2 research outputs found

    Changes in the lifestyle and feeding habits that could improve the planet and human health: the reproductive case

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    There is a link between food systems, environment, and human health. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations-FAO, food production from animal and plant origin, using unsustainable agricultural practices with the excessive use of fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides, and herbicides have adverse effects on the environment and could contaminate water sources and even the soil.1 Also, the production of food from animal origin is one of those responsible for the emission of greenhouse gases, fresh water expenditure, and soil loss. Therefore, with the current food consumption and unsustainable human practices, the future of humanity will be uncertain

    Percepci贸n de los profesionales sanitarios de una regi贸n de Colombia sobre las dietas vegetarianas

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    Introduction: An adequate state of health is related to optimal nutrition. There is growing evidence that indicates that plant-based diets such as vegetarian, properly planned, can be complete and provide an optimal amount of calories and nutrients to maintain and improve health and nutritional status. Health professionals and especially dietician nutritionists should guide patients who want to have an adequate vegetarian diet. The aim wasto evaluate the attitudes and knowledge of doctors, nutritionists, nurses and nursing assistants from a region of Colombia, in relation to vegetarian diets. Materials and methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study, through the application of an anonymous and voluntary survey. The survey asked about the professional's willingness with regard to vegetarian diets and the knowledge they had of those diets. Results: Most professionals (61.7%) are willing to support a vegetarian diet and 34% would recommend it. Nevertheless, only 18.9% consider it appropriate for any age group. Few professionals consider this diet useful to prevent diseases. It was also evidenced that 55.3% stated that there are few possibilities in the environment to carry this type of diet, which highlights a lack of knowledge or information. Conclusions: Unfavorable attitudes and gaps in knowledge are evident among health professionals on the subject of vegetarian nutrition.Introducci贸n: Un adecuado estado de salud se relaciona con una 贸ptima nutrici贸n. Existe una creciente evidencia que indica que las dietas basadas en plantas como la vegetariana, adecuadamente planeadas, pueden ser completas y aportar una 贸ptima cantidad de calor铆as y nutrientes para mantener y mejorar la salud y el estado nutricional. Los profesionales del 谩rea de la salud y especialmente los nutricionistas dietistas deben guiar a los pacientes que quieren tener una adecuada alimentaci贸n vegetariana. El objetivo fue evaluar las actitudes y conocimientos de m茅dicos, nutricionistas, enfermeras y auxiliares de enfermer铆a de una regi贸n de Colombia, con relaci贸n a las dietas vegetarianas. Material y m茅todos: Estudio descriptivo transversal, por medio de la aplicaci贸n de una encuesta an贸nima y voluntaria. La encuesta preguntaba sobre la disposici贸n del profesional frente a las dietas vegetarianas y sobre el conocimiento que ten铆a de las mismas. Resultados: La mayor铆a de los profesionales (61,7%) se muestran dispuestos a apoyar una dieta vegetariana y el 34% la recomendar铆a. No obstante, el 18,9% considera que es apropiada para cualquier grupo de edad. Pocos profesionales consideran 煤til esta dieta para la prevenci贸n de enfermedades. Tambi茅n se evidenci贸 que el 55,3% manifestaron que en el entorno hay pocas posibilidades para llevar este tipo de alimentaci贸n, destac谩ndose la falta de conocimiento o informaci贸n. Conclusiones: Se evidencian actitudes desfavorables y brechas en el conocimiento entre los profesionales de la salud en el tema de alimentaci贸n vegetariana