2,687 research outputs found

    Residual thermal and moisture influences on the strain energy release rate analysis of edge delamination

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    A laminated plate theory analysis is developed to calculate the strain energy release rate associated with edge delamination growth in a composite laminate. The analysis includes the contribution of residual thermal and moisture stresses to the strain energy released. The strain energy release rate, G, increased when residual thermal effects were combined with applied mechanical strains, but then decreased when increasing moisture content was included. A quasi-three-dimensional finite element analysis indicated identical trends and demonstrated these same trends for the individual strain energy release rate components, G sub I and G sub II, associated with interlaminar tension and shear. An experimental study indicated that for T300/5208 graphite-epoxy composites, the inclusion of residual thermal and moisture stresses did not significantly alter the calculation of interlaminar fracture toughness from strain energy release rate analysis of edge delamination data taken at room temperature, ambient conditions

    Estimation of serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase, serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase, gamma-glutamyl transferase and cholesterol levels in prolonged (30 years) daily consumption coffee in people

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    Background: Although prolonged (30years) coffee consumption has been associated with reduced or increased frequency of liver (SGOT, SGPT, GGT) enzymes and cholesterol levels, it is unclear whether the effect is from coffee or caffeine.Methods: A self-administered questionnaire ascertained lifestyle characteristics, including alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking, Diabetes mellitus and Dietary habits. As for drinking habit, examinees were first asked about their current drinking frequency (none, 1-2 times/ week, or almost daily) past or current smokers about the number of cigarettes smoked per day and the duration of smoking in years. As regards coffee, examinees were asked their usual daily intake in cups.Results: A total No of 200 cases were studied by dividing them into two group’s controls and cases. The results so obtain were compared with 50 healthy controls (not to consumed caffeine contained things that include nor coffee, tea, any type of cola’s). Statistical evaluation was carried out to confirm any deviation from the normal values. In men the mean serum SGOT, SGPT, GGT and cholesterol of cases is having higher level as compared to the mean value of controls. This increase is statistically highly significant (SGOT<0.0001, SGPT=0.045, GGT=0.0043, cholesterol<0.0001). In women’s the mean serum SGOT, SGPT, GGT and cholesterol of Cases is having higher level as compared to the mean value of Controls. This increase is statistically significant (SGOT< 0.05, SGPT=0.0319, GGT <0.0001, cholesterol: <0.0001).Conclusion: It has been shown from this study that prolonged daily consumption of coffee in many people it results increasing of levels of serum concentrations of the SGOT, SGPT, GGT and Cholesterol. It is observed that liver enzymes and cholesterol could be a target for caffeine or other components of coffee.

    Influence of light on serum cholesterol levels in complete (by birth) blind people

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    Background: With blindness normal stimulation of the hypothalamic pituitary axis is reduced. The serum cholesterol is frequently increased the upper limit of normal it is unclear whether the effect is due to complete absence of light, HPA axis function reduction or diurnal variation of melatonin levels.Methods: A self-administered questionnaire ascertained lifestyle characteristics, including alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking, diabetes mellitus and dietary habits. Inclusion criteria: 50 complete blindness persons (by birth), healthy adults, Age group between 30-50 years. Exclusion area: age 50, alcoholic, liver diseases, kidney diseases, diabetes mellitus, thyroid diseases.Results: A total No of 100 cases were studied by dividing them into two groups controls 50 and cases 50. The results so obtain were compared with 50 healthy controls (excluded consumed alcoholic, liver diseases, kidney diseases, diabetes mellitus, thyroid diseases.). Statistical evaluation was carried out to confirm any deviation from the normal values. The mean serum cholesterol of Cases (298.28±26.82) is having higher level as compared to the mean value of controls (153.38±11.79). This increase is statistically highly significant (<0.0001).Conclusions: It has been shown from this study with blindness normal stimulation of the HPA is reduced consequently the serum cholesterol is frequently increased the concentration may exceed the upper limit of normal. On this basis we observed increases the upper limit of the cholesterol levels in blind healthy people than subjects with normal healthy light perception

    Experiencing space–time: the stretched lifeworlds of migrant workers in India

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    In the relatively rare instances when the spatialities of temporary migrant work, workers’ journeys, and labour-market negotiations have been the subject of scholarly attention, there has been little work that integrates time into the analysis. Building on a case study of low-paid and insecure migrant manual workers in the context of rapid economic growth in India, we examine both material and subjective dimensions of these workers’ spatiotemporal experiences. What does it mean to live life stretched out, multiplyattached to places across national space? What kinds of place attachments emerge for people temporarily sojourning in, rather than moving to, new places to reside and work? Our analysis of the spatiotemporalities of migrant workers’ experiences in India suggests that, over time, this group of workers use their own agency to seek to avoid the experience of humiliation and indignity in employment relations. Like David Harvey, we argue that money needs to be integrated into such analysis, along with space and time. The paper sheds light on processes of exclusion, inequality and diff erentiation, unequal power geometries, and social topographies that contrast with neoliberalist narratives of ‘Indian shining

    Comparisons of various configurations of the edge delamination test for interlaminar fracture toughness

