93 research outputs found

    Glucose Exposure in Peritoneal Dialysis Is a Significant Factor Predicting Peritonitis

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    INTRODUCTION: Loss of residual renal function (RRF) as well as high peritoneal glucose exposure are associated with increased peritonitis frequency in peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients. Our objective was to investigate the contribution of RRF and peritoneal glucose exposure to peritonitis in PD patients. METHODS: In this prospective longitudinal cohort study, 105 incident end-stage renal disease patients that started PD between January 2006 and 2015 were studied. Follow-up was 5 years with censoring at death or switch to another treatment modality. Cox regression models were used to calculate the association between glucose exposure, RRF, and peritonitis. Kaplan-Meier analysis was used to examine the difference in occurrence of peritonitis between patients with high and low glucose exposure and between those with and without residual diuresis. RESULTS: One hundred and five patients were followed for a mean of 23 months. Fifty-one patients developed a peritonitis. Cox regression models at 6 months showed that glucose exposure and not residual diuresis significantly predicted PD peritonitis. Kaplan-Meier analysis after 6 months of follow-up showed that time to first PD peritonitis was significantly longer in the low glucose exposure group. Similarly, patients with RRF had a significantly longer interval to first peritonitis compared to patients without RRF. CONCLUSION: A higher exposure to glucose rather than loss of RRF is associated with an increased risk of peritonitis. This confirms the detrimental effects of glycemic harm to the peritoneal host defense on invading microorganisms and argues for the use of the lowest PD glucose concentrations possible

    Co-Creation of a Multi-Component Health Literacy Intervention Targeting Both Patients with Mild to Severe Chronic Kidney Disease and Health Care Professionals

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    Limited health literacy (LHL) is common in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients and frequently associated with worse self-management. Multi-component interventions targeted at patients and healthcare professionals (HCPs) are recommended, but evidence is limited. Therefore, this study aims to determine the objectives and strategies of such an intervention, and to develop, produce and evaluate it. For this purpose, we included CKD patients with LHL (n = 19), HCPs (n = 15), educators (n = 3) and students (n = 4) from general practices, nephrology clinics and universities in an Intervention Mapping (IM) process. The determined intervention objectives especially address the patients’ competences in maintaining self-management in the long term, and communication competences of patients and HCPs. Patients preferred visual strategies and strategies supporting discussion of needs and barriers during consultations to written and digital strategies. Moreover, they preferred an individual approach to group meetings. We produced a four-component intervention, consisting of a visually attractive website and topic-based brochures, consultation cards for patients, and training on LHL for HCPs. Evaluation revealed that the intervention was useful, comprehensible and fitting for patients’ needs. Healthcare organizations need to use visual strategies more in patient education, be careful with digitalization and group meetings, and train HCPs to improve care for patients with LHL. Large-scale research on the effectiveness of similar HL interventions is needed

    How to tackle health literacy problems in chronic kidney disease patients?:A systematic review to identify promising intervention targets and strategies

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    BACKGROUND: Limited health literacy (LHL) is associated with multiple adverse health outcomes in chronic kidney disease (CKD). Interventions are needed to improve this situation, but evidence on intervention targets and strategies is lacking. This systematic review aims to identify potential targets and strategies by summarizing the evidence on: (i) patient- and system-level factors potentially mediating the relation between LHL and health outcomes; and (ii) the effectiveness of health literacy interventions customized to CKD patients. METHODS: We performed a systematic review of peer-reviewed research articles in Medline, Embase and Web of Science, 2009-19. We assessed the quality of the studies and conducted a best-evidence synthesis. RESULTS: We identified 860 publications and included 48 studies. Most studies were of low quality (n = 26) and focused on dialysis and transplantation (n = 38). We found strong evidence for an association of LHL with smoking and having a suboptimal transplantation process. Evidence was weak for associations between LHL and a variety of factors related to self-care management (n = 25), utilization of care (n = 23), patient-provider interaction (n = 8) and social context (n = 5). Six interventions were aimed at improving knowledge, decision-making and health behaviours, but evidence for their effectiveness was weak. CONCLUSIONS: Study heterogeneity, low quality and focus on kidney failure largely impede the identification of intervention targets and strategies for LHL. More and higher quality studies in earlier CKD stages are needed to unravel how LHL leads to worse health outcomes, and to identify targets and strategies to prevent disease deterioration. Healthcare organizations need to develop and evaluate efforts to support LHL patients

