10,153 research outputs found
Sinc-Galerkin estimation of diffusivity in parabolic problems
A fully Sinc-Galerkin method for the numerical recovery of spatially varying diffusion coefficients in linear partial differential equations is presented. Because the parameter recovery problems are inherently ill-posed, an output error criterion in conjunction with Tikhonov regularization is used to formulate them as infinite-dimensional minimization problems. The forward problems are discretized with a sinc basis in both the spatial and temporal domains thus yielding an approximate solution which displays an exponential convergence rate and is valid on the infinite time interval. The minimization problems are then solved via a quasi-Newton/trust region algorithm. The L-curve technique for determining an approximate value of the regularization parameter is briefly discussed, and numerical examples are given which show the applicability of the method both for problems with noise-free data as well as for those whose data contains white noise
Spin-Torque-Induced Rotational Dynamics of a Magnetic Vortex Dipole
We study, both experimentally and by numerical modeling, the magnetic
dynamics that can be excited in a magnetic thin-film nanopillar device using
the spin torque from a spatially localized current injected via a
10s-of-nm-diameter aperture. The current-driven magnetic dynamics can produce
large amplitude microwave emission at zero magnetic field, with a frequency
well below that of the uniform ferromagnetic resonance mode. Micromagnetic
simulations indicate that the physical origin of this efficient microwave
nano-oscillator is the nucleation and subsequent steady-state rotational
dynamics of a magnetic vortex dipole driven by the localized spin torque. These
results show this novel implementation of a spintronic nano-oscillator is a
promising candidate for microwave technology applications.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures
High-Fidelity Z-Measurement Error Correction of Optical Qubits
We demonstrate a quantum error correction scheme that protects against
accidental measurement, using an encoding where the logical state of a single
qubit is encoded into two physical qubits using a non-deterministic photonic
CNOT gate. For the single qubit input states |0>, |1>, |0>+|1>, |0>-|1>,
|0>+i|1>, and |0>-i|1> our encoder produces the appropriate 2-qubit encoded
state with an average fidelity of 0.88(3) and the single qubit decoded states
have an average fidelity of 0.93(5) with the original state. We are able to
decode the 2-qubit state (up to a bit flip) by performing a measurement on one
of the qubits in the logical basis; we find that the 64 1-qubit decoded states
arising from 16 real and imaginary single qubit superposition inputs have an
average fidelity of 0.96(3).Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, comments welcom
Electron Transport Driven by Nonequilibrium Magnetic Textures
Spin-polarized electron transport driven by inhomogeneous magnetic dynamics
is discussed in the limit of a large exchange coupling. Electron spins rigidly
following the time-dependent magnetic profile experience spin-dependent
fictitious electric and magnetic fields. We show that the electric field
acquires important corrections due to spin dephasing, when one relaxes the
spin-projection approximation. Furthermore, spin-flip scattering between the
spin bands needs to be taken into account in order to calculate voltages and
spin accumulations induced by the magnetic dynamics. A phenomenological
approach based on the Onsager reciprocity principle is developed, which allows
us to capture the effect of spin dephasing and make a connection to the well
studied problem of current-driven magnetic dynamics. A number of results that
recently appeared in the literature are related and generalized.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur
Anisotropic magnetoresistance and anisotropic tunneling magnetoresistance due to quantum interference in ferromagnetic metal break junctions
We measure the low-temperature resistance of permalloy break junctions as a
function of contact size and the magnetic field angle, in applied fields large
enough to saturate the magnetization. For both nanometer-scale metallic
contacts and tunneling devices we observe large changes in resistance with
angle, as large as 25% in the tunneling regime. The pattern of
magnetoresistance is sensitive to changes in bias on a scale of a few mV. We
interpret the effect as a consequence of conductance fluctuations due to
quantum interference.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Changes in response to reviewer comments. New
data provide information about the mechanism causing the AMR and TAM
The evolution of glutathione metabolism in phototrophic microorganisms
The low molecular weight thiol composition of a variety of phototropic microorganisms is examined in order to ascertain how evolution of glutathione (GSH) production is related to the evolution of oxygenic photosynthesis. Cells were extracted in the presence of monobromobimane (mBBr) to convert thiols (RSH) to fluorescent derivatives (RSmB) which were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Significant levels of GSH were not found in green sulfur bacteria. Substantial levels were present in purple bacteria, cyanobacteria, and eukaryotic algae. Other thiols measured included cysteine, gamma-glutamylcysteine, thiosulfate, coenzyme A, and sulfide. Many of the organisms also exhibited a marked ability to reduce mBBr to syn-(methyl,methyl)bimane, an ability which was quenched by treatment with 2-pyridyl disulfide or 5,5 prime-bisdithio - (2-nitrobenzoic acid) prior to reaction with mBBr. These observations indicate the presence of a reducing system capable of electron transfer to mBBr and reduction of reactive disulfides. The distribution of GSH in phototropic eubacteria indicates that GSH synthesis evolved at or around the time that oxygenic photosynthesis evolved
The Mach-Zehnder and the Teleporter
We suggest a self-testing teleportation configuration for photon q-bits based
on a Mach-Zehnder interferometer. That is, Bob can tell how well the input
state has been teleported without knowing what that input state was. One could
imagine building a "locked" teleporter based on this configuration. The
analysis is performed for continuous variable teleportation but the arrangement
could equally be applied to discrete manipulations.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure
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