11 research outputs found

    Genetic Predisposition for Immune System, Hormone, and Metabolic Dysfunction in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Pilot Study

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    Introduction: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) is a multifactorial illness of unknown etiology with considerable social and economic impact. To investigate a putative genetic predisposition to ME/CFS we conducted genome-wide single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis to identify possible variants.Methods: 383 ME/CFS participants underwent DNA testing using the commercial company 23andMe. The deidentified genetic data was then filtered to include only non-synonymous and nonsense SNPs from exons and microRNAs, and SNPs close to splice sites. The frequencies of each SNP were calculated within our cohort and compared to frequencies from the Kaviar reference database. Functional annotation of pathway sets containing SNP genes with high frequency in ME/CFS was performed using over-representation analysis via ConsensusPathDB. Furthermore, these SNPs were also scored using the Combined Annotation Dependent Depletion (CADD) algorithm to gauge their deleteriousness.Results: 5693 SNPs were found to have at least 10% frequency in at least one cohort (ME/CFS or reference) and at least two-fold absolute difference for ME/CFS. Functional analysis identified the majority of SNPs as related to immune system, hormone, metabolic, and extracellular matrix organization. CADD scoring identified 517 SNPs in these pathways that are among the 10% most deleteriousness substitutions to the human genome

    DRUGPATH: The Drug Gene Pathway Database for Polypharmacology and Drug Repositioning

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    The complexity of modern day diseases negates the ‘one-disease one-target’ approach to medicine. Additionally, pharmaceuticals can be sociable and bind to multiple biological sites beyond their intended targets, causing side effects which can alternatively be utilized towards drug repositioning. These factors alone make designing a combination therapy for a disease an arduous task. To ameliorate this issue, we have created a plat- form that integrates various sources to build a comprehensive database: DRUGPATH, a meta-database which maps interactions between drugs, targets, and biological pathways through the amalgamation of expert-curated sources such as PharmGKB, DrugBank, DGIdb, and the FDA’s National Drug Code database among others. This includes both entrez and ensembl gene identifiers, consolidation of the available brand/generic names of 15078 drugs, 6557 unique targets, and 4011 signaling, biochemical, metabolic, pharmacological, etc. pathway information obtained from ConsensusPathDB. DRUGPATH incorporates all of the above data into a single source, making it a powerful resource that allows the prediction of off-target interactions for any given drug combination therapy

    DRUGPATH: The Drug Gene Pathway Meta-Database

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    The complexity of modern-day diseases often requires drug treatment therapies consisting of multiple pharmaceutical interventions, which can lead to adverse drug reactions for patients. A priori prediction of these reactions would not only improve the quality of life for patients but also save both time and money in regards to pharmaceutical research. Consequently, the drug-gene-pathway (DRUGPATH) meta-database was developed to map known interactions between drugs, genes, and pathways among other information in order to easily identify potential adverse drug events. DRUGPATH utilizes expert-curated sources such as PharmGKB, DrugBank, and the FDA’s NDC database to identify known as well as previously unknown/overlooked relationships, and currently contains 12,940 unique drugs, 3933 unique pathways, 5185 unique targets, and 3662 unique genes. Moreover, there are 59,561 unique drug-gene interactions, 77,808 unique gene-pathway interactions, and over 1 million unique drug-pathway interactions

    DRUGPATH: A New Database for Mapping Polypharmacology

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    While there are existing databases that curate only drug, target, or pathway data for instance, none of these alone are exhaustive. The Drug Gene Pathway (DRUGPATH) meta database was created as a response to the complex treatment required for various diseases including Gulf War Illness (GWI) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), where therapy involves using multiple drugs in combination. Here, drug-drug interactions can occur due to the promiscuous nature of pharmaceuticals, which can then lead to various side effects or can alternatively be utilized towards drug repurposing. The objective was to develop a database that maps the interactions between drugs, genes, pathways, and targets for use in the treatment of complex diseases, including the prediction of off-target interactions, otherwise known as side effects. Using MATLAB and Python scripts, interactions between known drugs, genes, targets, and pathways amalgamated from numerous expert-curated sources such as PharmGKB, DrugBank, DGIdb, ConsesusPathDB, Guide to PHARMACOLOGY, HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee, Toxin and Toxin-Target Database, repoDB, the FDA’s National Drug Code database, etc. were mapped together. The raw data was first downloaded from its source and subsequently cleaned, where extraneous information such as data from non-humans, internal identifiers, timestamps, etc. were removed. The remaining information was then integrated into an SQLite database. DRUGPATH currently contains a total of 2,632,516 unique entries, and of these, there are 54,757 unique genes, 2,632,242 unique pathways, and 31,042 unique drugs. DRUGPATH allows researchers and clinicians to discern which pathways are affected by each drug, reducing the likelihood of an adverse drug reaction occurring. The incorporation of drug, gene, target, and pathway information makes DRUGPATH a powerful resource for predicting potential side effects when designing or refining a given drug combination therapy. Not only that, but we have additionally added the FDA status, half-life, and indication for each drug whenever possible for clinical applications of this database