    A longitudinal qualitative study to explore and optimize self-management in mild to end stage chronic kidney disease patients with limited health literacy:perspectives of patients and health care professionals

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    Objectives Limited Health literacy (LHL) is associated with faster kidney deterioration. Health care professionals (HCPs) promote self-management to maintain kidney function, which is difficult for patients with LHL. Evidence lacks on perceived barriers and best strategies to optimize their self-management. Our study aims to explore experiences with and barriers for self-management from the perspectives of LHL patients and HCPs to identify strategies to optimize self-management. Methods We performed a longitudinal qualitative study with semi-structured in-depth interviews and focus group discussions among CKD patients and LHL (n=24) and HCPs (n=37) from general practices and hospitals. Results Four themes arose among patients: 1) CKD elusiveness, 2) suboptimal intake of knowledge 3) not taking a front-seat role, and 4) maintaining change. Among HCPs, three themes emerged: 1) not recognizing HL problems, 2) lacking effective strategies, and 3) health care barriers. Conclusion We suggest three routes to optimize self-management: providing earlier information, applying person-centred strategies to maintain changes, and improving competencies of HCPs. Practice implications HCPs need to explain CKD self-management better to prevent kidney deterioration. New interventions, based on behavioural approaches, are needed to optimize self-management. HCPs need training to improve recognition and support of LHL patients

    Benefit finding in renal transplantation and its association with psychological and clinical correlates:A prospective study

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    OBJECTIVES: The identification of positive psychological changes, including benefit finding (BF), in chronic illness has gained substantial interest. However, less is known about BF in the context of a positive medical intervention. End-stage renal disease (ESRD) can be regarded as a burdensome condition, but transplantation is expected to restore physical and psychological functioning to a large extent after a period of illness. The aim of this study was to examine (1) changes in BF from pre- to 12 months post-transplantation, (2) the concurrent association of disease-related characteristics and optimism to BF, and (3) the potential causal relations between BF and distress. METHODS: In this longitudinal study, 319 patients completed questionnaires before, 3 months, 6 months, and/or 12 months post-transplantation. Multilevel models were used for the analyses. Measures included the Illness Cognitions Questionnaire to measure BF, the Life Orientation Test to measure optimism, and the General Health Questionnaire to measure distress. RESULTS: Benefit finding increased from pre- to post-transplantation. Fewer symptoms and comorbidities, and more optimism, were related to more BF over all time-points. The direction of the relation between BF and distress changed over time. Before transplantation, distress predicted an increase in BF, whereas post-transplantation, distress predicted a decrease in BF. The causal relation between BF and distress post-transplantation appeared to be reciprocal. CONCLUSIONS: A positive medical intervention such as renal transplantation might facilitate the development of BF. This study indicates the need for longitudinal research on the relation between BF and psychological health in the face of positive events. Statement of contribution What is already known on this subject? Benefit finding refers to the identification of positive psychological changes following a negative life event. Individuals can experience benefit finding following chronic illness. The positive event of kidney transplantation is associated with improvements in patients' physical and psychological functioning. What does this study add? Benefit finding increases from pre- to post-kidney transplantation. Fewer symptoms and comorbidities, and higher optimism are related to more benefit finding. Before transplantation, distress predicts an increase in benefit finding. After transplantation, there appears to be a reciprocal relation between distress and benefit finding such that distress predicts a decrease in benefit finding and benefit finding predicts a decrease in distress

    Complementary Biomarker Assessment of Components Absorbed from Diet and Creatinine Excretion Rate Reflecting Muscle Mass in Dialysis Patients

