V., Esteban-Gómez, D., Fabbrizzi, L., & Licchelli, M. (2006). What Anions Do to N−H-Containing Receptors. Accounts of Chemical Research, 39(5), 343-353. doi:10.1021/ar050195lGunnlaugsson, T., Ali, H. D. P., Glynn, M., Kruger, P. E., Hussey, G. M., Pfeffer, F. M., … Tierney, J. (2005). Fluorescent Photoinduced Electron Transfer (PET) Sensors for Anions; From Design to Potential Application. Journal of Fluorescence, 15(3), 287-299. doi:10.1007/s10895-005-2627-yWiskur, S. L., Ait-Haddou, H., Lavigne, J. J., & Anslyn, E. V. (2001). Teaching Old Indicators New Tricks. Accounts of Chemical Research, 34(12), 963-972. doi:10.1021/ar9600796Nguyen, B. T., & Anslyn, E. V. (2006). Indicator–displacement assays. Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 250(23-24), 3118-3127. doi:10.1016/j.ccr.2006.04.009Xu, Z., Chen, X., Kim, H. N., & Yoon, J. (2010). Sensors for the optical detection ofcyanide ion. Chem. Soc. Rev., 39(1), 127-137. doi:10.1039/b907368jMartínez-Máñez, R., & Sancenón, F. (2005). New Advances in Fluorogenic Anion Chemosensors. Journal of Fluorescence, 15(3), 267-285. doi:10.1007/s10895-005-2626-zHijji, Y. M., Barare, B., Kennedy, A. P., & Butcher, R. (2009). Synthesis and photophysical characterization of a Schiff base as anion sensor. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 136(2), 297-302. doi:10.1016/j.snb.2008.11.045Zhang, Y.-M., Lin, Q., Wei, T.-B., Wang, D.-D., Yao, H., & Wang, Y.-L. (2009). Simple colorimetric sensors with high selectivity for acetate and chloride in aqueous solution. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 137(2), 447-455. doi:10.1016/j.snb.2009.01.015Anzenbacher, P., Nishiyabu, R., & Palacios, M. A. (2006). N-confused calix[4]pyrroles. Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 250(23-24), 2929-2938. doi:10.1016/j.ccr.2006.09.001Anzenbacher,, P., Try, A. C., Miyaji, H., Jursíková, K., Lynch, V. M., Marquez, M., & Sessler, J. L. (2000). Fluorinated Calix[4]pyrrole and Dipyrrolylquinoxaline:  Neutral Anion Receptors with Augmented Affinities and Enhanced Selectivities. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 122(42), 10268-10272. doi:10.1021/ja002112wBlack, C. B., Andrioletti, B., Try, A. C., Ruiperez, C., & Sessler, J. L. (1999). Dipyrrolylquinoxalines:  Efficient Sensors for Fluoride Anion in Organic Solution. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 121(44), 10438-10439. doi:10.1021/ja992579aMizuno, T., Wei, W.-H., Eller, L. R., & Sessler, J. L. (2002). Phenanthroline Complexes Bearing Fused Dipyrrolylquinoxaline Anion Recognition Sites:  Efficient Fluoride Anion Receptors. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 124(7), 1134-1135. doi:10.1021/ja017298tMaeda, H., & Kusunose, Y. (2005). Dipyrrolyldiketone Difluoroboron Complexes: Novel Anion Sensors With C-H⋅⋅⋅X− Interactions. Chemistry - A European Journal, 11(19), 5661-5666. doi:10.1002/chem.200500627Ghosh, T., Maiya, B. G., & Samanta, A. (2006). A colorimetric chemosensor for both fluoride and transition metal ions based on dipyrrolyl derivative. Dalton Transactions, (6), 795. doi:10.1039/b510469fAldakov, D., & Anzenbacher, P. (2004). Sensing of Aqueous Phosphates by Polymers with Dual Modes of Signal Transduction. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 126(15), 4752-4753. doi:10.1021/ja039934oSessler, J. L., Cho, D.-G., & Lynch, V. (2006). Diindolylquinoxalines:  Effective Indole-Based Receptors for Phosphate Anion. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 128(51), 16518-16519. doi:10.1021/ja067720bChauhan, S. M. S., Bisht, T., & Garg, B. (2009). 1-Arylazo-5,5-dimethyl dipyrromethanes: Versatile chromogenic probes for anions. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 141(1), 116-123. doi:10.1016/j.snb.2009.06.013Liu, W.-X., Yang, R., Li, A.-F., Li, Z., Gao, Y.-F., Luo, X.-X., … Jiang, Y.-B. (2009). N-(Acetamido)thiourea based simple neutral hydrogen-bonding receptors for anions. