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    ABSTRAKPandemic Covid-l9 di Indonesia sudah satu tahun berlalu, tetapi sampai saat ini masih hangat dii media massa dan dampaknya masih terasa di mana mana. Selain kesehatan, dampak dari Covid-I9 ini. juga mengancan perekonomian dan kehidupan sehari hari masyarakat. Kegiatan untuk mencari nafkah juga terhambat akibat adanya PPKM ini sehingga pemenuhan kebutuhan sehari hari juga menjadi terkendala. Melihat kondisi ini, beberapa dosen dan Mahasiswa/i Universitas Flores berinisiatif memberikan bantuan dan berbagi kasih Menyongsong Natal Tahun 2021 pada anak anak panti Asuhan Alma benyandang stabilitas (cacat). Di Jalan Woloare B, kelurahan Kota Ratu Kabupaten Ende Flores NTT sebagai salah satu realisasi dari Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi. Sasaran objek yang diberi bantuan adalah Panti Asuhan Rumah ALMA distabilitas, di mana jumlah anak yang mendapatkan bantuan sejumlah 97 orang. Bantuan yang diberikan berupa sembako yang dapat dipergunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari hari. Diharapkan kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini dapat meringankan beban kehidupan anak anak panti Asuhan  Distabilitas Alma berjumlah 53 oarang selama masa covid-I9 ini masih berlangsung. Kata Kunci: berbagi kasih; pantih asuhan ALMA; menyongsong natal. ABSTRACTIt has been a year since the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia has passed, but until now it is still warm in the mass media and its impact is still being felt everywhere. In addition to health, the impact of Covid-I9. It also threatens the economy and people's daily lives. Activities to earn a living are also hampered due to this PPKM so that the fulfillment of daily needs is also hampered. Seeing this condition, several lecturers and students at the University of Flores took the initiative to provide assistance and share their love for Christmas 2021 for the children of the Alma Orphanage with disabilities. On Jalan Woloare B, Kota Ratu sub-district, Ende Flores Regency, NTT as one of the realizations of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. The target object that was given assistance was the ALMA Disability Orphanage, where the number of children who received assistance was 97 people. The assistance provided is in the form of basic necessities that can be used to meet daily needs. It is hoped that this Community Service activity can ease the burden on the lives of the children of the Alma Disability Orphanage, amounting to 53 people during the COVID-19 period. Keywords: sharing love; pantih asuhan ALMA; welcoming christmas