34 research outputs found

    Cybersecurity in the Context of Moroccan Energy Companies

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    The aim of this research is to assess the level of maturity of Moroccan companies in the energy sector in terms of cybersecurity and to identify the factors influencing their abilities to implement effective security measures to address the risks associated with cyber-attacks. To achieve this, we have adopted an exploratory approach. A questionnaire was sent to energy sector companies in Morocco to investigate their cybersecurity practices. This entails examining the current security measures in place, security policies and procedures, as well as employee training programs. Furthermore, we are exploring the human and financial factors that can influence the ability of energy companies to implement effective security measures against cyberattacks. The results clearly indicate that most of these companies demonstrate a high level of maturity in terms of cybersecurity. However, several significant factors influence their ability to implement effective security measures. Among these factors, the lack of qualified personnel, the high costs associated with acquiring and implementing security technologies, as well as expenses related to training and awareness, can be mentioned

    SĂ©minome Spermatocytaire: Ă  Propos d’un Cas et Revue de La LittĂ©rature Spermatocytic Seminoma

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    Le sĂ©minome spermatocytaire est une tumeur rare, reprĂ©sentant moins de 2% des cancers du testicule, survenant essentiellement chez le sujet ĂągĂ©. Nous rapportons une nouvelle observation d’un patient ĂągĂ© de 48 ans. La tumeur se prĂ©sentait comme une prolifĂ©ration de cellules en nappescompactes, avec 3 types cellulaires, des cellules de petite taille, des cellules intermĂ©diaires et des grandes cellules. Il n’a Ă©tĂ© retrouvĂ© ni contingent sarcomateux, ni sĂ©minome classique. L’analyse en immun histochimie n’a retrouvĂ© aucune expression des cellules tumorales pour les anticorpsclassiques testĂ©s, notamment l’Ac anti PLAP et les marqueurs lymphoĂŻdes. Le sĂ©minome spermatocytaire doit ĂȘtre reconnu, car son Ă©volution est trĂšs favorable et ne nĂ©cessite qu’une simple orchidectomie, en l’absence d’un exceptionnel contingent sarcomateux ou de mĂ©tastase oĂč une chimiothĂ©rapie s’impose

    Demographic, clinical, and pathological features of early onset pancreatic cancer patients.

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    BACKGROUND: Early onset pancreatic cancer (EOPC), i.e. pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) occurring in patients below 50 years of age, is rare and there is limited information regarding risk factors, molecular basis and outcome. This study aimed to determine the demographic and clinicopathological features and survival figures for EOPC. METHODS: A retrospective analysis of patients treated at the Royal London Hospital for PDAC between September 2004 and September 2015 was performed. Data on demographics, risk factors, presentation, pathological features, treatment and survival outcome were compared in EOPC and older PDAC patients. RESULTS: Of 369 PDAC cases identified, 35 (9.5%) were EOPC. Compared to older patients, EOPC patients were more frequently male (71% vs 54%, p = 0.043) and less commonly of British origin (37% vs 70%, p = 0.002). There was no significant difference regarding the prevalence of any of the risk factors known to be associated with older PDAC patients. Fewer EOPC patients presented with resectable disease (23% vs 44%, p = 0.015) and more received adjuvant chemo/radiotherapy (60% vs 46%, p = 0.008). The overall median survival and stage specific survival did not differ significantly between the two groups, although a longer survival for localized disease was seen in EOPC patients (25 months (12.9-37, 95%CI) vs 13 months (10.5-15.5 95%CI) for older PDAC patients). CONCLUSIONS: The EOPC patients had different demographics and were more likely than their older PDAC counterparts to be male. Typically they presented with more advanced disease, received more aggressive treatment, and had on overall similar survival outcome

    Cybersecurity in the Context of Moroccan Energy Companies

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    The aim of this research is to assess the level of maturity of Moroccan companies in the energy sector in terms of cybersecurity and to identify the factors influencing their abilities to implement effective security measures to address the risks associated with cyber-attacks. To achieve this, we have adopted an exploratory approach. A questionnaire was sent to energy sector companies in Morocco to investigate their cybersecurity practices. This entails examining the current security measures in place, security policies and procedures, as well as employee training programs. Furthermore, we are exploring the human and financial factors that can influence the ability of energy companies to implement effective security measures against cyberattacks. The results clearly indicate that most of these companies demonstrate a high level of maturity in terms of cybersecurity. However, several significant factors influence their ability to implement effective security measures. Among these factors, the lack of qualified personnel, the high costs associated with acquiring and implementing security technologies, as well as expenses related to training and awareness, can be mentioned