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 7(19), 4021. doi:10.1039/b910255hBabu, J. N., Bhalla, V., Kumar, M., Puri, R. K., & Mahajan, R. K. (2009). Chloride ion recognition using thiourea/urea based receptors incorporated into 1,3-disubstituted calix[4]arenes. New Journal of Chemistry, 33(3), 675. doi:10.1039/b816610bBoiocchi, M., Fabbrizzi, L., Garolfi, M., Licchelli, M., Mosca, L., & Zanini, C. (2009). Templated Synthesis of Copper(II) Azacyclam Complexes Using Urea as a Locking Fragment and Their Metal-Enhanced Binding Tendencies towards Anions. Chemistry - A European Journal, 15(42), 11288-11297. doi:10.1002/chem.200901364Lin, Y.-S., Tu, G.-M., Lin, C.-Y., Chang, Y.-T., & Yen, Y.-P. (2009). Colorimetric anion chemosensors based on anthraquinone: naked-eye detection of isomeric dicarboxylate and tricarboxylate anions. New Journal of Chemistry, 33(4), 860. doi:10.1039/b811172cQing, G.-Y., Sun, T.-L., Wang, F., He, Y.-B., & Yang, X. (2009). Chromogenic Chemosensors forN-Acetylaspartate Based on Chiral Ferrocene-Bearing Thiourea Derivatives. European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2009(6), 841-849. doi:10.1002/ejoc.200800961Lu, Q.-S., Dong, L., Zhang, J., Li, J., Jiang, L., Huang, Y., … Yu, X.-Q. (2009). Imidazolium-Functionalized BINOL as a Multifunctional Receptor for Chromogenic and Chiral Anion Recognition. Organic Letters, 11(3), 669-672. doi:10.1021/ol8027303Bao, X., Yu, J., & Zhou, Y. (2009). Selective colorimetric sensing for F− by a cleft-shaped anion receptor containing amide and hydroxyl as recognition units. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 140(2), 467-472. doi:10.1016/j.snb.2009.04.056Bhardwaj, V. K., Hundal, M. S., & Hundal, G. (2009). A tripodal receptor bearing catechol groups for the chromogenic sensing of F− ions via frozen proton transfer. Tetrahedron, 65(41), 8556-8562. doi:10.1016/j.tet.2009.08.023Caltagirone, C., Mulas, A., Isaia, F., Lippolis, V., Gale, P. A., & Light, M. E. (2009). Metal-induced pre-organisation for anion recognition in a neutral platinum-containing receptor. Chemical Communications, (41), 6279. doi:10.1039/b912942aShiraishi, Y., Maehara, H., Sugii, T., Wang, D., & Hirai, T. (2009). A BODIPY–indole conjugate as a colorimetric and fluorometric probe for selective fluoride anion detection. Tetrahedron Letters, 50(29), 4293-4296. doi:10.1016/j.tetlet.2009.05.018Shiraishi, Y., Maehara, H., & Hirai, T. (2009). Indole-azadiene conjugate as a colorimetric and fluorometric probe for selective fluoride ion sensing. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 7(10), 2072. doi:10.1039/b821466bBhosale, S. V., Bhosale, S. V., Kalyankar, M. B., & Langford, S. J. (2009). A Core-Substituted Naphthalene Diimide Fluoride Sensor. Organic Letters, 11(23), 5418-5421. doi:10.1021/ol9022722Lin, Z., Chen, H. C., Sun, S.-S., Hsu, C.-P., & Chow, T. J. (2009). Bifunctional maleimide dyes as selective anion sensors. Tetrahedron, 65(27), 5216-5221. doi:10.1016/j.tet.2009.04.090Yoo, J., Kim, M.-S., Hong, S.-J., Sessler, J. L., & Lee, C.-H. (2009). Selective Sensing of Anions with Calix[4]pyrroles Strapped with Chromogenic Dipyrrolylquinoxalines. The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 74(3), 1065-1069. doi:10.1021/jo802059cShang, X.-F., Li, J., Lin, H., Jiang, P., Cai, Z.-S., & Lin, H.-K. (2009). Anion recognition and sensing of ruthenium(ii) and cobalt(ii) sulfonamido complexes. Dalton Transactions, (12), 2096. doi:10.1039/b804445gDydio, P., Zieliński, T., & Jurczak, J. (2009). Bishydrazide Derivatives of Isoindoline as Simple Anion Receptors. The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 74(4), 1525-1530. doi:10.1021/jo802288uZimmermann-Dimer, L. M., Reis, D. C., Machado, C., & Machado, V. G. (2009). Chromogenic anionic chemosensors based on protonated merocyanine solvatochromic dyes in trichloromethane and in trichloromethane–water biphasic system. Tetrahedron, 65(21), 4239-4248. doi:10.1016/j.tet.2009.03.049Goswami, S., Hazra, A., Chakrabarty, R., & Fun, H.-K. (2009). Recognition of Carboxylate Anions and Carboxylic Acids by Selenium-Based New Chromogenic Fluorescent Sensor: A Remarkable Fluorescence Enhancement of Hindered Carboxylates. Organic Letters, 11(19), 4350-4353. doi:10.1021/ol901737sBarnard, A., Dickson, S. J., Paterson, M. J., Todd, A. M., & Steed, J. W. (2009). Enantioselective lactate binding by chiral tripodal anion hosts derived from amino acids. