174 research outputs found

    Cast immobilization in fracture distal radius with wrist in dorsiflexion

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    Background: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the anatomical and functional outcome of cast immobilization in fracture distal radius with wrist in dorsiflexion. Study design selected was prospective cohort study.Methods: The study group comprised 60 patients, with a mean follow-up of 3 month. Patients were evaluated for radial height, radial inclination and volar tilt according to Lindstrom criteria. Functional outcome were assessed with PRWE score.Results: Mean loss of radial height was 4.11 mm. Mean loss of radial inclination was 6.85 degree and mean loss of volar tilt was 7.06 degree at the end of 3 month follow up. As per Lindstrom criteria 88% were excellent to fair and 93% were excellent to fair functional outcome as per PRWE score.Conclusions: Cast immobilization in fracture distal radius with wrist in dorsiflexion produces better anatomical and functional outcome.

    Thermodynamic Properties of Ni-substituted LnCoO3 Perovskite

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    With the objective of exploring the unknown thermodynamic properties of Ni-substituted LnCoO3 perovskite, we present here an investigation of the temperature-dependent (10K < T < 300K) specific heat of LnCo0.95Ni0.05O3 (Ln=Pr and Nd) family. We report here probably for the first time the specific heat along with other elastic and thermal properties of Ni doped perovskite cobaltate LnCoO3 (Ln=Pr and Nd). In addition, the results on the cohesive energy (f) in orthorhombic perovskite phase, molecular force constant (ƒ), Reststrahlen frequency (uo) and Gruneisen parameter (γ) are also presented. Keywords: Specific heat, Bulk modulus, Perovskite cobaltat

    Estimation of stature from anthropometry of hand: an interesting autopsy based study in Madhya Pradesh, India

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    Background: Height of a person is an important parameter for the identification. Height or stature estimation is central dogma in anthropo-forensic examination. The human hand, which is the most used and versatile part of the body is of great scientific importance to investigators in the field of anthropometry, forensic pathology, orthopedic surgery and ergonomics. The hand length was found to be the most reliable alternative that can be used as a basis for estimating age-related loss in height. The hand length could also be used to predict body weight status and body surface area independent of the sex of the individual.Methods: The present cross sectional prospective study was carried out in mortuary of department of Forensic Medicine, Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Medical College and M.Y. Hospital, Indore (M.P.), India during study period from September 2014 to September 2015. The study was conducted on 250 deceased male and 250 deceased female individuals. The measurements were taken using standard anthropometric measuring instruments in centimeters to the nearest millimeters. All the measurements were recorded on a predesigned pretested proforma. Anthropometric measurements were taken as per the standard protocol.Results: The mean age of the male and female study subjects was38.472±13.28 years and 34.728±10.33 years respectively. Male to female ratio was 1:1. Mean stature in male subjects was 163.5±5.21 cm.  Mean stature in female subjects was 155.69±10.12 cm. In male study subjects, mean hand length on right side was more than mean hand length on left side. In female study subjects, mean hand length on right side was more than on left side. In male study subjects, hand breadth (HB) on right side was more than on left side. Average HB in male subjects was 8.39±0.203 cm. In female study subjects, hand breadth on right side was more than on left side.Conclusions: The findings of the present study can be used as baseline information for other population based studies in the study area.

    Low-frequency dielectric processes in deformed helix ferroelectric liquid crystals

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    A low-frequency dielectric relaxation mode in deformed helix ferroelectric liquid crystal (DHFLC) has been observed at the interface of strongly rubbed substrates and DHFLC material which may find applications in low power consumption FLC devices. The surface-induced dielectric relaxation process at the interface of DHFLC and substrate is called the partially unwound helical mode (p-UHM) due to the unwinding of the helical structure at this interface. After investigation of the material under various parameters such as temperature, variation of the amplitude of probing ac voltage and dc bias voltage, the relaxation frequency of p-UHM is found to be shifted towards Goldstone mode and merged with it. The relaxation frequency of Goldstone mode is found to decrease, whereas the relaxation frequency of p-UHM process increases with the increase in temperature of DHFLC. Finally, both the modes merge and the resultant relaxation frequency is found to be lower than Goldstone mode in SmC* phase. It seems that phason mode and partial helical unwinding mode are coupled together due to dipole moment that is resulting in a new relaxation frequency. p-UHM process is significant for low-power displays and non-displays applications like a part of sensor where weak electric signal is required to be realized without pre-amplification


