1,012 research outputs found

    Komunikasi Kepemimpinan dalam Organisasi: Analisis Konsep dan Amalan dalam Tiga Organisasi Terpilih

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    Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan pemahaman yang mendalam dan menyeluruh tentang konsep dan amalan komunikasi kepemimpinan dalam tiga organisasi pengurusan kualiti terpilih. Oleh yang demikian, pendekatan penyelidikan kualitatif paling sesuai dan telah digunakan untuk mencapai objektif kajian ini. Kriteria lokasi kajian adalah organisasi yang telah memperoleh anugerah persijilan MS ISO 9000 antara tahun 1994 hingga 2002 di Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur dan Shah Alam, Selangor daripada SIRIM Berhad. Manakala, informan kajian terdiri daripada tujuh orang pengurusan atasan dan sembilan orang kakitangan bawahan yang dipilih secara persampelan bertujuan (purposive sampling) dan pemilihan informan dilakukan melalui snowball selection method. Penemuan kajian kes ini menunjukkan pemlmpm atasan perlu mengamalkan kepelbagaian kemahiran komunikasi termasuk komunikasi secara atas ke bawah (downward communication), komunikasi bawah ke atas (upward communication), dan komunikasi mendatar (horizontal communication) untuk meningkatkan tahap komunikasi kepemimpinan dengan kakitangan bawahan dalam organisasi mereka. Selain itu, pemimpin atasan juga perlu menggunakan komunikasi formal dan tidak formal, komunikasi intrapersonal dan interpersonal, serta media dan komunikasi teknologi maklumat (lCT) kerana ia merupakan kemahiran yang penting kepada kedua-dua pihak dalam organisasi. Pemimpin juga harus mempelbagaikan strategi dan gaya komunikasi kepemimpinan dalam organisasi termasuk mengamalkan strategi memahamkan visi, misi dan objektif organisasi kepada kakitangan bawahan. Seterusnya, pemimpin juga perlu bijak menggunakan strategi penyelesaian masalah dan membuat keputusan dengan meningkatkan motivasi dan psikologi, dan mengatasi halangan komunikasi dalam organisasi mereka. Ini kerana kemampuan seseorang pemimpin atasan bergantung kepada pemahamannya tentang situasi organisasi termasuk memahami kepentingan imej peribadi, kewibawaan, dan kuasa serta memahami budaya, sikap, dan nilai di kalangan kakitangan bawahan mereka. Penemuan kajian kes ini membuktikan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kepemimpinan transformasi dan pengurusan altruistik dalam Islam, pemimpin dapat meningkatkan kualiti dan kepuasan pelanggan, serta memastikan pengekalan anugerah MS ISO 9000 dalam organisasi mereka. Kesimpulannya, pemimpin atasan yang mengamalkan komunikasi kepemimpinan dalam organisasi dapat berinteraksi dengan kakitangan bawahan mereka dengan lebih efektif dengan mempelbagaikan kemahiran komunikasi, menggunakan strategi dan gaya komunikasi kepemimpinan yang bijak, dan memahami situasi organisasi mereka

    Production and Characterisation of Thermostable Protease from Bacillus Stearothermophilus Strain F1

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    Screening and isolation of thermophilic proteolytic bacteria were carried out from composting areas, high temperature ponding systems and areas surrounding palm oil mills. Twelve isolates were positive on Skim Milk A gar (10%) of which 11 produced protease in culture broth. A thermophilic and highly proteolytic isolate identifi edas Bacillus stearothermophilus strain F1 isolated from decomposed oil palm branch, was selected for further study. B. stearothermophilus strain F1 could grow up to 80°C within a broad pH ranges (pH 5 to 11) with an optimal growth temperature and pH at 70°C and 9.5, respectively. The doubling time of this bacteria at 60°C was 70 min. Maximum protease production was achieved after 24 h cultivation when grown in 50 ml medium (pH 10.0) under shaking condition at 60°C. Static condition inhibited protease production but not growth. Cultures grown on peptone (iv) generated the highest amount of protease and lower production was observed when glucose or other rapidly metabolized carbon sources were added. Ammonium salt (0.5%) and amino acids (0.5%) interfered with protease formation whenever they were added to the medium. Although the protease production was calcium independ ent, the presence of the ion at 4.5 mM enhanced the yield by two-fold. Protease production occurred during the midexponential growth phase of the bacterial growth and its onset coincided with sporulation

    Pembinaan indeks perlakuan melepak dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya di kalangan pelajar sekolah menengah di Negeri Johor

