1,246 research outputs found

    Labour Market Structure: A Brief Literature Survey

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    Labour market is a multi-dimensional entity, with inexorable institutional affiliation. Therefore, the studies on labour market fail to evolve a logical framework to its structure with satisfactory consensus to the theoreticians in totality. It is very interesting to examine the various dimensions of labour market. This paper reviews certain research contributions on labour market structure, segmentation and vulnerability issues.labour market, labour market structure, labour market segmentation, gender concerns and vulnerability in labour market

    Labour as an Agent of Production: A Classical Economy Perspective

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    Seminal works on labour and its contribution to the economy were attempted by classical economists. The classical political economy considered labour as the sole source of value, and only it can create an addition. The predominance of ascribed it as basis of all social life. This paper reviews the works of two classical political economy writers: Marx and Smith.Labour, labour power, abstract labour, concrete labour, Karl Max, Adam Smith, classical economy, division of labour

    Economic Significance of Pilgrimage: A Focused Micro Level Study from Kerala, India

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    Pilgrimage to any sacred or divine place is of great importance to express the socio- cultural sentiments of a person or society. This study attempts a focused approach of Sabarimala pilgrimage, by looking in to the involvement of a group of people. Sabarimala is significant not only as a renowned and well-visited pilgrim centre, but it is deeply attached to the very life of a group of people on the fringe and buffer zones of PTR. The economic dimension of the pilgrim season is quite impressive and the generated income has spin off effects. Along with its economic side, its environmental aspects are explored in the study.Pilgrimage tourism,economics of pilgrimage, Sabarimala, Lord Ayyappa, Periyar Tiger Reserve, eco-development,bio-diversity conservation, pilgrimage economics, Eco-development committees, grass-root democratic governance committees.

    Transformation of Labour Relations

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    One of the spill-over effects of globalization is the essential transformation of labour market structure. In the wake of service sector revolution, being backed by knowledge revolution, faster mobility and the growth of IT enabled services, the potential of tourism cannot be over looked. This paper attempts to disclose the changing notion of work in the current international scenario. The study focuses on tourism sector, both due to its growth potential and due to its employment significance. The paper explores the new development in labour relations in tourism industry in the Indian perspective.Globalization, Tourism, Labour market, Tourism labour market, labour relations, Service sector, Informalisation, flexible work force, numerical flexibility.

    Labour legislations in India: tourism industry dimension

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    Labour laws shape industrial relations addressing the socio-economic security of the working class. The legislative framework of labour conditions the working conditions, employer-employee relations, mode of wage payments, provide social security, class and protect the interests of special categories of working class. The paper discusses various labour statutes of India that are applicable to tourism. Almost all labour laws prevailing in the country were enacted even before tourism attained industrial status. This will enable us to examine how far this prospective sector complies with labour legislations in the country. A statutory coverage for the socio-economic security of workers is a need of the hour in the wake of growing casualisation, feminisation and marginalisation of labour and growing unemployment.labour legislation, labour laws, labour welfare, labour statutes, socio-economic security of labour

    Optimal Service Placement in Distributed Networks

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    As our world becomes more interconnected, there is an increasingly important role for distributed computer system. Designing these systems is not an easy task. Progress has been made in this regard with the development of formal specification languages and verification tools. One area that is usually not addressed is the deployment of a system. This is unfortunate as the deployment can be critical to the performance. Placing components on slow, unreliable hosts will severely hinder the system, while grouping components on the fastest hosts creates single points of failure. Service deployment deals with the problem of selecting which node in a network is most suitable for hosting a service and that responds to queries from other nodes. Optimal placement of service facilities reduces network traffic and improves connectivity between clients and servers. Here it deals with the movement of service facility between neighbour nodes in a way that the cost of service provision is reduced and the service facility reaches the optimal location and remains there as long as the environment does not change, and as network condition changes the migration process is resumed automatically, Thus naturally responding to network dynamicity under certain conditions. The paper focus to bring the service provision points close to the demand in order to minimize communication cost of provided service. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.16041

    Material properties, cytotoxicity and clinical efficacy of tricalcium silicate based cements

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