794 research outputs found

    Comparative review of the risk assessment quantitative models for public open spaces lighting design optimisation

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    The key focus in the paper is on the presentation of the risk assessment model in the optimisation design process by establishing the link between the various phases that result in the successful project implementation. Through the comparative analysis of the quantitative risk assessment models a number of impacts on the design process are shown which occur in different project phases. This approach has proved the RAKA model (Risk Analysis by Key-factors Assessment) to be the most adequate mathematical model for the assessment of the risks on the project goals in the optimisation process of the development of the products for the accomplishing lighting of the open public spaces. The particularities of the model are best described by the predetermined criteria which contribute to the optimisation of the design process through the quantitative analysis of the project risks, according to the predetermined project goals sets. The influence of the risks on the project goals are shown by mathematical formulas in which the criteria of the design team are taken into account, leading to the efficiency improvement and enhancement in the implementation phases of the project

    Organic animal husbandry

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    Korelaciona povezanost prinosa i kvaliteta ploda breskve sa nekim fenoloŔkim fazama

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    Ripening time of peach cultivars that are grown up in our country is extended over a time period of almost four months. In addition to that, one of more important objectives of the peach breeding is creation of the cultivars having either very early or very late ripening time. Our so far experience is that the peach cultivars which ripening time is in the extremes is of lower fruit quality. The aim of this study, therefore, was to determine relationship and the nature of the dependence between flowering time or ripening time from one side and yield, yield components (initial and final fruit set, fruit weight and stone weight) and chemical composition of fruit (content of total dry matter, content of soluble solids, content of total, invert and reduced sugar and content of total acid) on the other side. Twenty peach cultivars each having a different ripening time were using as material. The relationship between characteristics was determined on the basis of values of genetic and phenotypic correlation coefficients. Genetic and phenotypic coefficients of correlation were calculated based on the results of monofactorial analysis of covariance where the years considered as replications. It was confirmed that flowering time was positive genetic and phenotypic correlated with initial fruit set and with final fruit set. The existence of significant genetic and phenotypic correlation between ripening time and fruit weight, between ripening time and dry matter content and between ripening time and soluble solid content represented difficulty in creation of new peach cultivars of early ripening time and improved fruit quality .Vreme sazrevanja sorti breskve koje se gaje u naÅ”oj zemlji proteže se gotovo na četiri meseca. I pored toga, jedan od važnih ciljeva u oplemenjivanju ove vrste voćaka je stvaranje sorti veoma ranog ili veoma kasnog vremena sazrevanja. DosadaÅ”nje iskustvo pokazalo je da se sorte breskve ekstremne po vremenu sazrevanja odlikuju slabijim kvalitetom plodova. Upravo stoga, cilj ovog rada je bio da se utvrde relacije i priroda zavisnosti vremena cvetanja ili vremena sazrevanja s jedne strane i prinosa, komponenti prinosa (broj zametnutih i broj ubranih plodova, masa ploda i masa koÅ”tice) i hemijskog sastava plodova (sadržaj ukupnih i rastvorljivih suvih materija, sadržaj ukupnih invertnih i redukujućih Å”ećera i sadržaj ukupnih kiselina) s druge strane. Kao materijal koriŔćeno je 20 sorti breskve različitog vremena sazrevanja. Povezanost osobina utvrđena je na osnovu vrednosti koeficijenata genetičke i fenotipske korelacije. Koeficijenti genetičke i fenotipske korelacije izračunati su na osnovu rezultata monofaktorijalne analize kovarianse, gde su godine uzete kao ponavljanje. Ustanovljeno je da je vreme cvetanja bilo pozitivno i veoma značajno genetički i fenotipski korelisano sa brojem zametnutih plodova i brojem ubranih plodova. Postojanje značajnih genetičkih i fenotipskih korelacija između vremena sazrevanja i mase ploda, vremena sazrevanja i sadržaja ukupnih suvih materija i vremena sazrevanja i sadržaja rastvorljivih suvih materija predstavlja teÅ”koću u stvaranju sorti breskve ranog vremena zrenja sa poboljÅ”anim kvalitetom ploda