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    ABSTRACT Context Dieulafoy's lesion is an unusual cause of gastrointestinal bleeding with the most common location being the stomach. A periampullary location is rare for a bleeding Dieulafoy's lesion. Case report We present the case of a 52-year-old female who presented with intermittent painless melena. Her upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and colonoscopy were normal. She was a diagnostic challenge as no definite lesion could be identified on capsule endoscopy. However, as there was presence of fresh blood in the proximal jejunum, a push enteroscopy was performed which revealed the presence of fresh blood in the duodenum and proximal jejunum. But no bleeding lesion could be identified. A side view endoscopy was performed which revealed a bleeding periampullary Dieulafoy's lesion. Immediate hemostasis was achieved with an injection of adrenalin. Other episodes of bleeding occurred and the patient was finally treated surgically. Conclusion A periampullary Dieulafoy's lesion presenting with obscure gastrointestinal bleed is a diagnostic challenge and can be missed on capsule endoscopy

    Selective detection of fluoride and hydrogen sulfate anions by pyrimidine-based fluorescence chemosensor

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    1809-1813The binding and sensing abilities of pyrimidine based fluorescence chemosensor L towards different anions such as F-, Cl-, Br-, I-, NO3-, ClO4-, H2PO4- and HSO4- have been examined by fluorescence spectroscopy in DMSO-H2O (7: 3, v/v). Upon successive addition of various anions to DMSO-H2O solutions of L; quenching in emission fluorescence is observed at 480 nm. Analysis of fluorescence emission changes suggested the formation of 1:1 complex of L with the anions. From the fluorescence binding constant data, it is found that L form strong complexes with F- and HSO4- ions through H-bonding interactions. The selective response of F- over other halides and HSO4- amongst other oxo-anions towards L may be explained on the basis of photo-induced electron transfer process

    Decay studies of 288287115^{288-287}115 alpha-decay chains

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    The α\alpha-decay chains of 288287115^{288-287}115 are studied along with the possible cluster decay modes by using the preformed cluster model (PCM). The calculated α\alpha-decay half-lives are compared with experimental data and other model calculations. The calculated Q-values, penetration probabilities and preformation probabilities factors for α\alpha-decay suggest that 170283113^{283}_{170}113,172287115^{287}_{172}115 and 165272107^{272}_{165}107 parent nuclei are more stable against the α\alpha-decay. These alpha decay chains are further explored for the possibilities of cluster decay. Decay half lives of different cluster from different nuclei of the decay chains point to the extra stability near or at the deformed shells Z=108, N=162 and Z=100, N=152. The decay half-lives for 14C^{14}C and 48Ca^{48}Ca clusters are lower than the current experimental limit (\approx 102810^{28}sec)

    Dynamics of Hot QCD Matter -- Current Status and Developments

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    The discovery and characterization of hot and dense QCD matter, known as Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP), remains the most international collaborative effort and synergy between theorists and experimentalists in modern nuclear physics to date. The experimentalists around the world not only collect an unprecedented amount of data in heavy-ion collisions, at Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) in New York, USA, and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland but also analyze these data to unravel the mystery of this new phase of matter that filled a few microseconds old universe, just after the Big Bang. In the meantime, advancements in theoretical works and computing capability extend our wisdom about the hot-dense QCD matter and its dynamics through mathematical equations. The exchange of ideas between experimentalists and theoreticians is crucial for the progress of our knowledge. The motivation of this first conference named "HOT QCD Matter 2022" is to bring the community together to have a discourse on this topic. In this article, there are 36 sections discussing various topics in the field of relativistic heavy-ion collisions and related phenomena that cover a snapshot of the current experimental observations and theoretical progress. This article begins with the theoretical overview of relativistic spin-hydrodynamics in the presence of the external magnetic field, followed by the Lattice QCD results on heavy quarks in QGP, and finally, it ends with an overview of experiment results.Comment: Compilation of the contributions (148 pages) as presented in the `Hot QCD Matter 2022 conference', held from May 12 to 14, 2022, jointly organized by IIT Goa & Goa University, Goa, Indi