48 research outputs found

    Clinical and demographic characteristics of patients with CLM (n = 91).

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    a<p>multiple classifications possible.</p>b<p>pustules, suppuration, abscess.</p>c<p>in case of multiple lesions, appearance of the oldest.</p

    Establishment of a resazurin-based <i>G. duodenalis</i> growth assay.

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    <p>Various numbers of trophozoites (WB-C6 strain, 0.5×10<sup>3</sup>–10<sup>4</sup> trophozoites per well) were seeded into 96-well plates. After 24 h, 48 h or 72 h of culture, the medium was replaced by PBS and resazurin solution was added. Trophozoites were further incubated for 4 h and the fluorescence intensity was measured fluorometrically using an excitation wavelength of 550 nm and an emission wavelength of 595 nm. Results are presented as fluorescence intensity (RFU) in relation to the initially inoculated number of trophozoites; Data are expressed as mean ± SD of three independent experiments. The correlation factor (r<sup>2</sup>) was calculated by linear regression using the software program Prism 5.01 (GraphPad).</p

    No interaction effect of MTZ and orlistat in combination on the growth of <i>G. duodenalis</i> trophozoites.

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    <p>Trophozoites of <i>G. duodenalis</i>, (A) WB-C6 (n = 4) and (B) 14-03/F7 (n = 3), were incubated in the presence of various concentrations of MTZ (0.33–81 µM) or orlistat (0.33–27 µM) alone or in combination. Combination indices (CIs) of MTZ and orlistat were calculated for given drug ratios (MTZ:orlistat) of 1∶1 (filled circle), 3∶1 (open squares), or 1∶3 (open triangle). Results are plotted against the fraction of parasites affected (normalized growth inhibition). Data are presented as mean ± SD of independent experiments (each performed in triplicates). CI values between 0.8–1.2 (shaded area) indicate no interaction of the drugs regarding growth inhibition (i.e. drugs act independently).</p

    Orlistat inhibits growth of <i>G. duodenalis</i> trophozoites.

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    <p><b><i> </i></b> Anti-<i>G. duodenalis</i> activity of MTZ (filled circle) and orlistat (blank squares) was determined in a resazurin assay and results are presented as relative percentage of growth of the untreated trophozoites as a control. In addition, the half maximal inhibitory concentrations (IC50<sub>24h</sub>) are shown. (A) Growth inhibition curve of the laboratory strain WB-C6; the IC50<sub>24h</sub> of orlistat (IC50<sub>24h</sub> = 4.3 µM; n = 7) was significantly lower than the IC50<sub>24h</sub> of MTZ (IC50<sub>24h</sub> = 11.0 µM; n = 10), p = 0.0034. (B) Growth inhibition curve of the <i>G. duodenalis</i> patient isolate 14-03/F7; the IC50<sub>24h</sub> of orlistat (IC50<sub>24h</sub> = of 2.8 µM, n = 4) was significantly lower than the IC50 of MTZ (IC50<sub>24h</sub> = 6.2 µM; n = 5), p = 0.0079. Data are expressed as mean ± SD. The Mann-Whitney-test was used to evaluate the statistical significance of the differences in IC50 values.</p