10 research outputs found

    Quasi-isospectrality on quantum graphs

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    Consider two quantum graphs with the standard Laplace operator and non-Robin type boundary conditions at all vertices. We show that if their eigenvalue-spectra agree everywhere aside from a sufficiently sparse set, then the eigenvalue-spectra and the length-spectra of the two quantum graphs are identical, with the possible exception of the multiplicity of the eigenvalue zero. Similarly if their length-spectra agree everywhere aside from a sufficiently sparse set, then the quantum graphs have the same eigenvalue-spectrum and length-spectrum, again with the possible exception of the eigenvalue zero.Comment: This article has now been published but unfortunately the published version contains an error in the treatment of the eigenvalue zero. The version here is the corrected versio

    Quantum graphs and their spectra

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    We show that families of leafless quantum graphs that are isospectral for the standard Laplacian are finite. We show that the minimum edge length is a spectral invariant. We give an upper bound for the size of isospectral families in terms of the total edge length of the quantum graphs. We define the Bloch spectrum of a quantum graph to be the map that assigns to each element in the deRham cohomology the spectrum of an associated magnetic Schr\"odinger operator. We show that the Bloch spectrum determines the Albanese torus, the block structure and the planarity of the graph. It determines a geometric dual of a planar graph. This enables us to show that the Bloch spectrum identifies and completely determines planar 3-connected quantum graphs.Comment: The authors PhD thesis, submitted at Dartmouth College in 201

    Heat-kernel and Resolvent Asymptotics for Schrödinger Operators on Metric Graphs

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    We consider Schroedinger operators on compact and non-compact (finite) metric graphs. For such operators we analyse their spectra, prove that their resolvents can be represented as integral operators and introduce trace-class regularisations of the resolvents. Our main result is a complete asymptotic expansion of the trace of the (regularised) heat-semigroup generated by the Schroedinger operator. We also determine the leading coefficients in the expansion explicitly.Comment: This article has been accepted for publication in Applied Mathematics Research Express Published by Oxford University Pres

    Trace Formulae for quantum graphs with edge potentials

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    This work explores the spectra of quantum graphs where the Schr\"odinger operator on the edges is equipped with a potential. The scattering approach, which was originally introduced for the potential free case, is extended to this case and used to derive a secular function whose zeros coincide with the eigenvalue spectrum. Exact trace formulas for both smooth and δ\delta-potentials are derived, and an asymptotic semiclassical trace formula (for smooth potentials) is presented and discussed

    On the interplay between embedded graphs and delta-matroids

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    The mutually enriching relationship between graphs and matroids has motivated discoveries in both fields. In this paper, we exploit the similar relationship between embedded graphs and delta-matroids. There are well-known connections between geometric duals of plane graphs and duals of matroids. We obtain analogous connections for various types of duality in the literature for graphs in surfaces of higher genus and delta-matroids. Using this interplay, we establish a rough structure theorem for delta-matroids that are twists of matroids, we translate Petrie duality on ribbon graphs to loop complementation on delta-matroids, and we prove that ribbon graph polynomials, such as the Penrose polynomial, the characteristic polynomial, and the transition polynomial, are in fact delta-matroidal. We also express the Penrose polynomial as a sum of characteristic polynomials