18 research outputs found

    Usługi prozdrowotne w turystyce uzdrowiskowej jako źródła wartości w ekonomii i kulturze fizycznej. Próba identyfikacji

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    The aim of the work was to identify the economic and physical culture values as a result of the consumption of health services in health tourism. It was assumed that health services in health tourism as mainly intangible economic goods are also the diversity value of the physical culture, especially health value. The study mainly used the method of analysis of the economic literature and physical culture. The main health values for physical education achieved by the provision of health services in spas were values: relaxation, therapy, beauty and “rejuvenation – be forever young”

    Determinanty rozwoju turystyki zdrowotnej

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    The aim of the study was to analyze conditions for the development of health tourism. The development of health services is determine various determinants. These include factors as: the socio-economic, ecological, geographical and natural or historic. In addition, development of forms of health tourism, or medical tourism and wellness tourism also depend on the some their specific conditions

    A comparative study of two-minute versus three-minute passive recovery on sprint skating performance of ice hockey forwards and defensemen

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    The impact of two different passive recovery durations, two and three minutes, between sets of repeated sprint skating ability (RSSA) test on skating speed, speed decrement (Sdec), and heart rate (HR) response of ice hockey forwards (n = 12) and defensemen (n = 7) were determined. Six sets of 3 80 m sprint, with two-minute passive recovery between two consecutive sets, were performed in RSSA-2. A three-minute passive recovery period between two consecutive sets was allowed in RSSA-3. Skating speed, Sdec, and HR were measured in all tests. Subjects skated faster (p < 0.05) in most of the RSSA-3 sets than the corresponding set of RSSA-2. Defensemen were slower (p < 0.05) than forwards in most of the cases. The Sdec was higher in defensemen than in forwards, although the difference was significant occasionally. No difference in peak HR and minimum HR between forwards and defensemen was found. RSSA-3 is beneficial over RSSA-2 in both forwards and defensemen by increasing speed. Defensemen are slower and show early fatigability than forwards, and no difference in HR response was noted between forwards and defensemen. This study concludes that three-minute recovery is beneficial over two-minute recovery by increasing skating speed, although Sdec and HR response neither vary significantly between RSSA-2 and RSSA-3, nor between forwards and defensemen

    Turystyka aktywna – pojęcie, rodzaje i formy

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    Turystyka aktywna uznawana jest w literaturze angielskojęzycznej, obok turystyki widowisk sportowych i nostalgicznej turystyki sportowej, za jedną z form turystyki sportowej. Cechą turystyki aktywnej jest podróżowanie w celu uprawiania różnego rodzaju sportów, bycia aktywnym fizycznie. Formami turystyki aktywnej są: turystyka kwalifikowana, ekstremalna i przygodowa. Turystyka aktywna może być uprawiana w różnych środowiskach: lądowym, wodnym i powietrznym, zarówno w okresie letnim, jak i zimowym, w formie wyjazdów jednodniowych, weekendowych i wielodniowych. Celem pracy jest autorska próba zdefiniowania pojęcia „turystyka aktywna”, z uwzględnieniem jej podstawowych form i rodzajów, na podstawie literatury światowej i opisów tej formy turystyki w literaturze krajowej

    Intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation and amotivation among students of physical culture

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    Background. The research based on Deci and Ryan’s self-determination theory which applies intrinsic motivation and amotivation. Material and methods. The study is based on the outcomes of the survey questionnaire completed by 587 students (334 females and 253 males) of the Academy of Physical Education in Katowice who study tourism and recreation, physical education, sport management and tourism management. The used research tool was the Academic Motivation Scale by Vallerand, Pelletier and others. Results and conclusions. The analysis found that there were significant differences between females and males in extrinsic motivation and amotivation. Statistically significant differences in motivation factors were found between students doing different courses. There is a positive correlation between motivation factors in the group of intrinsic motivation and a negative correlation between all the motivation factors and amotivation

    Abstaining from exercise during physical education lesson, a real problem or a marginal one in primary school