    Divergentnost tipova džanarike (Prunus cerasifera Ehrh.) na području Srbije

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    Variability of some more prominent pomological characteristics was examined in three regions of Serbia (central, western, southern). In all the regions, significant variability of all studied characteristics was established. However, no specifics were manifested between regions, therefore, identical types emerge in all the regions. This is indicated by similar intervals of variation as well as similar mean values of characteristics per region. The obtained results lead to the conclusion that the entire territory of Serbia should be observed as a unique myrobalan population with highly expressed polymorphism of characteristics. To preserve genetic variability of myrobalan, collection is recommended for those types that were arranged into various groups and subgroups according to the results of cluster analysis.U ovom radu ispitivana je varijabilnost značajnijih pomoloÅ”kih osobina u 3 regiona Srbije (centralni, zapadni i južni). U sva tri regiona ustanovljena je značajna varijabilnost svih proučavanih osobina. Međutim, među regionima nisu ispoljene specifičnosti, tako da se u sva tri regiona pojavljuju isti tipovi. Na ovo ukazuju slični intervali variranja, kao i slične srednje vrednosti osobina po regionima. Dobijeni rezultati navode na zaključak da čitavu teritoriju Srbije treba posmatrati kao jedinstvenu populaciju džanarike sa veoma izraženim polimorfizmom osobina. Radi očuvanja genetičke varijabilnosti džanarike za kolekcionisanje se preporučuju oni tipovi koji su prema rezultatima klaster analize svrstani u različite grupe i podgrupe

    The Consumer Practice of Volunteer Tourism: A Fine Line between Niche Leisure Practice and New Social Movement

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    The purpose of this research is to investigate the sociocultural discourses that are ascribed to the fairly new, yet increasingly popular consumer practice of volunteer tourism. Thereby, we aim to examine the extent to which volunteer tourism correlates with new social movements using Melucci (1989) and Touraineā€™s (1981) ā€œthree core representational elementsā€ of every social movement: a common goal, common characteristics of an activistsā€™ self-identity and a common adversary. Taking a consumer culture theory stance, this study builds on existing theories from both tourism literature and new social movement literature. Following constructionist and interpretivist research philosophies, we apply a qualitative research approach. Accordingly, we conduct semi-structured in-depth interviews with former volunteer tourists to collect rich data in form of narratives on the consumer practice. Findings indicate that volunteer tourism shows correlation to new social movements in terms of respective goals and activistsā€™ self-identity and, thus, acts within the realm of political consumerism. However, the adversaries identified appear to be multiple and fragmented and do not reflect the ā€˜common adversaryā€™ element that is central in the traditional understanding of new social movements. Such notion opens opportunities for further research in regard to shifts within the contemporary manifestation of new social movements

    Comparative analysis of some bioecological characteristics of Hungarian oak and Turkey oak

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    This paper gives an in-depth study of some bioecological characteristics of the Hungarian and Turkey oak, autochthonous oak species and edificators of climatogenic communities of central Serbia. Today, these forest complexes are mostly of coppice origin and as such, they require implementation of reclamation operations. In order to determine biological dominance, select the optimal reclamation operations and finally improve the state of these forests, we studied the environmental conditions, stand state, development and position of individual trees in a mixed coppice stand of Hungarian and Turkey oak in a suburban zone of the city of Belgrade

    Long spin coherence times in the ground state and an optically excited state of 167^{167}Er3+^{3+}:Y2_2SiO5_5 at zero magnetic field

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    Spins in solids are an ideal candidate to act as a memory and interface with superconducting qubits due to their long coherence times. We spectroscopically investigate erbium-167-doped yttrium orthosilicate as a possible microwave-addressed memory employing its microwave frequency transitions that occur without applying an external magnetic field. We obtain coherence times of 380 Ī¼\mus in a ground state spin transition and 1.48 ms in an excited state spin transition. This is 28 times longer compared to previous zero field measurements, as well as 200 times longer than a previous microwave memory demonstration in the same material. These long coherence times show that erbium-167-doped yttrium orthosilicate has potential as a microwave-addressed quantum memory.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures. The paper has been expanded compared to the previous version on arXiv, and the title has change

    Steerable optical tweezers for ultracold atom studies

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    We report on the implementation of an optical tweezer system for controlled transport of ultracold atoms along a narrow, static confinement channel. The tweezer system is based on high-efficiency acousto-optical deflectors and offers two-dimensional control over beam position. This opens up the possibility for tracking the transport channel when shuttling atomic clouds along the guide, forestalling atom spilling. Multiple clouds can be tracked independently by time-shared tweezer beams addressing individual sites in the channel. The deflectors are controlled using a multichannel direct digital synthesizer, which receives instructions on a sub-microsecond time scale from a field-programmable gate array. Using the tweezer system, we demonstrate sequential binary splitting of an ultracold 87Rb\rm^{87}Rb cloud into 252^5 clouds.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, 1 movie lin
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