44 research outputs found

    Water quality and shellfish related gastrointestinal disease cases in Kota Bharu

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    Shellfish or to be specific, the family of freshwater mussels and the species known as Corbicula fluminea or in the local dialect recognized as “etak� is one of the food peculiar to Kelantan. “Etak� is a filter feeder. Therefore, a lot of pollutants could be accumulated in the “etak’s� tissues including pathogenic bacteria which are mainly contributed by improperly treated sewage discharged into the river. Besides direct contamination from the habitats, C. fluminea may also be contaminated during preparation and sale. The objective of this study is to identify the correlation between water quality, shellfish tissue contaminations and the cases of gastrointestinal diseases in Kota Bharu as well as to study the stage of bacteria contamination in the shellfish preparation cycle and to compare the bacteria concentration in river bed and selling points of shellfish. The methodology in this study involves water quality sampling and shellfish sampling, with lab analysis being done by accredited lab and secondary data was obtained from Department of Health, Kota Bharu regarding the cases of gastrointestinal diseases in Kota Bharu. There are two stages of shellfish sampling, the first stage is raw “etak� from the river bed and the second stage is process “etak�. Three sampling stations were chosen. Shellfish tissues were analyzed by bacteriology lab of Fisheries Research Institute located in Batu Maung, Penang and water quality analysis was performed by accredited laboratory. During the study, bacterial contamination in raw C. fluminea or “etak� was found to be high and exceeded the standard especially for Escherichia coli and Fecal coliform. Raw C. fluminea was found to be unsafe for consumption. Bacterial contamination in processed C. fluminea or “etak� was also found to be high but lesser in concentration as compared to raw one. Bacteria contamination occurred mainly in the river bed although contamination during the selling process is also possible. High concentrations of bacteria in the river result in high concentrations of bacteria in “etak� tissues and these could possibly lead to high gastrointestinal diseases in Kelantan, particularly in Kota Bharu


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    U ovom istraživanju, Salmonella spp. je uspješno izolirana iz azijskog školjkaša Corbicula fluminea primjenom Ksiloza Lizin Deoksiolata (XLD) selektivnog agara. Ukupno je izolirano 200 bakterijskih kolonija iz živih azijskih školjkaša i podvrgnuto ispitivanju osjetljivosti na antimikrobne tvari primjenom disk difuzije. U istraživanju je primijenjeno ukupno 18 antibiotika, i to: oksolinska kiselina, nalidiksična kiselina, eritromicin, tetraciklin, doksiciklin, oleandomicin, oksitetraciklin, spiramicin, ampicillin, kanamicin, fosfomicin, florfenikol, linkomicin, novobiocin, kloramfenikol, amoksicilin, flumekvin i sulfametoksazol. Rezultati ove studije ukazali su da je ukupni uzorak osjetljivih na antibiotike za Salmonella spp. izolirane iz uzorka C. fluminea bilo 50% ili 1800 slučajeva. Potom su uslijedili slučajevi rezistencije na antibiotike od 45% ili 1620 slučajeva i posredno osjetljivih na antibiotike (5% ili 180 slučajeva). Na temelju rezultata, tetraciklin, doksiciklin, oksitetraciklin i flumekvin pokazali su najveću inhibiciju izolirane Salmonella spp. Indeks višestruke rezistencije na antibiotike (MAR) bio je 0,36, što ukazuje da su uzorci školjkaša bili visoko izloženi testiranim antibioticima.In the present study, Salmonella spp. was successfully isolated from Asian clam Corbicula fluminea by using Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate (XLD) selective agar. A total of 200 bacterial colonies from live Asian clams were isolated and subjected to antimicrobial sensitivity test by using disc diffusion method. A total of 18 antibiotics was applied in the present study, namely oxolinic acid, nalidixic acid, erythromycin, tetracycline, doxycycline, oleandomycin, oxytetracycline, spiramycin, ampicillin, kanamycin, fosfomycin, florfenicol, lincomycin, novobiocin, chloramphenicol, amoxycillin, flumequine and sulphamethoxazole. The findings of the present study showed that total antibiotic sensitive case for Salmonella spp. isolated from C. fluminea sample was 50% or 1800 cases. This was followed by antibiotic resistance case 45% or 1620 cases and intermediary antibiotic sensitive case (5% or 180 cases). Based on the results of the present study, tetracycline, doxycycline, oxytetracycline and flumequine showed the highest inhibition of isolated Salmonella spp. The multiple antibiotic resistance (MAR) index was 0.36, indicating the sampled clams were highly exposed to the tested antibiotics

    Effect of Logging Activities on Water Quality and Benthic macroinvertebrate Assemblages of Madek River Basin, Kluang, Johor, Malaysia