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    Background. Physical activity of children and adults is considered an essential health determinant. Nowadays a considerable number of children and adolescents live sedentary lifestyles, and, as a result, more frequently suffer from the metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular diseases, overweight and obesity. It is generally believed that a significant number of children abstain from exercising at school. However, representative research results are still unavailable. The aim of the present study was to estimate the extent of exercise avoidance at physical education lessons in primary schools, and to identify the factors increasing the proportion of nonexercisers. Material and methods. The investigations were carried out in 42 primary schools of the Province of Silesia; 1333 physical education lessons were surveyed (classes 4-6). Results. The mean percentage of nonexercisers was 9.2%. The proportion of girls abstaining from exercise was significantly higher and amounted to 13.7%. A lower percentage of non exercising pupils, i.e., 8.5%, was noted in mixed schools. The most common excuses from active participation in physical education lessons were leaving exercise clothes at home (45%) and excuse notes from parents (33.5%)

    Geographical conditions for active tourism in Poland: an outline

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    Cel badań. Celem pracy jest próba zarysowania geograficznych uwarunkowań uprawiania turystyki aktywnej w Polsce z uwzględnieniem stanu atmosfery, pogody i klimatu, ukształtowania terenu, warunków hydrograficznych oraz roślinności i zwierząt. Materiał i metoda. Źródłem analizy badawczej były dotychczasowe wyniki badań naukowych dotyczących głównych cech środowiska przyrodniczego Polski, takich jak: ukształtowanie terenu, klimat, jakość powietrza, sieć hydrograficzna, fauna i flora. Istotne w opracowaniu było również doświadczenie własne autorów – aktywnych turystów i organizatorów tego typu imprez w różnych miejscach Polski. Wyniki. Przegląd uwarunkowań geograficznych, czyli terenów atrakcyjnych do podejmowania turystyki aktywnej pozwolił wykazać potencjał, jaki posiada Polska w tym zakresie. Wydaje się, że jest on obecnie tylko w części wykorzystywany. W wielu regionach naszego kraju można znaleźć obszary rzadko penetrowane przez człowieka, które mają walory środowiskowe sprzyjające uprawianiu różnych rodzajów turystyki aktywnej. Wnioski. Analizując geograficzne uwarunkowania turystyki aktywnej w Polsce, należy zauważyć bardzo sprzyjające cechy środowiska naturalnego dla większości jej rodzajów. Istnieje też wieloletnia tradycja podejmowania aktywności fizycznej w plenerze z wykorzystaniem walorów turystycznych specjalistycznych. Szczególnie sprzyjające warunki dotyczą uprawiania turystyki pieszej (nizinnej i górskiej), jazdy na rowerze, żeglarstwa jachtowego śródlądowego oraz kajakarstwa.Background. The aim of the study was to analyse the influence of the natural geographical environment variables and motivational forces on the phenomenon of active sport tourism in Poland. Method. The study was based on bibliography referring to geography of Poland and the authors’ own experiences. Results. Active sport tourists travel to participate in sport: being physically active is the main purpose of their travels. While defining this type of tourism, several authors emphasize that active sport tourists are individuals who participate in sports activities while on holiday. Tourist attractions are of the major importance for active sports tourism as for all other kinds of tourism. Conclusions. The analysis of the environmental determinants of active sports tourism in Poland, such as terrain, climate, the hydrographic network, and air quality, allowed to conclude that the conditions are conducive to different types of active sports tourism, especially hiking (both lowland and mountain), biking, inland waterway sailing, and canoeing

    Active sport tourism in tourism and recreation course curriculum in the Academy of Physical Education in Katowice

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    Background. English language literature on tourism perceives active sport tourism, event sport tourism and nostalgia sport tourism as three forms of sport tourism. The primary aim of active sport tourism is travelling to participate in different sport activities, i.e. to be physically active. Active sport tourism is further divided into qualified, extreme and adventure tourism. Active sport tourism can be practiced in different environments, i.e. on land or water, as well as in the air, in summer and winter, and in the form of one-day, weekend- or multi-day trips. The paper presents the place of active sport tourism in the tourism and recreation course curriculum in the Academy of Physical Education in Katowice. Material and methods. The source of the research was documentation gathered in the Archives of the Academy of Physical Education. The study plans and syllabuses of individual subjects realized in tourism and recreation in the period of 2005–2015 were used in the research. Results and conclusions. Active sport tourism is a subject of study on the bachelor degree and the specialization course on the master degree

