16 research outputs found

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    Not AvailablePrevious work on a number of transgenics having mtlD has established the role of mannitol accumulation in the alleviation of abiotic stresses like salinity and drought. In the present study we have characterized the peanut (cv. GG 20) plants transformed with mtlD (from Escherichia coli) for its tolerance to abiotic stresses. Salinity and water-deficit stress tolerance were evaluated using different physio-biochemical and growth parameters in transgenic and wild-type plants both at seedling and full-growth stage. Here we demonstrate that biosynthesis of mannitol in transgenic peanut lines due to the over-expression of mtlD gene improves its tolerance for salinity and water-deficit stress over WT. This was revealed by better growth and physio-biochemical parameters like mannitol content, proline levels, total chlorophyll content, osmotic potential, electrolytic leakage and relative water content in transgenics over WT. It is concluded that the better performance of mannitol-synthesizing transgenic plants was due to the stress shielding role of mannitol. However we are not ruling out the possibility of induction of a series of signal- transductions in transgenic plants in response to the mtlD expression, which may activate other protective reactions against salinity and drought stresses.ICA

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    Not AvailableIn the changing global environmental scenarios, water scarcity and recurrent drought impose huge reductions to the peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) crop yield. In plants, osmotic adjustments associated with efficient free radical scavenging ability during abiotic stress are important components of stress tolerance mechanisms. Mannitol, a compatible solute, is known to scavenge hydroxyl radicals generated during various abiotic stresses, thereby conferring tolerance to water-deficit stress in many plant species. However, peanut plant is not known to synthesize mannitol. Therefore, bacterial mtlD gene coding for mannitol 1-phosphate dehydrogenase under the control of constitutive promoter CaMV35S was introduced and overexpressed in the peanut cv. GG 20 using Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. A total of eight independent transgenic events were confirmed at molecular level by PCR, Southern blotting, and RT-PCR. Transgenic lines had increased amount of mannitol and exhibited enhanced tolerance in response to water-deficit stress. Improved performance of the mtlD transgenics was indicated by excised-leaf water loss assay and relative water content under water-deficit stress. Better performance of transgenics was due to the ability of the plants to synthesize mannitol. However, regulation of mtlD gene expression in transgenic plants remains to be elucidated.Not Availabl

    Efeitos de produtos químicos na transpiração e no potencial da água de seringueira (Hevea brasiliensis Muell . Arg. cv.RRIM 600) Effects of chemicals on transpiration and water potential of rubber plant (Hevea brasiliensis Muell . Arg. cv.RRIM 600)

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    Um experimento foi realizado em condições de campo, em Piracicaba (SP), visando avali ar a eficiência de diferentes produtos químicos, em aplicação foliar, na taxa transpiratória e no potencial da água de folhas das plantas de seringueira (He Yea brasiliens is cv. RRIM 600) com 1,5 ano de idade. Os tratamentos utilizados foram: polissulfetc, de polietileno (Good-rite peps) 0,04 %, oxietileno docosanol (Oed green) 2%, caulim (silicato de aluminio) 3%, e atrazine 50 ppm, alem do controle. Através do método da pesagem rápida de folhas desta cadas, com balança de torço tipo Jung, verificou-se a perda de água pelas plantas de seringueira foi restringida significativamente pelo anti-transpirante metabólico (atrazine) com relação ao controle, aos formadores de filme e ao refletor. Polissulfeto de polietileno apresentou as menores amplitudes de variações na taxa respiratória. Atrazine também promoveu a manutenção do potencial da água das folhas mais alto (-7,8 bars) com relação ao controle (-14,8 bars), de acordo com determinações efe tuadas através da Câmara de Scholander.<br>This research deals with the effects of chemicals on transpiration and water potential of Hevea brasiliens is cv. RRIM 600 on plants, with 1,5 year old, under field conditions. Rubber plants were sprayed with poliethylen e polys ulfite 0,04%, oxyethylen e docosanol 2%, kaolin 3%, atrazine 50 ppm, and check. A higher efficiency again st water loss was observed for atrazine (10,9 mg water . cm-2 . min-1) in relation to check plants (14,6 mg water . cm . min-1) at the maximum transpiration rate average. Polyethylen e polysulfite presented lower amplitude variation of the transpiration rates during the measurements at the day period. Atrazine promoted the maint enance of a higher water potential (-7,8 bars) compared to check treatment (-14,8 bars)