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    Various configurations of Edge Delamination Tension (EDT) test specimens, of both brittle (T300/5208) and toughened-matrix (T300/BP907) graphite reinforced composite laminates, were manufactured and tested. The mixed-mode interlaminar fracture toughness, G sub C, was measured using (30/30 sub 2/30/90 sub N)sub s, n=1 or 2, (35/-35/0/90) sub s and (35/0/-35/90) sub s layups designed to delaminate at low tensile strains. Laminates were made without inserts so that delaminations would form naturally between the central 90 deg plies and the adjacent angle plies. Laminates were also made with Teflon inserts implanted between the 90 deg plies and the adjacent angle (theta) plies at the straight edge to obtain a planar fracture surface. In addition, interlaminar tension fracture toughness, GIc, was measured from laminates with the same layup but with inserts in the midplane, between the central 90 deg plies, at the straight edge. All of the EDT configurations were useful for ranking the delamination resistance of composites with different matrix resins. Furthermore, the variety of layups and configurations available yield interlaminar fracture toughness measurements needed to generate delamination failure criteria. The influence of insert thickness and location, and coupon size on G sub c values were evaluated

    A study on the left ventricular hypertrophy among the patients of chronic kidney disease stage third to five

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    Background: In Chronic kidney Disease (CKD) a significant risk factor for mortality is Cardiovascular disease (CVD) and the most prevalent cardiovascular risk factor is left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). Anemia, hypertension and volume overload are risk factors for LVH in CKD. So, the present was aimed at comparing the risk factors between CKD with and without LVH.Methods: A cross sectional study carried out over a 2 year period in Department Nephrology and General Medicine OPD, MIMS, Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh. A total of 120 patients are included in this study and divided in to CKD stage III to V based on estimated GFR. Based on 2D echocardiography data CKD cases are further divided in to CKD with LVH and CKD without LVH.Results: The Left ventricular mass index was significant higher in CKD with LVH (128.89±19.28) when compared with CKD without LVH (108.20±10.28). The left ventricular mass index was noted in more number in stage V of CKD. It is also observed that the left ventricular mass index was negatively correlated with haemoglobin and eGFR and was positively correlated with systolic blood pressure and serum NT-proBNP.Conclusions: Present study finding suggested that the incidence of LVH is higher in CKD patients. LVH was positively correlated with hypertension and NT-proBNP and negatively correlated with anemia and estimated GFR

    Level of physical activity, determinants and barriers to motivate physical activities among south Indian diabetic patients: a prospective, questionnaire based study

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    Background: Several clinical trials have been reported that sedentary lifestyle modification including physical activity (PA) and weight loss significantly alters the sort-term as well as long-term incidence of diabetes. The present study explored the level of physical activity and its barriers among south Indian naïve patients who are attending the tertiary care teaching hospital.Methods: A prospective observational, questionnaire-based study. Patients with diabetes (both Type-1 and 2) who were attended diabetic clinic in the Department of General Medicine, Maharaja Institute of Medical Sciences (MIMS), Vijayanagaram, Andhra Pradesh, India was selected and recruited. Demographic data, clinical data were collected from the study participants. International Physical Activity questionnaire was used to determine each patient level of physical activity (PA). Physical activity is graded into low (3000 MET).Results: A total of 300 subjects were completed the entire study. Majority (62.7%) of the patients were suffering from Type-2 diabetes mellitus. Both male and female study subjects had low physical activity (70.5% and 74.1%) and moderate PA was seen in only one thirds of the patients. Patients with low physical activity had low glycaemic control compared to patients who were involved in moderate PA. Moderate PA patients had adequate glycaemic control (65.9 vs 34.1%, P <0.001). A total of 42.0% of subjects were suffering from one of the joint pains and friction joints, due to the following reason subjects were not involved in the PA.Conclusions: Low level of physical activity was observed in the study population, which is a risk factor for several micro-vascular complications over a period of time. It is very important to address the barriers of PA and vigorous counselling is needed which directs towards increasing PA

    Status of vitamin D, lipid profile and carotid artery intima media thickness in patients with chronic kidney disease stage III to V

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    Background: Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is characterized by irreversible sclerosis and loss of nephrons. The renal mass progressively declines over a prolonged period, depending on the underlying etiology. In CKD the most common feature is hypovitaminosis D which alter the vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation and reprogram the osteoblastic changes, finally leading to increase arterial wall thickness.Methods: A cross sectional study carried out over a 2-year period in Department Nephrology and General Medicine OPD, MIMS, Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh, India. 120 in which 60 are normal healthy individuals and 60 are CKD patients with stage 3 to 5. In all the participants serum creatinine, blood urea, serum triglycerides serum total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol estimated and serum 25 OH vitamin D are estimated.Results: The diagnostic criteria for CKD like blood urea, serum creatinine and eGFR were significantly higher in CKD when compared to control. In the present study, systolic and diastolic blood pressure was significantly increased in CKD compared with control. The Carotid Intima Media Thickness (CIMT) both left and right side were significant higher in CKD when compared with control. There is a significantly decreased levels of serum vitamin D in CKD (14.53 ng/mL±6.88) when compared with control (28.87 ng/mL±6.28).Conclusions: Present study finding suggested that there is a raised value of CIMT in CKD patients. High triglycerides, cholesterol and decreased HDL and declined vitamin D low hemoglobin, decreased eGFR, increased systolic blood pressure, raised CIMT value were found to be significantly increased in CKD patients

    Mirnov coil data analysis for tokamak ADITYA

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    The spatial and temporal structures of magnetic signal in the tokamak ADITYA is analysed using recently developed singular value decomposition (SVD) technique. The analysis technique is first tested with simulated data and then applied to the ADITYA Mirnov coil data to determine the structure of current peturbation as the discharge progresses. It is observed that during the current rise phase, current perturbation undergoes transition from m=5 poloidal structure to m=4 and then to m=3. At the time of current termination, m=2 perturbation is observed. It is observed that the mode frequency remains nearly constant (≈10 kHz) when poloidal mode structure changes from m=4 to m=2. This may be either an indication of mode coupling or a consequences of changes in the plasma electron temperature and density scale length
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