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 7(8), 1554. doi:10.1039/b817889eHung, C.-Y., Singh, A. S., Chen, C.-W., Wen, Y.-S., & Sun, S.-S. (2009). Colorimetric and luminescent sensing of F− anion through strong anion–π interaction inside the π-acidic cavity of a pyridyl-triazine bridged trinuclear Re(i)–tricarbonyl diimine complex. Chemical Communications, (12), 1511. doi:10.1039/b820234fMetzger, A., & Anslyn, E. V. (1998). A Chemosensor for Citrate in Beverages. 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    Mimicking tricks from nature with sensory organic-inorganic hybrid materials

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    Design strategies for (bio)chemical systems that are inspired by nature's accomplishments in system design and operation on various levels of complexity are increasingly gaining in importance. Within the broad field of biomimetic chemistry, this article highlights various attempts toward improved and sophisticated sensory materials that rely on the combination of supramolecular (bio)chemical recognition principles and nanoscopic solid structures. Examples range from more established concepts such as hybrid sensing ensembles with improved sensitivity and selectivity or for target analytes for which selectivity is hard to achieve by conventional methods, which were often inspired by protein binding pockets or ion channels in membranes, to very recent approaches relying on target-gated amplified signalling with functionalised mesoporous inorganic supports and the integration of native biological sensory species such as transmembrane proteins in spherically supported bilayer membranes. Besides obvious mimicry of recognition-based processes, selected approaches toward chemical transduction junctions utilizing artificially organized synapses, hybrid ensembles for improved antibody generation and uniquely colour changing systems are discussed. 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    Antibody-Capped Mesoporous Nanoscopic Materials:Design of a Probe for the Selective Chromo-FluorogenicDetection of Finasteride

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    [EN] The synthesis of capped mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSN) conjugated with an antibody (AB) as a gatekeeper has been carried out in order to obtain a delivery system able to release an entrapped cargo (dye) in the presence of a target molecule (antigen) to which the conjugated antibody binds selectively. In particular, MSN loaded with rhodamine B and functionalized on the external surface with a suitable derivative of N-(t-butyl)- 3-oxo-(5a,17b)-4-aza-androst-1-ene-17-carboxamide (finasteride) have been prepared (S1). The addition of polyclonal antibodies against finasteride induced capping of the pores due to the interaction with the anchored hapten-like finasteride derivative to give a MSN¿hapten¿AB nanoparticle S1-AB. It was found that the addition of capped material S1-AB to water solutions containing finasteride resulted in displacement of the antibody, pore uncapping and entrapped-dye release. The response of the gated material is highly selective, and only finasteride, among other steroids, was able to induce a significant uncapping process. Compared with finasteride, the finasteride metabolite was able to release 17% of the dye, whereas the exogen steroids testosterone, metenolone and 16-b-hydroxystanozolol only induced very little release of rhodamine B (lower than 10%) from aqueous suspensions containing sensing solid S1-AB. A detection limit as low as 20 ppb was found for the fluorimetric detection of finasteride. In order to evaluate a possible application of the material for label-free detection of finasteride, the capped material was isolated and stored to give final sensing solid S1-AB-i. It was found to display a similar behavior towards finasteride as to that shown by freshly prepared S1-AB; even after a period of two months, no significant loss of selectivity or sensitivity was noted. Moreover, to study the application for the detection of finasteride in biological samples, this ¿aged¿ material, S1-AB-i, was