8 research outputs found


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    GRIPS Global Governance Program (G-cube)政策研究大学院大学 / National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies論文審査委員: 木島 陽子(主査), ESTUDILLO, Jonna P., 高木 佑輔, 加治佐 敬(青山学院大学 国際政治経済学部 教授

    Incentives to Improve Government Agricultural Extension Agent Performance: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Bangladesh

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    https://www.grips.ac.jp/list/jp/facultyinfo/kijima-yoko/This study provides empirical evidence on how financial and non-financial incentives improve service delivery of government agricultural extension agents. A randomized control trial was conducted in 40 sub-district agriculture offices in Bangladesh, with 807 agricultural extension officers, randomly allocated into five groups (one control and four treatment). The financial incentive was a one-time monetary reward, while the non-financial incentive was recognition by the district director. In the nonfinancial incentive treatment, we added another treatment in which the two worst performers, instead of best, are selected for inspection. In the financial incentive, we created another treatment where the best performer is selected based on performance level. We find that financial and non-financial incentives have positive effects of equal magnitude, about one standard deviation of total performance index on average. Giving a disadvantage to better performers does not decrease effort by better performers.The data collection and the randomized controlled trial was financed by the GRIPS Emerging State Project of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 25101002).technical repor

    Can a Higher Wage Attract Better-Quality Applicants Without Deteriorating Public Service Motivation? Evidence from the Bangladesh Civil Service

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    Although the civil service plays a critical role in economic development, it performs poorly in many countries, partly due to civil servants’ low salaries. Therefore, in 2015, the Bangladesh government doubled the salary of civil servants. However, the reform may worsen public service delivery by attracting those who have lower public service motivation (PSM). Using the data of applicants to the Bangladesh civil service (BCS), this study examines the effect of the 2015 pay-scale reform on PSM. Taking a difference-in-differences approach, this study finds that the BCS officers hired after the reform are both academically smarter and more motivated to public service than those hired before the reform. Our results suggest that salary increases can be an effective for recruiting higher-quality officers.JEL Classification Codes: H1, H83, D73, J310, O20http://www.grips.ac.jp/list/jp/facultyinfo/kijima-yoko

    Automatic Face Recognition System using P-tree and K-Nearest Neighbor Classifier

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    Abstract: Face recognition has recently received remarkable attention in both authentication and identification systems due to high acceptability and collectability, regardless its lower circumvention and uniqueness than other biometric verification technologies. The basic approach with face recognition commences with feature set construction from the relevant facial traits of the users, termed enrollment [1]. When a user is to be authenticated (i.e. the user's identity is to be verified), his/her facial sample is captured and a feature set is created. This feature set is then compared with the enrollment feature set. But feature set search mechanism is time consuming and sometimes exhaustive. In this paper, a very efficient and time saving search mechanism is proposed that exploits the advantages of Peano Count Tree and K- Nearest Neighbor Search techniques

    Jejunal inflammatory fibroid polyp: a rare cause of intussusception

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    Inflammatory fibroid polyp is a benign and non-neoplastic condition of the gastro-intestinal tract, commonly affecting the gastric antrum, though it can affect any part of the gastro-intestinal tract. It is a submucosal, sessile, polypoid mass composed of myofbroblast like mesenchymal cells, numerous small blood vessels and marked inflammatory cell infiltrate mainly eosinophils. It commonly presents with intestinal obstruction or intussusception. We present here a case of recurrent episodes of small intestinal sub-acute obstruction due to intermittent intussusception associated with inflammatory ûbroid polyp of jejunum. Ibrahim Med. Coll. J. 2015; 9(2): 58-6