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    To prevent protein energy malnutrition (PEM) and accumulation of waste products, dialysis patients require diet adjustments. Dietary intake assessed by self-reported intakes often provides biased information and standard 24-h urinary excretion is inapplicable in dialysis patients. We aimed to assess dietary intake via a complementary, less biased biomarker method, and to compare this to dietary diaries. Additionally, we investigated the prospective association of creatinine excretion rate (CER) reflecting muscle mass with mortality. Complete intradialytic dialysate and interdialytic urinary collections were used to calculate 24-h excretion of protein, sodium, potassium, phosphate and creatinine in 42 chronic dialysis patients and compared with protein, sodium, potassium, and phosphate intake assessed by 5-day dietary diaries. Cox regression analyses were employed to investigate associations of CER with mortality. Mean age was 64 +/- 13 years and 52% were male. Complementary biomarker assessed (CBA) and dietary assessed (DA) protein intake were significantly correlated (r = 0.610; p <0.001), but there was a constant bias, as dietary diaries overestimated protein intake in most patients. Correlations were found between CBA and DA sodium intake (r = 0.297; p = 0.056), potassium intake (r = 0.312; p = 0.047) and phosphate uptake/intake (r = 0.409; p = 0.008). However, Bland-Altman analysis showed significant proportional bias. During a median follow-up of 26.6 (25.3-31.5) months, nine dialysis patients (23%) died. CER was independently and inversely associated with survival (HR: 0.59 (0.42-0.84); p = 0.003). Excretion measurements may be a more reliable assessment of dietary intake in dialysis patients, as this method is relatively free from biases known to exist for self-reported intakes. CER seems to be a promising tool for monitoring PEM

    Barriers to and Facilitators of Sustained Employment:A Qualitative Study of Experiences in Dutch Patients With CKD

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    Rationale & Objective: Although patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) are at risk for work disability and loss of employment, not all experience work disruption. We aimed to describe the barriers to and facilitators of sustained employment experienced by Dutch patients with CKD. Study Design: Qualitative study using semi-structured interviews. Setting & Participants: 27 patients with CKD glomerular filtration rate categories 3b-5 (G3b-G5) from 4 nephrology outpatient clinics in The Netherlands. Analytical Approach: Content analyses with constant comparison of interview data based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health framework. Results: Participants were 6 patients with CKD G3b-G4, 8 patients receiving maintenance dialysis, and 13 patients with functioning kidney transplants. We identified health-related barriers (symptoms, physical toll of dialysis/transplantation, limited work capacity) and facilitators (few physical symptoms, successful posttransplantation recovery, absence of comorbidities, good physical condition), personal barriers (psychological impact, limited work experience) and facilitators (positive disposition, job satisfaction, work attitude, person-job fit), and environmental barriers and facilitators. Environmental barriers were related to nephrology care (waiting time, use of a hemodialysis catheter) and work context (reorganization, temporary contract, working hours, physical demands); environmental facilitators were related to nephrology care (personalized dialysis, preemptive transplant), work context (large employer, social climate, job requiring mental rather than physical labor, flexible working hours, adjustment of work tasks, reduced hours, remote working, support at work, peritoneal dialysis exchange facility), and support at home. Occupational health services and social security could be barriers or facilitators. Limitations: The study sample of Dutch patients may limit the transferability of these findings to other countries. Conclusions: The wide range of barriers and facilitators in all International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health components suggests great diversity among patients and their circumstances. These findings underline the importance of personalized nephrology and occupational health care as well as the importance of individually tailored workplace accommodations to promote sustained employment for patients with CKD

    Amino Acid Homeostasis and Fatigue in Chronic Hemodialysis Patients

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    Patients dependent on chronic hemodialysis treatment are prone to malnutrition, at least in part due to insufficient nutrient intake, metabolic derangements, and chronic inflammation. Losses of amino acids during hemodialysis may be an important additional contributor. In this study, we assessed changes in plasma amino acid concentrations during hemodialysis, quantified intradialytic amino acid losses, and investigated whether plasma amino acid concentrations and amino acid losses by hemodialysis and urinary excretion are associated with fatigue. The study included a total of 59 hemodialysis patients (65 +/- 15 years, 63% male) and 33 healthy kidney donors as controls (54 +/- 10 years, 45% male). Total plasma essential amino acid concentration before hemodialysis was lower in hemodialysis patients compared with controls (p = 0.006), while total non-essential amino acid concentration did not differ. Daily amino acid losses were 4.0 +/- 1.3 g/24 h for hemodialysis patients and 0.6 +/- 0.3 g/24 h for controls. Expressed as proportion of protein intake, daily amino acid losses of hemodialysis patients were 6.7 +/- 2.4% of the total protein intake, compared to 0.7 +/- 0.3% for controls (p < 0.001). Multivariable regression analyses demonstrated that hemodialysis efficacy (Kt/V) was the primary determinant of amino acid losses (Std. beta = 0.51; p < 0.001). In logistic regression analyses, higher plasma proline concentrations were associated with higher odds of severe fatigue (OR (95% CI) per SD increment: 3.0 (1.3; 9.3); p = 0.03), while higher taurine concentrations were associated with lower odds of severe fatigue (OR (95% CI) per log2 increment: 0.3 (0.1; 0.7); p = 0.01). Similarly, higher daily taurine losses were also associated with lower odds of severe fatigue (OR (95% CI) per log2 increment: 0.64 (0.42; 0.93); p = 0.03). Lastly, a higher protein intake was associated with lower odds of severe fatigue (OR (95% CI) per SD increment: 0.2 (0.04; 0.5); p = 0.007). Future studies are warranted to investigate the mechanisms underlying these associations and investigate the potential of taurine supplementation

