1,321 research outputs found

    Being Better at Doing Good: Organizational Engagement and Foreign Management Practices in DPR (North) Korea

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    Foreign organizations work in DPR Korea under multiple external and internal pressures, and these organizations try to respond to their working environment in their own ways. However, it is important that these foreign organizations are able to work effectively, in order for engagement with DPRK to be meaningful. In this research, utilizing the case study method, I explore the questions: How can foreign organizations effectively work in DPR Korea? What can they do to more easily achieve their outputs and outcomes? What are the dynamics of the mutual embeddedness process as foreign organizations become immersed in the context of DPRK? I find that organizations in their efforts to respond to the environment in DPRK end up compromising their effectiveness in avoidable ways. I explore what works and what doesn\u27t for organizational management in DPRK and make some recommendations

    Complex Poynting vector in gyromagnetic media and its impact on power flow in guided modes

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    In this paper, we show the relation between the time-varying spinning nature of the instantaneous Poynting vector and the phasor form of the complex Poynting vector in the bulk of the gyromagnetic medium. We show the presence of a transverse reactive power component in the bulk of the gyrotropic medium, even for plane wave propagation. We use a simple quantification technique of Poynting vector spin to analyze the rotation of the instantaneous Poynting vector using the complex phasor form of the time-averaged Poynting vector. For a transverse electric mode, we show the similarity between the Poynting vector spin and the photonic spin of the magnetic field. The Poynting vector spin is then used to represent the transverse power transfer across a ferrite-air interface supporting TE surface wave modes. Considering a gyromagnetic ferrite-filled rectangular waveguide following the TE mode profile, we show the correspondence between the Poynting vector spin and the overall positive and backward power flow. We analytically propose a mechanism to engineer the region of the waveguide supporting backward and forward power propagation

    A Conceptual Examination of Distrusting Beliefs in Older Adults about the Internet

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    Older adults are adopting the Internet in increasing numbers today. At the same time they are also experiencing uncertainties about their safety and information privacy on this medium. Several media reports have shown a rising number of incidents involving older Internet user, that indicate lack of awareness of Internet-related security and privacy issues. This conceptual paper provides a framework to help understand the reasons why older adults might distrust the commercial websites in general. Based on established theoretical frameworks about trust, distrust and aging-based technology adoption challenges, we develop several postulates to explain distrusting beliefs that can result in precautious Internet behavior. Implications of this framework will be found in building educational programs and interventions for the population over the age of 55

    Social Sector Development in South West Bengal

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    Development economics in recent years have become more people centric than before. It has rediscovered that human beings are both the means and the end of economic development process, and without Human Development that process becomes a hollow rhetoric. The maze of technical concepts and growth centric approach to development ruled the roost for the most of post war period and only from the eighties onwards did the intelligentsia started to recognize that human needs and capabilities are necessary ingredients for success of any growth strategy. The pioneering work of Mahbub ul Haq and Paul Streeten under the aegis of UNDP finally institutionalised the importance of human development and the Human Development Reports brought out annually by UNDP reflects the condition of human being in different parts of the world. It has come to be recognised that improvements of human beings – their capabilities, skills and opportunities – are important targets by themselves. Moreover, this has substantial ‘spill over’ effects as greater capabilities lead to higher productivity levels, increased income levels, and wider scope for further human capital formation. Thus uplifting of a single generation of citizen propels all future generations on to a higher growth trajectory. The ‘trickle down’ effects also are significant as better living standards lead to greater care for the environment & resources, a healthy & democratic civic society, and a lower discrimination based on gender, race and caste. These roles of social sector development have catapulted it to centre-stage of research and discussion in recent years. Considering the above discussion as the conceptual and methodological framework, this report explores the trends in educational and health infrastructure availability in the region; trends in educational attainments and health standards of the people; trends in people’s access to social infrastructure and their affordability – especially among marginalised and excluded social groups

    Social Sector Development in South West Bengal

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    Development economics in recent years have become more people centric than before. It has rediscovered that human beings are both the means and the end of economic development process, and without Human Development that process becomes a hollow rhetoric. The maze of technical concepts and growth centric approach to development ruled the roost for the most of post war period and only from the eighties onwards did the intelligentsia started to recognize that human needs and capabilities are necessary ingredients for success of any growth strategy. The pioneering work of Mahbub ul Haq and Paul Streeten under the aegis of UNDP finally institutionalised the importance of human development and the Human Development Reports brought out annually by UNDP reflects the condition of human being in different parts of the world. It has come to be recognised that improvements of human beings – their capabilities, skills and opportunities – are important targets by themselves. Moreover, this has substantial ‘spill over’ effects as greater capabilities lead to higher productivity levels, increased income levels, and wider scope for further human capital formation. Thus uplifting of a single generation of citizen propels all future generations on to a higher growth trajectory. The ‘trickle down’ effects also are significant as better living standards lead to greater care for the environment & resources, a healthy & democratic civic society, and a lower discrimination based on gender, race and caste. These roles of social sector development have catapulted it to centre-stage of research and discussion in recent years. Considering the above discussion as the conceptual and methodological framework, this report explores the trends in educational and health infrastructure availability in the region; trends in educational attainments and health standards of the people; trends in people’s access to social infrastructure and their affordability – especially among marginalised and excluded social groups

    Optimasi Portofolio Resiko Menggunakan Model Markowitz MVO Dikaitkan dengan Keterbatasan Manusia dalam Memprediksi Masa Depan dalam Perspektif Al-Qur`an

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    Risk portfolio on modern finance has become increasingly technical, requiring the use of sophisticated mathematical tools in both research and practice. Since companies cannot insure themselves completely against risk, as human incompetence in predicting the future precisely that written in Al-Quran surah Luqman verse 34, they have to manage it to yield an optimal portfolio. The objective here is to minimize the variance among all portfolios, or alternatively, to maximize expected return among all portfolios that has at least a certain expected return. Furthermore, this study focuses on optimizing risk portfolio so called Markowitz MVO (Mean-Variance Optimization). Some theoretical frameworks for analysis are arithmetic mean, geometric mean, variance, covariance, linear programming, and quadratic programming. Moreover, finding a minimum variance portfolio produces a convex quadratic programming, that is minimizing the objective function ðð¥with constraintsð ð 𥠥 ðandð´ð¥ = ð. The outcome of this research is the solution of optimal risk portofolio in some investments that could be finished smoothly using MATLAB R2007b software together with its graphic analysis