3 research outputs found

    EMIC wave events during the four GEM QARBM challenge intervals

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    This paper presents observations of EMIC waves from multiple data sources during the four GEM challenge events in 2013 selected by the GEM “Quantitative Assessment of Radiation Belt Modeling” focus group: March 17‐18 (Stormtime Enhancement), May 31‐June 2 (Stormtime Dropout), September 19‐20 (Non‐storm Enhancement), and September 23‐25 (Non‐storm Dropout). Observations include EMIC wave data from the Van Allen Probes, GOES, and THEMIS spacecraft in the near‐equatorial magnetosphere and from several arrays of ground‐based search coil magnetometers worldwide, as well as localized ring current proton precipitation data from low‐altitude POES spacecraft. Each of these data sets provides only limited spatial coverage, but their combination shows consistent occurrence patterns and reveals some events that would not be identified as significant using near‐equatorial spacecraft alone. Relativistic and ultrarelativistic electron flux observations, phase space density data, and pitch angle distributions based on data from the REPT and MagEIS instruments on the Van Allen Probes during these events show two cases during which EMIC waves are likely to have played an important role in causing major flux dropouts of ultrarelativistic electrons, particularly near L* ~ 4.0. In three other cases identifiable smaller and more short‐lived dropouts appeared, and in five other cases these waves evidently had little or no effect

    Correspondence of a global isolated substorm to the McPherron statistical model

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    Abstract It is shown that a diamagnetic structure (DS) of the slow solar wind (SW), the source of which on the Sun was a chain of streamers, arrived at Earth’s orbit on December 22, 2015. It interacted with Earth’s magnetosphere under conditions when the northward Bz component of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) remained for a long time in preceding undisturbed SW. The interaction and a sharp change in the direction of Bz to the south generated an isolated substorm whose duration depends on the duration of interaction with the DS. The substorm began at midday with the passage of the DS into the magnetosphere and spread to the east. All phases of the substorm — growth, expansion, and recovery — were observed for two hours. Variations in the SW and IMF parameters are shown to coincide for the isolated substorm whose energy source was the slow solar wind DS, and a trigger was the abrupt change in the direction of the vertical IMF component from north to south. The coincidence is justified by statistical generalizations of the same parameters in 40 % of cases of long-term observations of individual substorms whose trigger was a change in Bz direction

    Ground-based instruments of the PWING project to investigate dynamics of the inner magnetosphere at subauroral latitudes as a part of the ERG-ground coordinated observation network

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    Abstract The plasmas (electrons and ions) in the inner magnetosphere have wide energy ranges from electron volts to mega-electron volts (MeV). These plasmas rotate around the Earth longitudinally due to the gradient and curvature of the geomagnetic field and by the co-rotation motion with timescales from several tens of hours to less than 10 min. They interact with plasma waves at frequencies of mHz to kHz mainly in the equatorial plane of the magnetosphere, obtain energies up to MeV, and are lost into the ionosphere. In order to provide the global distribution and quantitative evaluation of the dynamical variation of these plasmas and waves in the inner magnetosphere, the PWING project (study of dynamical variation of particles and waves in the inner magnetosphere using ground-based network observations, http://www.isee.nagoya-u.ac.jp/dimr/PWING/) has been carried out since April 2016. This paper describes the stations and instrumentation of the PWING project. We operate all-sky airglow/aurora imagers, 64-Hz sampling induction magnetometers, 40-kHz sampling loop antennas, and 64-Hz sampling riometers at eight stations at subauroral latitudes (~ 60° geomagnetic latitude) in the northern hemisphere, as well as 100-Hz sampling EMCCD cameras at three stations. These stations are distributed longitudinally in Canada, Iceland, Finland, Russia, and Alaska to obtain the longitudinal distribution of plasmas and waves in the inner magnetosphere. This PWING longitudinal network has been developed as a part of the ERG (Arase)-ground coordinated observation network. The ERG (Arase) satellite was launched on December 20, 2016, and has been in full operation since March 2017. We will combine these ground network observations with the ERG (Arase) satellite and global modeling studies. These comprehensive datasets will contribute to the investigation of dynamical variation of particles and waves in the inner magnetosphere, which is one of the most important research topics in recent space physics, and the outcome of our research will improve safe and secure use of geospace around the Earth