497 research outputs found

    Composite Fading Models based on Inverse Gamma Shadowing: Theory and Validation

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    We introduce a general approach to characterize composite fading models based on inverse gamma (IG) shadowing. We first determine to what extent the IG distribution is an adequate choice for modeling shadow fading, by means of a comprehensive test with field measurements and other distributions conventionally used for this purpose. Then, we prove that the probability density function and cumulative distribution function of any IG-based composite fading model are directly expressed in terms of a Laplace-domain statistic of the underlying fast fading model and, in some relevant cases, as a mixture of wellknown state-of-the-art distributions. Also, exact and asymptotic expressions for the outage probability are provided, which are valid for any choice of baseline fading distribution. Finally, we exemplify our approach by presenting several application examples for IG-based composite fading models, for which their statistical characterization is directly obtained in a simple form.Comment: This work has been submitted to the IEEE for publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessibl

    On the Utility of the Inverse Gamma Distribution in Modeling Composite Fading Channels

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    We introduce a general approach to characterize composite fading models based on inverse gamma (IG) shadowing. We first determine to what extent the IG distribution is an adequate choice for modeling shadow fading, by means of a comprehensive test with field measurements and other distributions conventionally used for this purpose. Then, we prove that the probability density function and cumulative density function of any IG-based composite fading model are directly expressed in terms of a Laplace-domain statistic of the underlying fast fading model, and in some relevant cases, as a mixture of well-known state-of-the-art distributions. We exemplify our approach by presenting a composite IG/two-wave with diffuse power fading model, for which its statistical characterization is directly attained in a simple form.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Backing off from rayleigh and rice: Achieving perfect secrecy in wireless fading channels

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    We show that for a legitimate communication under multipath quasi-static fading with a reduced number of scatter- ers, it is possible to achieve perfect secrecy even in the presence of a passive eavesdropper for which no channel state information is available. Specifically, we show that the outage probability of secrecy capacity (OPSC) is zero for a given range of average signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) at the legitimate and eavesdropper’s receivers. As an application example, we analyze the OPSC for the case of two scatterers, explicitly deriving the relationship between the average SNRs, the secrecy rate RS and the fading model parameters required for achieving perfect secrecy.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (TEC2017-87913R) Consejería de Innovación y Ciencia (P18-RT-3175

    Delivering Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communications via Statistical Radio Maps

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    High reliability guarantees for Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communications (URLLC) require accurate knowledge of channel statistics, used as an input for rate selection. Exploiting the spatial consistency of channel statistics arises as a promising solution, allowing a base station to predict the propagation conditions and select the communication parameters for a new user from samples collected from previous users of the network. Based on this idea, this article provides a timely framework to exploit long-range channel spatial correlation through so-called statistical radio maps, enabling URLLC communications with given statistical guarantees. The framework is exemplified by predicting the channel capacity distribution both in a location-based radio map and in a latent space rendered by a channel chart, the latter being a localization-free approach based on channel state information (CSI). It is also shown how to use the maps to select the transmission rate in a new location that achieves a target level of reliability. Finally, several future directions and research challenges are also discussed.Comment: 6 figures in total. Submitted for publicatio

    Multiuser MIMO with Large Intelligent Surfaces: Communication Model and Transmit Design

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    This paper proposes a communication model for multiuser multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems based on large intelligent surfaces (LIS), where the LIS is modeled as a collection of tightly packed antenna elements. The LIS system is first represented in a circuital way, obtaining expressions for the radiated and received powers, as well as for the coupling between the distinct elements. Then, this circuital model is used to characterize the channel in a line-of-sight propagation scenario, rendering the basis for the analysis and design of MIMO systems. Due to the particular properties of LIS, the model accounts for superdirectivity and mutual coupling effects along with near field propagation, necessary in those situations where the array dimension becomes very large. Finally, with the proposed model, the matched filter transmitter and the weighted minimum mean square error precoding are derived under both realistic constraints: limited radiated power and maximum ohmic losses.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures; This paper is submitted to IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 202

    An Extension of the κ -μ Shadowed Fading Model: Statistical Characterization and Applications.

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    Política de acceso abierto tomada de: https://v2.sherpa.ac.uk/id/publication/3582We here introduce an extension and natural generalization of both the κ-μ shadowed and the classical Beckmann fading models: the Fluctuating Beckmann (FB) fading model. This new model considers the clustering of multipath waves on which the line-of-sight (LoS) components randomly fluctuate, together with the effect of in-phase/quadrature power imbalance in the LoS and non-LoS components. Thus, it unifies a variety of important fading distributions as the one-sided Gaussian, Rayleigh, Nakagami-m, Rician, κ-μ, η-μ, η-κ, Beckmann, Rician shadowed, and the κ-μ shadowed distribution. The chief probability functions of the FB fading model, namely probability density function, cumulative distribution function, and moment generating function are derived. The second-order statistics such as the level crossing rate and the average fade duration are also analyzed. These results can be used to derive some performance metrics of interest of wireless communication systems operating over FB fading channels.Consejería de Economía, Innovación, Ciencia y Empleo of the Junta de Andalucía Spanish Government European Fund for Regional Development FEDER ( Grant Numbers: P2011-TIC-7109, P2011-TIC-8238 and TEC2014-57901-R