    Motywy podejmowania studiów na kierunku turystyka i rekreacja

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    Motyw to pojedyncza składowa wielowymiarowego zjawiska motywacji. Motywacja jest stanem wewnętrznej gotowości do działania. Jako siła napędowa każdego działania człowieka jest również warunkiem skutecznej edukacji. Analiza motywacji do studiów, będąca tematem niniejszej pracy, opiera się na teorii samodeterminacji. Celem badań były identyfikacja, analiza i diagnoza motywacji studentów kierunku turystyka i rekreacja do podjęcia studiów w AWF Katowice. Badaniami objęto 450 studentów. Zastosowano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego techniką ankietową. Udział w badaniach był dobrowolny i anonimowy. Narzędziem badawczym był kwestionariusz ankiety Dlaczego studiujesz? przygotowany według the Academic Motivation Scale. Najwyższą średnią odpowiedzi odnotowano w przypadku twierdzenia Po to, żeby później lepiej zarabiać, mieć szansę na wyższe zarobki, a najniższą w przypadku twierdzenia Nie mogę zrozumieć, dlaczego poszedłem/poszłam na studia i, szczerze, nie dbam o to. U badanych dominująca okazała się motywacja zewnętrzna regulowana - pierwszy poziom motywacji zewnętrznej. Studenci turystyki i rekreacji najmniej identyfikowali się z twierdzeniami z grupy amotywacji. Istotne statystycznie różnice motywacji mężczyzn i kobiet odnotowano w przypadku amotywacji (wyższa u mężczyzn), motywacji zewnętrznej regulowanej oraz motywacji zewnętrznej zidentyfikowanej (wyższe średnie u kobiet).Motives are the components that make up the multidimensional phenomenon of motivation. Motivation is the state of internal willingness to act. It is the driving force of every human activity and it is essential for effective education. The analysis of motivation to study which is the subject of this work is based on the Self Determination Theory. The aim of the research was to identify, analyse and diagnose the motivation to study of tourism and recreation students at the Academy of Physical Education i n Katowice. The research included 450 students. The method of a diagnostic survey using the questionnaire technique was applied. The survey participation was voluntary and anonymous. The questionnaire titled Why do you study? according to the Academic Motivation Scale was used. The highest average response rate was recorded for the item In order to have a better salary later on. The lowest average was recorded in the case of the amotivation item I can’t see why I go to college and frankly, I couldn’t care less. The highest mean value was recorded for the first level of extrinsic motivation - external regulation, the lowest for amotivation. Statistically significant differences between males and females motivation were recorded in the case of amotivation (higher mean value in males) and two levels of extrinsic motivation - external regulation and identified extrinsic motivation (higher mean values in females). Statistically significant differences between means of males and females motivation in the case of the internalised regulations and of all kinds of intrinsic motivation have not been recorded

    Use of a motion-controlled video game to evaluate the reaction time in children aged 11–13

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    Background. In recent years the breakthrough in the video game market has occurred due to the new motion-sensing devices, which require a wide range of limb movements or even the whole body movement. Because of these technical solutions the video games have become a peculiar form of physical activity. Material and methods. The aim of this work was to compare the results of a standard computer test which measures reaction time and a physical test which measures the ability of grasping the Dietrich’s baton with the results obtained in “Super goalkeeper” – the motion-controlled video game for Xbox 360 Kinect. Thirty children attending Primary and Kindergarten schools No. 1 in Piekary Śląskie, Poland, aged 11–13 (the 5th and the 6th grade) took part in the experiment. Results and conclusions. In each trial, boys got higher results than girls. The results obtained in the motion-controlled video game “Super goalkeeper” correlated more strongly with the results of Dietrich’s test than the results of the standard reaction time computer test. The study showed also that the motion-controlled game may be an alternative to the existing tests which measure reaction time