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    The study was conducted to determine the effect of logging activities on water quality and benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages for the Madek River basin. The study area was situated in Kluang, Johor, Malaysia. Two sampling stations 500 meters apart are upstream and the other, downstream located at Madek River which flows through a logging area in Kluang Forest Reserve were identified. The sampling was conducted four (4) times from November 2008 to August 2009. Surber Net measuring 500 micron mesh size combined with a rectangular quadrat of 30 cm x 30 cm (0.09 m2) was used to sample the macroinvertebrates. The organisms were identified up to genus level except for Chironomidae which was only identified up to Sub-family level. For water quality, six in-situ parameters based on the standard procedure of U. S. Environmental Protection Agency were measured at each station. The parameters such as temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, turbidity and salinity were measured using a multi parameter probe Model YSI 6920 with 650 MDS Display/Logger as well as a single parameter probe. All the physico-chemical water quality parameters were well below Class I as provided for under Interim National Water Quality Standards for Malaysia (INWQS), except turbidity which fell under Class II of the INWQS. There were only two (2) sensitive taxa namely Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera found in this station. Ephemeroptera that was found in the logging area was from genus Potamanthus, Pseudiron, Ephemerella and Rhithrogena, while Trichoptera was from genus Hydropsyche and Macrostemum

    High quality of bacterial dna extraction from Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774) tissue in Kelantan

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    Corbicula fluminea is a freshwater clam that is served as a popular traditional food in Kelantan, Malaysia. However, there are limited studies that report on high quality bacterial metagenome deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) from C. fluminea. Therefore, this study compares the effectiveness and efficiency of conventional cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) protocol, a commercial kit, and modified CTAB protocol for bacterial DNA extraction from the soft tissue surface of raw C. fluminea. The instruments used to examine the quality of the extracted bacterial DNA were DeNovix DS-11 spectrophotometer, gel electrophoresis machine, and UV transilluminator. The results showed that the bacterial DNA extracted from modified CTAB protocol had the highest purity and integrity with the A260/A280 ratio of 1.92 ± 0.01 and A260/A230 ratio of 1.83 ± 0.06 as well as the DNA band with minimum smear. This concludes that modified CTAB protocol is the best approach for the bacterial extraction from the C. fluminea

    Potential of Leucas zeylanica extract to eliminate E. coli and S. aureus in Corbicula fluminea (“Etak”) tissue

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    “Etak” or Corbicula fluminea, is a freshwater mollusc species regularly consumed as a popular snack among the Kelantanese in Malaysia. The “etak” is usually heated with traditional smoking process which is considered as half cooked and the smoked C. fluminea is commonly known as “etak salai”. This study focuses on the potential of Leucas zeylanica leaves extract to eliminate the bacteria content in “etak salai”. Extraction of bacterial genomic DNA was performed and confirmed the existence of Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) in “etak salai”. Antibacterial properties of L. zeylanica leaves extract was identified using disc diffusion assay and the result obtained exhibit that 70 μg/μL of L. zeylanica extract was the optimum concentration to give the effect of 11 mm inhibition zone for E. coli and 15 mm inhibition zone for S. aureus. This finding proof that L. zeylanica leaves could be the ingredients in the paste for “etak salai” preparation

    Water Quality and Heavy Metal Pollution Status in the Rupat Strait, Indonesia

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    Rupat strait is located in the north of Dumai, Riau, Indonesia. Rupat strait is the center of shipping, industry, farming, and urban activities. The vast activities are expected to give pressures to Rupat strait ecosystem and its water quality. This study aims to identify the status of Rupat strait water contamination via determination of the degree of heavy metal pollution in Rupat strait water. Samples was taken from 10 location across Rupat strait while the remaining 1 location is the reference location. Sampling was conducted according to SNI 6964.8:2015 in both dry and wet seasons in 2022. The respective physical and chemical parameters were also measured during sampling. Based on the measurement, significant distinction of physical and chemical parameters other than water salinity, TSS, and turbidity (p>0.05) were observed in between wet season and dry season. Rupat strait water was moderately polluted in dry season with Pij 4-8 and mildly polluted in wet season with Pj 3-5. For heavy metal contamination, Rupat strait water was mildly polluted for the whole year with PLI 0.3-0.6. This finding is expected to contribute as references for the surrounding community to maximize the socioeconomic productivity in Rupat strait

    Composition and Diversity of Tree Species with DBH of 5 cm and above at Pulau Banding, Gerik, Perak, Malaysia

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    A total of 92 individual trees with DBH of 5 cm and above comprising 21 families, 28 genera and 35 species were measured, identified and recorded. This study aimed to enumerate the tree species composition and estimate the diversity index of trees with DBH of 5 cm and above at Pulau Banding, Perak. An ecological plot size of 70 m x 70 m or 0.49 ha was established and divided into three subplots. The data collection was collected to determine the number of species, number of individuals and DBH within the plots. The Shannon Diversity Index was estimated at H’ = 2.98 (H’max = 3.53) while the Simpson’s Index (D) was 0.10 and Species Evenness (E) was 0.85. Murraya paniculata (Rutaceae) was the most important species with an IV i (Important Value Index) of 24.7%, while Dipterocarpaceae was the dominant family for the study area with an IV i of 45.36%. The total aboveground biomass of all trees with a DBH of 5 cm and above in a 0.49 ha plot in Pulau Banding was estimated at 66.2 t/ha. Hence this study is providing preliminary data on tree species composition at Pulau Banding, Perak for conserving the remaining valued timber trees that are still in the regeneration phase