    Effectiveness of autologous lipoinjection into the hand to improve function in patients with scleroderma: pilot study

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    Background: Scleroderma is a rare disease of the tissues that is characterized for being inflammatory and developing fibrosis in the skin. Typically, this disease affects middle-aged women.Methods: A study was conducted in which 10 patients with scleroderma with involvement in the sclerotic stage were included. One of the hands was chosen randomly for treatment with fatty graft processed by Coleman technique and the other hand, physiological solution was placed. Patients were evaluated at 45 and 90 days after the procedure using the Cochin Hand Functional Scale (CHFS) questionnaire, modified Rodnan scale for the skin (mRSS), grip strength with dynamometer and measurement of fingertip to palm of hand in flexion.Results: The average of CHFS before treatment was 42.30 and 25.70 at 90 days p=0.007. The average strength in the experimental hand before treatment was 11.67 and 14.58 at 90 days p=0.007, in the control hand p=0.873. The mean finger-palm tip distance before treatment was 44.80 and from 36.00 to 90 days p=0.019, in the control hand p=0.149. There is a significant difference in the degree of severity at 90 days of the mRSS of the back of the hands p=0.011 and phalanges p=0.000 between the patients with lipoinjection and physiological solution.Conclusion: Significant improvement was observed in patients with scleroderma treated with autologous lipoinjection

    Organización espacial y temporal de ensamblajes de insectos acuáticos en dos cuencas subtropicales

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    Background. The spatial and temporal changes of assemblages of aquatic insect can be used to detect the anthropic impacts that influence the biological communities. Goals. We compared the assemblages of aquatic insect in 1997 and 2014 in two subtropical river drainages, the association with water characteristics, and we discuss their implications for ecosystems conservation. Methods. True diversity of the aquatic insect fauna at family level and their community structure for 27 study sites in 1997 and 2014 were assessed. Multivariate analyzes were used to compare aquatic insect assemblages and the abundance of functional feeding groups. Results. There were significant differences in the dissolved oxygen (DO) of the water between 1997 and 2014, decreasing its values. Other variables correlated to DO were also modified, with a decrease in pH and an increase in temperature. We found a correlation between reduction of DO and water pH with a decline in the overall abundance of aquatic insects; also, with shifts in the community structure, from the decrease of groups such as some Ephemeroptera and scrapers, to the increase in opportunistic families such as Chironomidae, Culicidae, and other predator families such as Coenagrionidae, Corixidae and Veliidae, and more abundance of collectors. Families such as Heptageniidae and Caenidae decreased in abundance, as well as other benthic groups. Conclusions. The assemblages of aquatic insect are useful to indicate a generalized degradation of environmental conditions across localities and time in two subtropical river drainages, related to water quality degradation symptoms such as reduction of pH levels and dissolved oxygen, usually associated with anthropogenic stressors.Antecedentes. Los cambios espaciales y temporales de los ensamblajes de insectos acuáticos pueden ser utilizados para detectar los impactos antrópicos que influyen en las comunidades biológicas. Objetivos. Comparamos los ensamblajes de insectos acuáticos en 1997 y 2014 en dos cuencas subtropicales, su asociación con las características del agua y discutimos sus implicaciones para la conservación de los ecosistemas. Métodos. Se evaluó la diversidad verdadera a nivel de familia, de la fauna de insectos acuáticos en 27 sitios de estudio en 1997 y 2014. Se utilizaron análisis multivariados para comparar los ensamblajes de insectos acuáticos y la abundancia de los grupos funcionales de alimentación. Resultados. Se obtuvieron diferencias significativas en el oxígeno disuelto (OD) del agua entre 1997 y 2014, disminuyendo sus valores. También observó una disminución de pH y una tendencia a un incremento de la temperatura. Se identificó una relación entre la disminución de oxígeno y valores menores de pH con una reducción general en la abundancia de insectos acuáticos; asimismo, se observa una relación con cambios en los ensamblajes como lo son una disminución en la representación de grupos como Ephemeroptera y raspadores, el incremento de familias como Chironomidae, Culicidae, Coenagrionidae y Veliidae, y una mayor abundancia de colectores. Familias como Heptageniidae y Caenidae disminuyeron en abundancia, así como otros grupos bentónicos. Conclusiones. Los ensamblajes de insectos acuáticos son útiles para indicar una degradación generalizada de las condiciones a través de las localidades y el tiempo en las dos cuencas subtropicales de estudio, con síntomas de degradación de la calidad del agua como la disminución de los niveles de pH y oxígeno disuelto, generalmente asociados con factores de estrés antropogénicos