    Investigating Van Der Waals Collective Behavior in Proteins via Interaction with Polarizable Ligands

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    The assembly of complex macromolecular biological systems is often driven by weak non-covalent vdW dispersion interactions arising from electrodynamic correlations between instantaneous charge fluctuations in matter. Variations in these power laws can have a profound impact on observed properties. Here, we computationally investigate the effect of chemically unreactive ligands that act on proteins mainly via vdW dispersion forces. Specifically, we use inhalational anesthetics. While the exact mechanisms of anesthetic action are unknown, there is a known link between anesthetic potency and solubility in a non-polar medium. Anesthetic action is also related to an anesthetic’s hydrophobicity, permanent dipole, and polarizability, and is accepted to occur in non-polar regions within brain proteins. We use quantum chemistry calculations, and theoretical modeling of collective dipole interactions in proteins to investigate the effect of anesthetic gases on protein dynamics. In general these gases alter collective terahertz dipole oscillations. Our results emphasize the importance of collective electronic vibrational motions in proteins, how such motions contribute to overall protein interaction, and how interaction with polarizable ligands may alter such motions and interactions

    Using a Consensus Docking Approach to Predict Adverse Drug Reactions in Combination Drug Therapies for Gulf War Illness

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    Gulf War Illness (GWI) is a chronic multisymptom illness characterized by fatigue, musculoskeletal pain, and gastrointestinal and cognitive dysfunction believed to stem from chemical exposures during the 1990⁻1991 Persian Gulf War. There are currently no treatments; however, previous studies have predicted a putative multi-intervention treatment composed of inhibiting Th1 immune cytokines followed by inhibition of the glucocorticoid receptor (GCR) to treat GWI. These predictions suggest the use of specific monoclonal antibodies or suramin to target interleukin-2 and tumor necrosis factor α , followed by mifepristone to inhibit the GCR. In addition to this putative treatment strategy, there exist a variety of medications that target GWI symptomatology. As pharmaceuticals are promiscuous molecules, binding to multiple sites beyond their intended targets, leading to off-target interactions, it is key to ensure that none of these medications interfere with the proposed treatment avenue. Here, we used the drug docking programs AutoDock 4.2, AutoDock Vina, and Schrödinger\u27s Glide to assess the potential off-target immune and hormone interactions of 43 FDA-approved drugs commonly used to treat GWI symptoms in order to determine their putative polypharmacology and minimize adverse drug effects in a combined pharmaceutical treatment. Several of these FDA-approved drugs were predicted to be novel binders of immune and hormonal targets, suggesting caution for their use in the proposed GWI treatment strategy symptoms

    Genetic Predisposition for Immune System, Hormone, and Metabolic Dysfunction in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Pilot Study.

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    Introduction: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) is a multifactorial illness of unknown etiology with considerable social and economic impact. To investigate a putative genetic predisposition to ME/CFS we conducted genome-wide single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis to identify possible variants. Methods: 383 ME/CFS participants underwent DNA testing using the commercial company 23andMe. The deidentified genetic data was then filtered to include only non-synonymous and nonsense SNPs from exons and microRNAs, and SNPs close to splice sites. The frequencies of each SNP were calculated within our cohort and compared to frequencies from the Kaviar reference database. Functional annotation of pathway sets containing SNP genes with high frequency in ME/CFS was performed using over-representation analysis via ConsensusPathDB. Furthermore, these SNPs were also scored using the Combined Annotation Dependent Depletion (CADD) algorithm to gauge their deleteriousness. Results: 5693 SNPs were found to have at least 10% frequency in at least one cohort (ME/CFS or reference) and at least two-fold absolute difference for ME/CFS. Functional analysis identified the majority of SNPs as related to immune system, hormone, metabolic, and extracellular matrix organization. CADD scoring identified 517 SNPs in these pathways that are among the 10% most deleteriousness substitutions to the human genome