tested using commercially available blank urine as matrix. Samples containing 70 and 90% blank urine were spiked with a defined amount of finasteride, and the concentration was determined using capped S1-AB-i. Recovery ranges from 94% to 118% were reached.Financial support from the Spanish Government (project MAT2009-14564-C04-01) and the Generalitat Valenciana (Spain) (projects PROMETEO/2009/016 and PROMETEO/2010/008) is gratefully acknowledged. E. C. thanks the Minesterio de Ciencia e Innovacion (MICINN, Spain) for her fellowship.Climent Terol, E.; Martínez Mañez, R.; Maquieira Catala, Á.; Sancenón Galarza, F.; Marcos Martínez, MD.; Brun Sánchez, EM.; Soto Camino, J.... (2012). Antibody-Capped Mesoporous Nanoscopic Materials:Design of a Probe for the Selective Chromo-FluorogenicDetection of Finasteride. ChemistryOpen. 1:251-259. https://doi.org/10.1002/open.201100008S251259

    Synthesis of a new tripodal chemosensor based on 2,4,6-triethyl-1,3,5-trimethylbencene scaffolding bearing thiourea and fluorescein for the chromo-fluorogenic detection of anions

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    A tripodal receptor containing thiourea as binding site and fluorescein as signalling subunit has been designed, synthesized and used for the colorimetric detection of basic anions in DMSO solutions. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Moragues Pons, ME.; Santos Figueroa, LE.; Abalos Aguado, T.; Sancenón Galarza, F.; Martínez Mañez, R. (2012). Synthesis of a new tripodal chemosensor based on 2,4,6-triethyl-1,3,5-trimethylbencene scaffolding bearing thiourea and fluorescein for the chromo-fluorogenic detection of anions. Tetrahedron Letters. 53(38):5110-5113. doi:10.1016/j.tetlet.2012.07.039S51105113533

    Chromogenic and fluorogenic chemosensors and reagents for anions. A comprehensive review of the years 2010-2011

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    This review focuses on examples reported in the years 2010¿2011 dealing with the design of chromogenic and fluorogenic chemosensors or reagents for anions.Santos Figueroa, LE.; Moragues Pons, ME.; Climent Terol, E.; Agostini, A.; Martínez Mañez, R.; Sancenón Galarza, F. (2013). Chromogenic and fluorogenic chemosensors and reagents for anions. A comprehensive review of the years 2010-2011. Chemical Society Reviews. 42(8):3489-3613. doi:10.1039/C3CS35429FS34893613428Martínez-Máñez, R., & Sancenón, F. (2003). Fluorogenic and Chromogenic Chemosensors and Reagents for Anions. Chemical Reviews, 103(11), 4419-4476. doi:10.1021/cr010421eKatayev, E. A., Ustynyuk, Y. A., & Sessler, J. L. (2006). Receptors for tetrahedral oxyanions. Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 250(23-24), 3004-3037. doi:10.1016/j.ccr.2006.04.013Suksai, C., & Tuntulani, T. (2003). Chromogenic anion sensors. Chemical Society Reviews, 32(4), 192. doi:10.1039/b209598jKim, S. K., Lee, D. H., Hong, J.-I., & Yoon, J. (2009). 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    Triggered release in lipid bilayer-capped mesoporous silica nanoparticles containing SPION using an alternating magnetic field

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    [EN] We report here the on-command cargo controlled delivery using an alternating magnetic field (AMF) from magnetic silica mesoporous supports capped with a lipid bilayer. © 2012 The Royal Society of Chemistry.Financial support from the Spanish Government (projects MAT2009-14564-C04-01 and CTQ2008-00690) and the Generalitat Valenciana (project PROMETEO/2009/016) is gratefully acknowledged. E. B. thanks the Spanish Ministry of Education (MEC) for his Jose Castillejo fellowship (JC2010-0090).Bringas, E.; Köysüren, Ö.; Quach, DV.; Mahmoudi, M.; Aznar Gimeno, E.; Roehling, JD.; Marcos Martínez, MD.... (2012). Triggered release in lipid bilayer-capped mesoporous silica nanoparticles containing SPION using an alternating magnetic field. Chemical Communications. 48:5647-5649. https://doi.org/10.1039/C2CC31563GS5647564948Aznar, E., Martínez-Máñez, R., & Sancenón, F. (2009). Controlled release using mesoporous materials containing gate-like scaffoldings. Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery, 6(6), 643-655. doi:10.1517/17425240902895980Cotí, K. K., Belowich, M. E., Liong, M., Ambrogio, M. W., Lau, Y. A., Khatib, H. A., … Stoddart, J. F. (2009). Mechanised nanoparticles for drug delivery. Nanoscale, 1(1), 16. doi:10.1039/b9nr00162jLai, C.-Y., Trewyn, B. G., Jeftinija, D. M., Jeftinija, K., Xu, S., Jeftinija, S., & Lin, V. S.-Y. (2003). A Mesoporous Silica Nanosphere-Based Carrier System with Chemically Removable CdS Nanoparticle Caps for Stimuli-Responsive Controlled Release of Neurotransmitters and Drug Molecules. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 125(15), 4451-4459. doi:10.1021/ja028650lPark, C., Oh, K., Lee, S. C., & Kim, C. (2007). Controlled Release of Guest Molecules from Mesoporous Silica Particles Based on a pH-Responsive Polypseudorotaxane Motif. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 46(9), 1455-1457. doi:10.1002/anie.200603404Casasús, R., Climent, E., Marcos, M. D., Martínez-Máñez, R., Sancenón, F., Soto, J., … Ruiz, E. (2008). Dual Aperture Control on pH- and Anion-Driven Supramolecular Nanoscopic Hybrid Gate-like Ensembles. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 130(6), 1903-1917. doi:10.1021/ja0756772Liu, R., Liao, P., Liu, J., & Feng, P. (2011). Responsive Polymer-Coated Mesoporous Silica as a pH-Sensitive Nanocarrier for Controlled Release. Langmuir, 27(6), 3095-3099. doi:10.1021/la104973jCliment, E., Martínez-Máñez, R., Sancenón, F., Marcos, M. D., Soto, J., Maquieira, A., & Amorós, P. (2010). Controlled Delivery Using Oligonucleotide-Capped Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 49(40), 7281-7283. doi:10.1002/anie.201001847Mal, N. K., Fujiwara, M., & Tanaka, Y. (2003). Photocontrolled reversible release of guest molecules from coumarin-modified mesoporous silica. Nature, 421(6921), 350-353. doi:10.1038/nature01362Aznar, E., Marcos, M. D., Martínez-Máñez, R., Sancenón, F., Soto, J., Amorós, P., & Guillem, C. (2009). pH- and Photo-Switched Release of Guest Molecules from Mesoporous Silica Supports. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131(19), 6833-6843. doi:10.1021/ja810011pFu, Q., Rao, G. V. R., Ista, L. K., Wu, Y., Andrzejewski, B. P., Sklar, L. A., … López, G. P. (2003). Control of Molecular Transport Through Stimuli-Responsive Ordered Mesoporous Materials. Advanced Materials, 15(15), 1262-1266. doi:10.1002/adma.200305165Thomas, C. R., Ferris, D. P., Lee, J.-H., Choi, E., Cho, M. H., Kim, E. S., … Zink, J. I. (2010). Noninvasive Remote-Controlled Release of Drug Molecules in Vitro Using Magnetic Actuation of Mechanized Nanoparticles. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 132(31), 10623-10625. doi:10.1021/ja1022267Ruiz-Hernández, E., Baeza, A., & Vallet-Regí, M. (2011). Smart Drug Delivery through DNA/Magnetic Nanoparticle Gates. ACS Nano, 5(2), 1259-1266. doi:10.1021/nn1029229Aznar, E., Mondragón, L., Ros-Lis, J. V., Sancenón, F., Marcos, M. D., Martínez-Máñez, R., … Amorós, P. (2011). Finely Tuned Temperature-Controlled Cargo Release Using Paraffin-Capped Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 50(47), 11172-11175. doi:10.1002/anie.201102756Bruce, I. J., Taylor, J., Todd, M., Davies, M. J., Borioni, E., Sangregorio, C., & Sen, T. (2004). Synthesis, characterisation and application of silica-magnetite nanocomposites. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 284, 145-160. doi:10.1016/j.jmmm.2004.06.032Sen, T., Magdassi, S., Nizri, G., & Bruce, I. J. (2006). Dispersion of magnetic nanoparticles in suspension. Micro & Nano Letters, 1(1), 39. doi:10.1049/mnl:20065033Zhang, L., Longo, M. L., & Stroeve, P. (2000). Mobile Phospholipid Bilayers Supported on a Polyion/Alkylthiol Layer Pair. Langmuir, 16(11), 5093-5099. doi:10.1021/la9913405Liu, J., Stace-Naughton, A., Jiang, X., & Brinker, C. J. (2009). Porous Nanoparticle Supported Lipid Bilayers (Protocells) as Delivery Vehicles. 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    Glucose-triggered release using enzyme-gated mesoporous silica nanoparticles

