3 research outputs found

    Učestalost kardiovaskularnih čimbenika rizika u pretile djece

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    The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of metabolic syndrome factors in obese children by examining blood pressure, lipid status, disorders of glycoregulation, and parameters of insulin sensitivity and secretion. The survey was conducted as a cross sectional study. We analyzed the results of obese children aged 7 to 16 years visiting Clinical Centre of Montenegro during the 2011-2015 period. Out of 173 children with elevated body mass index, 119 (68.8%) children were overweight, while first-degree obesity was recorded in 50 (28.9%) and second-degree obesity in four (2.3%) children. High blood pressure was found in 35.2%, elevated cholesterol levels in 9.8% and elevated triglyceride levels in 8.09% of obese children. Oral glucose load testing revealed disturbing fasting glycemia in 4.76% and impaired glucose tolerance in 19.04% of obese children. High values of insulinemia two hours after glucose load were recorded in 35% of obese children. Study results showed the prevalence of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and metabolic disorders, especially carbohydrates and fat, to be very high in our population of obese children. Th is imposes the need of changing current mode of assessing dietary habits during general medical examinations, as well as to start recording and monitoring overweight children and those with pronounced obesity.Cilj studije bio je odrediti učestalost pojedinačnih čimbenika metaboličkog sindroma kod pretile djece ispitujući krvni tlak, lipidni status, poremećaje glikoregulacije, parametre inzulinske osjetljivosti i lučenja. Istraživanje je provedeno u obliku poprečne studije. Analizirani su rezultati pretile djece u dobi od 7 do 16 godina u Kliničkom Centru Crne Gore u razdoblju od 2011. do 2015. godine. Od 173 djece s poviÅ”enim indeksom tjelesne mase, 119 (68,8%) ih je imalo prekomjernu težinu, 50 (28,9%) 1. stupanj pretilosti i četvoro djece (2,3%) 2. stupanj pretilosti. PoviÅ”en krvni tlak imalo je 35,2%, poviÅ”ene vrijednosti kolesterola 9,8% i poviÅ”ene vrijednosti triglicerida 8,09% pretile djece. Tijekom oralnog opterećenja glukozom poremećenu glikemiju nataÅ”te imalo je 4,76%, a poremećenu toleranciju glukoze 19,04% pretile djece. PoviÅ”ene vrijednosti insulinemije dva sata poslije opterećenja glukozom imalo je 35% pretile djece. Zastupljenost čimbenika rizika za kardiovaskularne bolesti i metaboličke poremećaje, naročito ugljikohidrata i masti, u populaciji pretile djece je veoma visoka. To nameće potrebu izmjene sadaÅ”njega načina procjene uhranjenosti djece pri sistematskim pregledima, kao i registriranja i praćenja djece s prekomjernom tjelesnom težinom i izraženom pretilosti

    Clinical and autopsy findings of the homeless

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    Introduction/Objective. The population of homeless people has been growing rapidly over the past decades, and is a part of regular repertoire in daily autopsy practice. The paper aims to establish a contingent of autopsy findings specific for homeless persons using a cohort approach. Methods. The study group consisted of the bodies of 37 homeless men autopsied in the past 15 years. The control group consisted of 37 men and was created by a driven randomized selection following the same distribution of the causes of death. A standardized full autopsy was performed in every case, followed by microscopic examination and toxicology if indicated. Many external and internal features were compared. Results. Homeless people lived significantly shorter, and were more often unidentified at the time of autopsy (p < 0.05). As for external features, we found that homeless people were significantly shorter, with longer hair, beard, and nails, and worse dental status compared to the control group (p < 0.01); 70.3% of the homeless people were underweight; significantly more often suffered from infectious lung diseases, alcoholic liver disease and showed signs of old brain contusions (p < 0.01); they had higher blood alcohol concentrations at the time of death compared to the controls (p < 0.05), but a significantly lower atherosclerotic grade (p < 0.01), and were found to die significantly more often during the winter months (p < 0.01). Besides this, the homeless are more usually affected by specific and non-specific lung inflammations and alcohol liver diseases. Conclusion. Autopsy findings of homeless people define an almost particular presentation compared with controls