62 research outputs found

    Global Organizations Empowered By The Internet-Intranet-Extranet Technologies: Planning And Strategic Implications

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    Information technology simultaneously drives and facilitates global business. The World Wide Web (WWW) represents a paradigm shift of comparable significance to that of the printing press due to its capability of broadcasting not only the written word (static information) but also entire software applications (dynamic information). The WWW surfaces a new level of power and effectiveness for the Internet-Intranet-Extranet (Net) enabled organization similar to the benefits brought aboutby the three-tier/hyper-tier structure in the client-server computing model. The Internet acts as a natural extension of the intranet and the extranet, since the underlying technologies (e.g., TCP/IP, HTML, HTTP, CGI, URL) are continuous with one another.This enables global access to applications such as data warehousing, on-line analytical processing (OLAP), data mining and data visualization, thus contributing to the productivity of millions of knowledge workers across the globe. This also enables organizations to allow access outside of their own employee base to customers, partners, suppliers, and investors

    Object Oriented Database Management Systems: Architecture and Application

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    The advent of multimedia computing, the World Wide Web, and objectoriented application languages has caused the proliferation of complex data types that must be managed differently from traditional character or numeric data types. Relational DBMS (RDBMS) can be modified with data extenders to support these complex new data types. Object DBMS (OODBMS), however, are designed specifically for these data types, and manipulate them with far greater efficiency. OODBMS perform direct navigation, clustering, schema evolution, and other functions that RDBMS cannot match. Adoption of common interoperable standards will facilitate the move towards open systems for heterogeneous, distributed platforms

    E-Commerce Taxation Issues: A Balanced Perspective and Options for Resolution

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    This paper is designed to give the reader a balanced perspective on some of the issues surrounding the current discussions related to state and local taxation of Internet access fees and sales transactions on the Internet. The paper will attempt to describe the issues being discussed and present several viewpoints from interest groups on both sides of the issue. The paper is being written at an interesting time, since the Advisory Commission on Electronic Commerce is scheduled to meet in two weeks in Dallas and shape its final recommendations to Congress, which are due in April 2000. Taxation of Internet access and transactions on the Internet is one of the most complicated public policy issues of our time, affecting over 30,000 state and local taxing jurisdictions and literally thousands of businesses and customers worldwide. The paper will develop a next steps strategy to be considered by policy makers

    Global Digital Libraries: A Historical Perspective and Architectural Considerations

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    Digital libraries will replicate many of the features of traditional libraries, but they may also draw on techniques developed by video rental companies and bookstores in making information both readily accessible and attractively presented. A generalized schema for global information systems of this type is essential; it must address issues of data structure and system interoperability so that information of all types can be freely exchanged across whatever platforms may develop in the future. The ability to search, identify, and retrieve not only text but recorded sound and complex images depends on a systematic approach to handles and metadata. The mode of access to data will be partly determined by economic and social forces and could require additional tagging. The global digital library may well be an inevitable next stage in the evolution of information sharing, but its implementation requires a plan that addresses the complexities of these issues on a broadly conceived and coherent basis

    The Influence of Cognitive Trust and Familiarity on Adoption and Continued Use of Smartphones: An Empirical Analysis

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    In the information-driven and application rich environment of smartphones, power is closer to the user than ever before and it has the potential of helping them become more effective and efficient. Smartphones have become increasingly important for companies to create strategic opportunities and competitive advantage by adding value for its stakeholders and improving efficiency. Technological advances in smartphones have led to increased mobile applications and implications for theory and practice since they create strategic opportunities and competitive advantage by adding value for customers and improving efficiency through the use of mobile technologies. Understanding the factors that influence the continuance in usage of smartphones in globally distributed teams is extremely helpful because knowledge on how to balance requirements and strategic interests effectively is extremely scarce in existing business model literature. To date, there are no published studies that have investigated the influence of cognitive trust and familiarity on smartphone continuance usage. To fill this gap in the literature, we developed our model based on the Visual Perception Theories as its theoretical foundation. Our model indicates that both familiarity with a smartphone and cognitive trust in integrity of a smartphone have a positive and significant effect on smartphone continuance usage. Also, our study shows factors that influence smartphone continuance usage through cognitive trust. These findings support the Visual Perception Theories

    Intelligent Agent Based Decision Making on the Internet: An Empirical Study

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    This exploratory experimental study was designed to explore whether the use of an intelligent agent for environmental scanning can assist a decision maker in international investment decisions. Subjects selected a country from a pair of countries, based on the analysis of the political, economic and financial dimensions. An experimental tool was developed and a laboratory experiment was conducted to examine how Information Delivery and Agent Facilitation may effect decision making processes and outcomes. Unrealistic high expectations promoted by computer trade magazines and software marketing literature may affect the implementation of Intranet/Internet systems and agent software. The results of this study demonstrate the potential lack of tangible performance improvement that may result even when expectations are high

    The Effects of Gender On The Adoption of Social Media: An Empirical Investigation

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    This study develops a research model to gain a deeper understanding on gender comparison relating to social media continuance/usage. The theoretical background for our research model is based on the diffusion of innovation and the technology acceptance models. We collected 290 datasets from college students that are enrolled in a large university located in North America. The statistical techniques to analyze our datasets are confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. The results of our data analysis show that females have stronger and significant perception of ease of use, compatibility, relative advantage, and risk when using social media compared to males. Also, our results show that males have a stronger perception of satisfaction and information quality when using social media compared to females


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    FORMA PARTE DEL ÁLBUM DEL TOUR NORTEAMERICANO REALIZADO POR LUIS SUÁREZ GALVÁN Y SU FAMILIACopia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 201