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    [EN] A new gated nanodevice design able to control cargo delivery using glucose as a trigger and cyclodextrin-modified glucose oxidase as a capping agent is reported.Financial support from the Spanish Government (projects MAT2012-38429-C04-01 and CTQ2011-24355), Generalitat Valenciana (project PROMETEO/2009/016), UPV (project SP20120795) and Ramon y Cajal Programme (to R. V.) is gratefully acknowledged.Aznar Gimeno, E.; Villalonga, R.; Giménez Morales, C.; Sancenón Galarza, F.; Marcos Martínez, MD.; Martínez Mañez, R.; Díez, P.... (2013). Glucose-triggered release using enzyme-gated mesoporous silica nanoparticles. Chemical Communications. 49(57):6391-6393. https://doi.org/10.1039/c3cc42210kS639163934957Coll, C., Bernardos, A., Martínez-Máñez, R., & Sancenón, F. (2012). Gated Silica Mesoporous Supports for Controlled Release and Signaling Applications. Accounts of Chemical Research, 46(2), 339-349. doi:10.1021/ar3001469Aznar, E., Martínez-Máñez, R., & Sancenón, F. (2009). Controlled release using mesoporous materials containing gate-like scaffoldings. Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery, 6(6), 643-655. doi:10.1517/17425240902895980Cotí, K. K., Belowich, M. E., Liong, M., Ambrogio, M. W., Lau, Y. A., Khatib, H. A., … Stoddart, J. F. (2009). Mechanised nanoparticles for drug delivery. Nanoscale, 1(1), 16. doi:10.1039/b9nr00162jKresge, C. T., Leonowicz, M. E., Roth, W. J., Vartuli, J. C., & Beck, J. S. (1992). Ordered mesoporous molecular sieves synthesized by a liquid-crystal template mechanism. Nature, 359(6397), 710-712. doi:10.1038/359710a0Lai, C.-Y., Trewyn, B. G., Jeftinija, D. M., Jeftinija, K., Xu, S., Jeftinija, S., & Lin, V. S.-Y. (2003). A Mesoporous Silica Nanosphere-Based Carrier System with Chemically Removable CdS Nanoparticle Caps for Stimuli-Responsive Controlled Release of Neurotransmitters and Drug Molecules. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 125(15), 4451-4459. doi:10.1021/ja028650lPark, C., Oh, K., Lee, S. C., & Kim, C. (2007). Controlled Release of Guest Molecules from Mesoporous Silica Particles Based on a pH-Responsive Polypseudorotaxane Motif. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 46(9), 1455-1457. doi:10.1002/anie.200603404Casasús, R., Climent, E., Marcos, M. D., Martínez-Máñez, R., Sancenón, F., Soto, J., … Ruiz, E. (2008). Dual Aperture Control on pH- and Anion-Driven Supramolecular Nanoscopic Hybrid Gate-like Ensembles. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 130(6), 1903-1917. doi:10.1021/ja0756772Liu, R., Liao, P., Liu, J., & Feng, P. (2011). Responsive Polymer-Coated Mesoporous Silica as a pH-Sensitive Nanocarrier for Controlled Release. Langmuir, 27(6), 3095-3099. doi:10.1021/la104973jCliment, E., Martínez-Máñez, R., Sancenón, F., Marcos, M. D., Soto, J., Maquieira, A., & Amorós, P. (2010). Controlled Delivery Using Oligonucleotide-Capped Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 49(40), 7281-7283. doi:10.1002/anie.201001847Mal, N. K., Fujiwara, M., & Tanaka, Y. (2003). Photocontrolled reversible release of guest molecules from coumarin-modified mesoporous silica. Nature, 421(6921), 350-353. doi:10.1038/nature01362Fu, Q., Rao, G. V. R., Ista, L. K., Wu, Y., Andrzejewski, B. P., Sklar, L. A., … López, G. P. (2003). Control of Molecular Transport Through Stimuli-Responsive Ordered Mesoporous Materials. Advanced Materials, 15(15), 1262-1266. doi:10.1002/adma.200305165Aznar, E., Mondragón, L., Ros-Lis, J. V., Sancenón, F., Marcos, M. D., Martínez-Máñez, R., … Amorós, P. (2011). Finely Tuned Temperature-Controlled Cargo Release Using Paraffin-Capped Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 50(47), 11172-11175. doi:10.1002/anie.201102756Bringas, E., Köysüren, Ö., Quach, D. V., Mahmoudi, M., Aznar, E., Roehling, J. D., … Stroeve, P. (2012). Triggered release in lipid bilayer-capped mesoporous silica nanoparticles containing SPION using an alternating magnetic field. Chemical Communications, 48(45), 5647. doi:10.1039/c2cc31563gPatel, K., Angelos, S., Dichtel, W. R., Coskun, A., Yang, Y.-W., Zink, J. I., & Stoddart, J. F. (2008). Enzyme-Responsive Snap-Top Covered Silica Nanocontainers. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 130(8), 2382-2383. doi:10.1021/ja0772086Schlossbauer, A., Kecht, J., & Bein, T. (2009). Biotin-Avidin as a Protease-Responsive Cap System for Controlled Guest Release from Colloidal Mesoporous Silica. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 48(17), 3092-3095. doi:10.1002/anie.200805818Park, C., Kim, H., Kim, S., & Kim, C. (2009). Enzyme Responsive Nanocontainers with Cyclodextrin Gatekeepers and Synergistic Effects in Release of Guests. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131(46), 16614-16615. doi:10.1021/ja9061085Bernardos, A., Mondragón, L., Aznar, E., Marcos, M. D., Martínez-Máñez, R., Sancenón, F., … Amorós, P. (2010). Enzyme-Responsive Intracellular Controlled Release Using Nanometric Silica Mesoporous Supports Capped with «Saccharides». ACS Nano, 4(11), 6353-6368. doi:10.1021/nn101499dAgostini, A., Mondragón, L., Bernardos, A., Martínez-Máñez, R., Marcos, M. D., Sancenón, F., … Murguía, J. R. (2012). Targeted Cargo Delivery in Senescent Cells Using Capped Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 51(42), 10556-10560. doi:10.1002/anie.201204663Schlossbauer, A., Warncke, S., Gramlich, P. M. E., Kecht, J., Manetto, A., Carell, T., & Bein, T. (2010). A Programmable DNA-Based Molecular Valve for Colloidal Mesoporous Silica. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 49(28), 4734-4737. doi:10.1002/anie.201000827Climent, E., Bernardos, A., Martínez-Máñez, R., Maquieira, A., Marcos, M. D., Pastor-Navarro, N., … Amorós, P. (2009). Controlled Delivery Systems Using Antibody-Capped Mesoporous Nanocontainers. 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    Aryl carbinols as nerve agent probes. Influence of the conjugation on the sensing properties

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    Two new aryl carbinols (1 and 3) have been synthesised and characterised and their ability as OFF-ON probes for the chromogenic detection of the nerve agent simulant in acetonitrile has been tested. In addition compound 2 has been also studied. The carbinols suffered a phosphorylation reaction followed by an elimination process giving rise to the corresponding carbocations. This transformation of the carbinol into the carbocation is responsible for a significant color change. © The Royal Society of Chemistry and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 2012.Financial support from the Spanish Government (project MAT2009-14564-C04-01) and the Generalitat Valencia (project PROMETEO/2009/016) is gratefully acknowledged. R. G. is grateful to the Spanish Ministry of Education and S. R. to Generalitat Valencia for their grants.Royo Calvo, S.; Gotor Candel, RJ.; Costero Nieto, AM.; Parra Álvarez, M.; Gil Grau, S.; Martínez Mañez, R.; Sancenón Galarza, F. (2012). Aryl carbinols as nerve agent probes. Influence of the conjugation on the sensing properties. New Journal of Chemistry. 36(12):1485-1489. https://doi.org/10.1039/c2nj40104eS148514893612Sadik, O. A., Land, W. H., & Wang, J. (2003). Targeting Chemical and Biological Warfare Agents at the Molecular Level. Electroanalysis, 15(14), 1149-1159. doi:10.1002/elan.200390140Russell, A. J., Berberich, J. A., Drevon, G. F., & Koepsel, R. R. (2003). Biomaterials for Mediation of Chemical and Biological Warfare Agents. Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering, 5(1), 1-27. doi:10.1146/annurev.bioeng.5.121202.125602Wang, H., Wang, J., Choi, D., Tang, Z., Wu, H., & Lin, Y. (2009). EQCM immunoassay for phosphorylated acetylcholinesterase as a biomarker for organophosphate exposures based on selective zirconia adsorption and enzyme-catalytic precipitation. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 24(8), 2377-2383. doi:10.1016/j.bios.2008.12.013Im, H.-J., & Song, K. (2009). Applications of Prompt Gamma Ray Neutron Activation Analysis: Detection of Illicit Materials. Applied Spectroscopy Reviews, 44(4), 317-334. doi:10.1080/05704920902852125Sohn, H., Létant, S., Sailor, M. J., & Trogler, W. C. (2000). Detection of Fluorophosphonate Chemical Warfare Agents by Catalytic Hydrolysis with a Porous Silicon Interferometer. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 122(22), 5399-5400. doi:10.1021/ja0006200Steiner, W. E., Klopsch, S. J., English, W. A., Clowers, B. H., & Hill, H. H. (2005). Detection of a Chemical Warfare Agent Simulant in Various Aerosol Matrixes by Ion Mobility Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry, 77(15), 4792-4799. doi:10.1021/ac050278fBurnworth, M., Rowan, S. J., & Weder, C. (2007). Fluorescent Sensors for the Detection of Chemical Warfare Agents. Chemistry - A European Journal, 13(28), 7828-7836. doi:10.1002/chem.200700720Thomas, S. W., Joly, G. D., & Swager, T. M. (2007). Chemical Sensors Based on Amplifying Fluorescent Conjugated Polymers. Chemical Reviews, 107(4), 1339-1386. doi:10.1021/cr0501339Royo, S., Martínez-Máñez, R., Sancenón, F., Costero, A. M., Parra, M., & Gil, S. (2007). Chromogenic and fluorogenic reagents for chemical warfare nerve agents’ detection. Chemical Communications, (46), 4839. doi:10.1039/b707063bGiordano, B., & Collins, G. (2007). Synthetic Methods Applied to the Detection of Chemical Warfare Nerve Agents. Current Organic Chemistry, 11(3), 255-265. doi:10.2174/138527207779940883Kang, S., Kim, S., Yang, Y.-K., Bae, S., & Tae, J. (2009). Fluorescent and colorimetric detection of acid vapors by using solid-supported rhodamine hydrazides. Tetrahedron Letters, 50(17), 2010-2012. doi:10.1016/j.tetlet.2009.02.087Costero, A. M., Parra, M., Gil, S., Gotor, R., Mancini, P. M. E., Martínez-Máñez, R., … Royo, S. (2010). Chromo-Fluorogenic Detection of Nerve-Agent Mimics Using Triggered Cyclization Reactions in Push-Pull Dyes. Chemistry - An Asian Journal, 5(7), 1573-1585. doi:10.1002/asia.201000058Costero, A. M., Gil, S., Parra, M., Mancini, P. M. E., Martínez-Máñez, R., Sancenón, F., & Royo, S. (2008). Chromogenic detection of nerve agent mimics. Chemical Communications, (45), 6002. doi:10.1039/b811247aCliment, E., Martínez-Máñez, R., Sancenón, F., Marcos, M. D., Soto, J., Maquieira, A., & Amorós, P. (2010). Controlled Delivery Using Oligonucleotide-Capped Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 49(40), 7281-7283. doi:10.1002/anie.201001847Candel, I., Bernardos, A., Climent, E., Marcos, M. D., Martínez-Máñez, R., Sancenón, F., … Parra, M. (2011). Selective opening of nanoscopic capped mesoporous inorganic materials with nerve agent simulants; an application to design chromo-fluorogenic probes. Chemical Communications, 47(29), 8313. doi:10.1039/c1cc12727fRoyo, S., Costero, A. M., Parra, M., Gil, S., Martínez-Máñez, R., & Sancenón, F. (2011). 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    Colorimetric detection of hazardous gases using a remotely operated capturing and processing system

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    [EN] This paper presents an electronic system for the automatic detection of hazardous gases. The proposed system implements colorimetric sensing algorithms, thus providing a low-cost solution to the problem of gas sensing. It is remotely operated and it performs the tasks of image capturing and processing, hence obtaining colour measurements in RGB (Red Green Blue) space that are subsequently sent to a remote operator via the internet. A prototype of the system has been built to test its performance. Specifically, experiments have been carried out aimed at the detection of CO, CO2, NO, NO2, SO2 and formaldehyde at diverse concentrations by using a chromogenic array composed by 13 active and 2 inert compounds. Statistical analyses of the results reveal a good performance of the electronic system and the feasibility of remote hazardous gas detection using colorimetric sensor arrays.This research has been carried out in the framework of Project grant nos. MAT2012-38429-C04-01 and MAT2012-38429-C04-04, financed by the Spanish Ministry for Economy and Competitiveness. The authors also acknowledge the support of the Generalitat Valenciana through Project grant no. PROMETEOII/2014/047.Montes Robles, R.; Moragues Pons, ME.; Vivancos Bono, JL.; Ibáñez Civera, FJ.; Fraile Muñoz, R.; Martínez Mañez, R.; García Breijo, E. (2015). Colorimetric detection of hazardous gases using a remotely operated capturing and processing system. ISA Transactions. 59:434-442. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isatra.2015.09.0104344425