83 research outputs found

    The potential for measuring ethnicity and health in a multicultural milieu - the case of type 2 diabetes in Australia

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    ObjectiveEthnicity influences health in many ways. For example, type 2&nbsp;diabetes (T2DM) is disproportionately prevalent among certain ethnic groups.&nbsp;Assessing ethnicity is difficult, and numerous proxy measures are used to&nbsp;capture its various components. Australian guidelines specify a set of&nbsp;variables for measuring ethnicity, and how such parameters should be&nbsp;categorised. Using T2DM data collections as an illustrative example, this&nbsp;study sought to examine how ethnicity is measured in Australian health&nbsp;databases and, by comparing current practice with Australia&rsquo;s existing&nbsp;benchmark recommendations, to identify potential areas for improvement of&nbsp;the health data landscape.DesignWe identified databases containing information from which ethnic&nbsp;group-specific estimates of T2DM burden may be gleaned. For each&nbsp;database, details regarding ethnicity variables were extracted, and compared&nbsp;with the Australian guidelines.&nbsp;ResultsData collection instruments for 32 relevant databases were reviewed.&nbsp;Birthplace was recorded in 27 databases (84%), but mode of birthplace&nbsp;assessment varied. Indigenous status was commonly recorded (78%, n=25), but&nbsp;only nine databases recorded other aspects of self-perceived race/ethnicity. Of&nbsp;28 survey/audit databases, 14 accommodated linguistic preferences other than&nbsp;English, and 11 either excluded non-English speakers or those for whom a&nbsp;translator was not available, or only offered questionnaires in English.ConclusionsConsiderable variation exists in the measurement of ethnicity in&nbsp;Australian health data- sets. While various markers of ethnicity provide&nbsp;complementary information about the ethnic profile within a data-set, nonuniform&nbsp;measurement renders comparison between data-sets difficult. A&nbsp;standardised approach is necessary, and identifying the ethnicity variables&nbsp;that are particularly relevant to the health sector is warranted. Including self identified&nbsp;ethnicity in Australia&rsquo;s set of recommended indicators and as a core&nbsp;component of the national census should be considered. Globalisation and&nbsp;increasing migration mean that these findings have implications internationally,&nbsp;including for multi-ethnic countries throughout North America and&nbsp;Europe.</div