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti 1) faktor- faktor dominan (peranan ibu bapa, sekolahdan rakan) yang mempengaruhi perlakuan melepak 2)indeks perlakuan melepak di kalangan pelajarsekolah menengah 3) hubungan antara perlakuan melepak dengan peranan ibu bapa, sekolah dan rakan dan4) perbezaan antara perlakuan melepak dengan jantina,lokasi tempat kediaman,lokasi sekolah. Seramai386 pelajar telah dipilih dari enam buah sekolah menengah negeri Johor. Satu set soal selidik yangmengandungi tiga bahagian, iaitu latar belakang responden, faktor- faktor dominan dan tahap perlakuanmelepak telah digunakan. Bahagian B dan C soalan soal selidik masing-masing mempunyaikebolehpercayaanα= 0.7675 dan 0.6047. Program SPSS versi 11.5 telah digunakan untuk menganalisisdata. Statistik deskriptif (kekerapan, peratus, min dan sisihan piawai) digunakan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor dominan yang mempengaruhi perlakuan melepak dan tahap perlakuan melepak. Manakala Statistikinferensi seperti ujian-t digunakan untuk menganalisisperbezaan perlakuan melepak dengan jantina, lokasitempat kediaman dan lokasi sekolah. Korelasi Pearson digunakan untuk menganalisis hubungan perlakuanmelepak dengan peranan ibu bapa, sekolah dan rakan.Analisis dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa 1)indeks perlakuan melepak adalah 34.4 2) terdapat hubungan yang negatif antara perlakuan melepak denganperanan ibu bapa, sekolah dan rakanpada aras signifikan r = 0.01 3)tidak terdapat perbezaan yangsignifikan antara perlakuan melepak dengan jantina, lokasi sekolah, lokasi sekolah pada aras signifikan p =0.05.(kata kunci: peranan ibu bapa, peranan sekolah, peranan rakan sebaya, jantina, lokasi tempat kediaman,lokasi sekolah dan indeks perlakuan melepak)

    Lipase catalysed synthesis of adipate wax esters in ionic liquid

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    Adipate wax ester shows excellent properties such as its low toxicity, good thermal stability, low volatility and high biodegradability, which made it as a very useful compound and significant to various industrial applications including pharmaceutical, food and coating. Green route organic synthesis via enzymatic synthesis, offers clean and mild reaction conditions provides an opportunity to increase productivity, efficiency and quality output. Considering the industrial importance of the ester, the optimal conditions for upscaling process was performed using Response Surface Methodology (RSM). Ionic liquid of [bmim]PF6 was used as a solvent in the esterification of different chain length of alcohol with adipic acid, and Novozyme as a biocatalyst. Higher percentage of yield (>80%) was obtained for longer alcohol chain (dioleyl adipate) but slightly lower yields were found for medium alcohol chain than in hexane. Ionic liquid become the major interest as it can recycled and remained the efficiency once compared to conventional organic solvent

    High yield lipase-catalyzed synthesis of Engkabang fat esters for the cosmetic industry

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    Engkabang fat esters were produced via alcoholysis reaction between Engkabang fat and oleyl alcohol, catalyzed by Lipozyme RM IM. The reaction was carried out in a 500 ml Stirred tank reactor using heptane and hexane as solvents. Response surface methodology (RSM) based on a four-factor-five-level Central composite design (CCD) was applied to evaluate the effects of synthesis parameters, namely temperature, substrate molar ratio (oleyl alcohol: Engkabang fat), enzyme amount and impeller speed. The optimum yields of 96.2% and 91.4% were obtained for heptane and hexane at the optimum temperature of 53.9 °C, impeller speeds of 309.5 and 309.0 rpm, enzyme amounts of 4.82 and 5.65 g and substrate molar ratios of 2.94 and 3.39:1, respectively. The actual yields obtained compared well with the predicted values of 100.0% and 91.5%, respectively. Meanwhile, the properties of the esters show that they are suitable to be used as ingredient for cosmetic applications

    Effect of alcohol chain length on the optimum conditions for lipase-catalysed synthesis of adipate esters

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    Immobilized Candida antarctica lipase B, Novozym® 435, was used in the esterification of adipic acid and alcohols with different chain lengths (C1–C18). Optimum conditions for the synthesis of adipate esters were obtained using response surface methodology (RSM) with respect to important reaction parameters including time, temperature, substrate molar ratio and amount of enzyme. Alcohol chain length specificity of the enzyme in the synthesis of adipate esters was also determined. Minimum reaction time (215 min) for achieving maximum ester yield was obtained for butyl alcohol. Methanol required an increased time (358 min) and enzyme amount (10.2%, w/w) for attaining maximum yield. The maximum required temperature and time of 65°C and 523 min, respectively, were obtained for the synthesis of dioctadecyl adipate. The results demonstrate that alcohol chain length is a determining parameter in optimization of the lipase-catalyzed synthesis of adipate esters. Reactions under optimized conditions yielded a high percentage of esterification (>97%). The optimum conditions can be used to scale up the process

    Application of artificial neural network for yield prediction of lipase-catalyzed synthesis of dioctyl adipate