    Fibroblast growth factor 21 and protein energy wasting in hemodialysis patients

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    INTRODUCTION: Protein energy wasting (PEW) is the most important risk factor for morbidity and mortality in hemodialysis patients. Inadequate dietary protein intake is a frequent cause of PEW. Recent studies have identified fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) as an endocrine protein sensor. This study aims to investigate the potential of FGF21 as a biomarker for protein intake and PEW and to investigate intradialytic FGF21 changes. METHODS: Plasma FGF21 was measured using an enzyme-linked immunoassay. Complete intradialytic dialysate and interdialytic urinary collections were used to calculate 24-h urea excretion and protein intake. Muscle mass was assessed using the creatinine excretion rate and fatigue was assessed using the Short Form 36 and the Checklist Individual Strength. RESULTS: Out of 59 hemodialysis patients (65 ± 15 years, 63% male), 39 patients had a low protein intake, defined as a protein intake less than 0.9 g/kg/24-h. Patients with a low protein intake had nearly twofold higher plasma FGF21 compared to those with an adequate protein intake (FGF21 1370 [795-4034] pg/mL versus 709 [405-1077] pg/mL;P < 0.001). Higher plasma FGF21 was associated with higher odds of low protein intake (Odds Ratio: 3.18 [1.62-7.95] per doubling of FGF21; P = 0.004), independent of potential confounders. Higher plasma FGF21 was also associated with lower muscle mass (std β: -0.34 [-0.59;-0.09];P = 0.009), lower vitality (std β: -0.30 [-0.55;-0.05];P = 0.02), and more fatigue (std β: 0.32 [0.07;0.57];P = 0.01). During hemodialysis plasma FGF21 increased by 354 [71-570] pg/mL, corresponding to a 29% increase. CONCLUSION: Higher plasma FGF21 is associated with higher odds of low protein intake in hemodialysis patients. Secondarily, plasma FGF21 is also associated with lower muscle mass, less vitality, and more fatigue. Lastly, there is an intradialytic increase in plasma FGF21. FGF21 could be a valuable marker allowing for objective assessment of PEW

    Prevalence of intradialytic hypotension, clinical symptoms and nursing interventions - a three-months, prospective study of 3818 haemodialysis sessions

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    Background: Intradialytic hypotension (IDH) is considered one of the most frequent complications of haemodialysis with an estimated prevalence of 20-50 %, but studies investigating its exact prevalence are scarce. A complicating factor is that several definitions of IDH are used. The goal of this study was, to assess the prevalence of IDH, primarily in reference to the European Best Practice Guideline (EBPG) on haemodynamic instability: A decrease in systolic blood pressure (SBP) >= 20 mmHg or in mean arterial pressure (MAP) >= 10 mmHg associated with a clinical event and the need for nursing intervention. Methods: During 3 months we prospectively collected haemodynamic data, clinical events, and nursing interventions of 3818 haemodialysis sessions from 124 prevalent patients who dialyzed with constant ultrafiltration rate and dialysate conductivity. Patients were considered as having frequent IDH if it occurred in >20 % of dialysis sessions. Results: Decreases in SBP >= 20 mmHg or MAP >= 10 mmHg occurred in 77.7 %, clinical symptoms occurred in 21.4 %, and nursing interventions were performed in 8.5 % of dialysis sessions. Dialysis hypotension according to the full EBPG definition occurred in only 6.7 % of dialysis sessions. Eight percent of patients had frequent IDH. Conclusions: The prevalence of IDH according to the EBPG definition is low. The dominant determinant of the EBPG definition was nursing intervention since this was the component with the lowest prevalence. IDH seems to be less common than indicated in the literature but a proper comparison with previous studies is complicated by the lack of a uniform definition
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