    Distribution and Diversity of Family Rubiaceae in Pulau Banding, Gerik, Perak

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    The distribution and diversity of the Rubiaceae species were investigated along one trail at Pulau Banding, Gerik, Perak. This study aims to identify and estimate the diversity of the Rubiaceae species. The diversity and distribution of the Rubiaceae species were calculated using Shannon-Wiener’s Diversity Index, Simpson's Diversity Index and relative abundance index. A total of 139 individuals from nine species were recorded from Pulau Banding, Perak which are Mitracarpus hirtus, Gardenia carinata, Aidia densiflora, Hypobathrum hirtum, Coffea arabica, Psychotria marginata, Lasianthus constrictus, Porterandia anisophyllea and Ixora finlaysoniana. The values of the Shannon-Wiener’s Diversity Index (H′) and Simpson's Diversity Index (D) are 1.55 and 3.27, respectively. This indicates that M. hirtus is the most dominant species, encompassing 49% of all recorded Rubiaceae. Since it has many benefits such as food, timber, medicine, and the diversity of conservation value, this is vital as baseline data for researchers to propose solutions to the stakeholders and conservation sustainability of the Rubiaceae family as plant resources in Pulau Banding, Perak

    Heavy metals concentration in “etak” tissue at different processing stages

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    Corbicula fluminea, known as “etak” in Kelantan, Malaysia is a freshwater bivalve. This clam is widely consumed as traditional snack by the locals. However, lately there are numerous reports in local newspapers that claim “etak” to cause health effects due to eating contaminated “etak”. Hence, this study aims to determine the heavy metals concentration in fresh, smoked and exposed “etak” sold at the stall as a baseline study in order to develop a method for removing the heavy metals content in its tissues. This study involves sample collection in the stalls around Kelantan, sample preparations via acid digestion and heavy metal determination using Perkin Elmer PinAAcle 900F Atomic Absorption Spectrometer. The results showed the heavy metals (Cr, Zn, Mn and Cu) concentrations (μg/g) in all “etak” tissue were at different level for fresh (Cr: 1.02±0.35ppm, Zn: 74.57±2.76ppm, Mn: 40.22±9.96ppm and Cu: 15.27±1.41ppm), smoked (Cr: 0.42±0.02ppm, Zn: 54.62±17.83ppm, Mn: 50.13±2.31ppm and Cu: 20.94±8.81ppm) and exposed (Cr: 0.53±0.08ppm, Zn: 63.07±8.44ppm, Mn: 50.41±6.92ppm and Cu: 12.80±0.40ppm) samples. The results obtained were compared with the permissible limits set by Malaysian Food Regulations 1985 (Cu: 30.0ppm and Zn: 100.0ppm), FAO/WHO 1984 (Mn: 5.4ppm) and IAEA – 407 (Cr: 0.75ppm). For fresh “etak”, Zn and Cu concentration were below the standards, while Mn and Cr were exceeded the permissible limits. For smoked “etak” and exposed “etak” at stall, all heavy metals concentration were within the permissible limits, except Mn contents. This study successfully determine the baseline concentration of the heavy metals in “etak”

    Heavy metals concentration in “etak” tissue at different processing stages

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    Corbicula fluminea, known as “etak” in Kelantan, Malaysia is a freshwater bivalve. This clam is widely consumed as traditional snack by the locals. However, lately there are numerous reports in local newspapers that claim “etak” to cause health effects due to eating contaminated “etak”. Hence, this study aims to determine the heavy metals concentration in fresh, smoked and exposed “etak” sold at the stall as a baseline study in order to develop a method for removing the heavy metals content in its tissues. This study involves sample collection in the stalls around Kelantan, sample preparations via acid digestion and heavy metal determination using Perkin Elmer PinAAcle 900F Atomic Absorption Spectrometer. The results showed the heavy metals (Cr, Zn, Mn and Cu) concentrations (μg/g) in all “etak” tissue were at different level for fresh (Cr: 1.02±0.35ppm, Zn: 74.57±2.76ppm, Mn: 40.22±9.96ppm and Cu: 15.27±1.41ppm), smoked (Cr: 0.42±0.02ppm, Zn: 54.62±17.83ppm, Mn: 50.13±2.31ppm and Cu: 20.94±8.81ppm) and exposed (Cr: 0.53±0.08ppm, Zn: 63.07±8.44ppm, Mn: 50.41±6.92ppm and Cu: 12.80±0.40ppm) samples. The results obtained were compared with the permissible limits set by Malaysian Food Regulations 1985 (Cu: 30.0ppm and Zn: 100.0ppm), FAO/WHO 1984 (Mn: 5.4ppm) and IAEA – 407 (Cr: 0.75ppm). For fresh “etak”, Zn and Cu concentration were below the standards, while Mn and Cr were exceeded the permissible limits. For smoked “etak” and exposed “etak” at stall, all heavy metals concentration were within the permissible limits, except Mn contents. This study successfully determine the baseline concentration of the heavy metals in “etak”