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    In this study, an artificial neural network (ANN) trained by backpropagation algorithm, Levenberg–Marquadart, was applied to predict the yield of enzymatic synthesis of dioctyl adipate. Immobilized Candida antarctica lipase B was used as a biocatalyst for the reaction. Temperature, time, amount of enzyme, and substrate molar ratio were the four input variables. After evaluating various ANN configurations, the best network was composed of seven hidden nodes using a hyperbolic tangent sigmoid transfer function. The correlation coefficient (R 2) and mean absolute error (MAE) values between the actual and predicted responses were determined as 0.9998 and 0.0966 for training set and 0.9241 and 1.9439 for validating dataset. A simulation test with a testing dataset showed that the MAE was low and R 2 was close to 1. These results imply the good generalization of the developed model and its capability to predict the reaction yield. Comparison of the performance of radial basis network with the developed models showed that radial basis function was more accurate but its performance was poor when tested with unseen data. In further part of the study, the feed forward back propagation model was used for prediction of the ester yield within the given range of the main parameters


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    Understanding developing the effectiveness entrepreneurial leadership styles were important for theoretical and practical reasons because Bumiputera technopreneurial leaders were the individual that need to lead small and medium industries (SMIs) in today‟s innovative and dynamic market in Melaka. The objective of this study was to examine the developing effective entrepreneurial leadership styles in impoving SMIs manufacturing bumiputera technopreneurs performance in Melaka. The research had identified the certain personality traits, behaviors, competencies technopreneurial leaders. There were positive and significant relationship between entrepreneurial leadership styles namely transformational leadership style, transactional leadership style and charismatic style with entrepreneurial leaders‟ personality traits, entrepreneurial leaders‟ behaviours, entrepreneurial leaders‟ competencies, entrepreneurial leaders‟ monitoring companies‟ operation and entrepreneurial leaders‟ monitoring companies‟ performance. The analysis shown that Bumiputera technopreneurial leaders and entrepreneurial leaders‟ monitoring operation and performance among the Bumiputera can use it‟s to evaluate SMIs success and ventures success. Also practitioners of high-risk lending may be interested in methods of assessing entrepreneurial leadership that can be introduced into their risk calculus and potentially improve the likelihood of higher returns of their venture in investments. Thus, charismatic leadership style was found most highly related to entrepreneurial leaders‟ personality traits, entrepreneurial leaders‟ behaviours, entrepreneurial leaders‟ competencies, entrepreneurial leaders‟ monitoring companies‟ operation and entrepreneurial leaders‟ monitoring companies‟ performance followed by transactional leadership style and transformational leadership style. The conclusion, the research had provide insights for team building in executives‟ teams of SMIs, for example providing guidance in finding team members that can make unique contributions via their personality traits, behaviors, competencies and ways to monitor SMIs operation and performance. Suggestions of the research can be used as a guide to present and future SMIs technopreneurs regarding developing the effectiveness entrepreneurial leadership style that have to be practiced to become successful Bumiputera technopreneurial leader in Melaka

    Perceived Aesthetics Visual Design Elements Of A Packaging Design: A Preliminary Study

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    In this paper, an introduction to review of literatures on aesthetics that concern on the visual design elements. Several aspects are discussed: the visual design elements and the aesthetics values through product aesthetic evaluation. In a theoretical approach, qualitative method has been applied at this preliminary stage. Prior to previous studies, this paper implements the method of reviewing content analysis, interviews and actual survey and observations, whereas stimuli are in the consideration for future analysis. A set of survey items have been identified for evaluation purposes for future recordings. Referring to previous studies, it has evidently presented that packaging attributes and aesthetic design elements have a great influence towards the consumers. Identification of the visual design elements are incorporating best to ensemble the cultural values such as graphics and sizes, the shape, colors, illustration, logo and brand name, typography, pattern, decorations and other product facts. An evaluation towards aesthetic upon those elements resulting as a symbolic value inclusive of the packaging features such as shape and materials which have been found out to be informative (Becker, van Rompay, Schifferstein, & Galetzka, 2011). However, understanding between the theory and aesthetic judgment may progress to new findings in which are applicable in designing a packaging design prototype and would be seen as new design directions for SMEs food packaging in particularly in Malaysia. According to Desmet & Hekkert (2007), being an integrated discipline that requires aesthetic, marketing, ergonomic and engineering skills, which occur within type of multidisciplinary; it projects design research as a special subject. New concepts have been introduced in addition to adopting new concepts from other disciplines of design research in which may stimulate new design direction

    Lipases: introduction

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    Lipases differ greatly with regard to their origins and their properties. Lipases can be obtained from microorganism, plant and animal. They can catalyze the hydrolysis or synthesis of a wide range of different substances. Microbial lipases are widely diversified in their enzymatic properties and substrates specify which make them attractive for many industrial applications including detergents, food, flavor industry, ester and amino acid derivatives, baking, fine chemical, bioremediation, hard surface cleaning, leather andpaper industry. Lipases stand amongst the most important biocatalysts due to their ability to utilize a wide spectrum of substrates, high stability towards extremes of temperature, pH and organic solvents, and chemo-, regio- and enantioselectivity. The enantioselectiveand regionselective nature of lipases have been utilized for the resolution of chirl drugs, fat modification, synthesis of cocoa butter substituents, biofuels, and for the synthesis of personal care products and flavor enhancers