167 research outputs found

    Privacy-Enhancing Technologies for Medical and Genomic Data: From Theory to Practice

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    The impressive technological advances in genomic analysis and the significant drop in the cost of genome sequencing are paving the way to a variety of revolutionary applications in modern healthcare. In particular, the increasing understanding of the human genome, and of its relation to diseases, health and to responses to treatments brings promise of improvements in better preventive and personalized medicine. Unfortunately, the impact on privacy and security is unprecedented. The genome is our ultimate identifier and, if leaked, it can unveil sensitive and personal information such as our genetic diseases, our propensity to develop certain conditions (e.g., cancer or Alzheimer's) or the health issues of our family. Even though legislation, such as the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or the US Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), aims at mitigating abuses based on genomic and medical data, it is clear that this information also needs to be protected by technical means. In this thesis, we investigate the problem of developing new and practical privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs) for the protection of medical and genomic data. Our goal is to accelerate the adoption of PETs in the medical field in order to address the privacy and security concerns that prevent personalized medicine from reaching its full potential. We focus on two main areas of personalized medicine: clinical care and medical research. For clinical care, we first propose a system for securely storing and selectively retrieving raw genomic data that is indispensable for in-depth diagnoses and treatments of complex genetic diseases such as cancer. Then, we focus on genetic variants and devise a new model based on additively-homomorphic encryption for privacy-preserving genetic testing in clinics. Our model, implemented in the context of HIV treatment, is the first to be tested and evaluated by practitioners in a real operational setting. For medical research, we first propose a method that combines somewhat-homomorphic encryption with differential privacy to enable secure feasibility studies on genetic data stored at an untrusted central repository. Second, we address the problem of sharing genomic and medical data when the data is distributed across multiple mistrustful institutions. We begin by analyzing the risks that threaten patientsâ privacy in systems for the discovery of genetic variants, and we propose practical mitigations to the re-identification risk. Then, for clinical sites to be able to share the data without worrying about the risk of data breaches, we develop a new system based on collective homomorphic encryption: it achieves trust decentralization and enables researchers to securely find eligible patients for clinical studies. Finally, we design a new framework, complementary to the previous ones, for quantifying the risk of unintended disclosure caused by potential inference attacks that are jointly combined by a malicious adversary, when exact genomic data is shared. In summary, in this thesis we demonstrate that PETs, still believed unpractical and immature, can be made practical and can become real enablers for overcoming the privacy and security concerns blocking the advancement of personalized medicine. Addressing privacy issues in healthcare remains a great challenge that will increasingly require long-term collaboration among geneticists, healthcare providers, ethicists, lawmakers, and computer scientists

    The BioRef Infrastructure, a Framework for Real-Time, Federated, Privacy-Preserving, and Personalized Reference Intervals: Design, Development, and Application.

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    BACKGROUND Reference intervals (RIs) for patient test results are in standard use across many medical disciplines, allowing physicians to identify measurements indicating potentially pathological states with relative ease. The process of inferring cohort-specific RIs is, however, often ignored because of the high costs and cumbersome efforts associated with it. Sophisticated analysis tools are required to automatically infer relevant and locally specific RIs directly from routine laboratory data. These tools would effectively connect clinical laboratory databases to physicians and provide personalized target ranges for the respective cohort population. OBJECTIVE This study aims to describe the BioRef infrastructure, a multicentric governance and IT framework for the estimation and assessment of patient group-specific RIs from routine clinical laboratory data using an innovative decentralized data-sharing approach and a sophisticated, clinically oriented graphical user interface for data analysis. METHODS A common governance agreement and interoperability standards have been established, allowing the harmonization of multidimensional laboratory measurements from multiple clinical databases into a unified "big data" resource. International coding systems, such as the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10); unique identifiers for medical devices from the Global Unique Device Identification Database; type identifiers from the Global Medical Device Nomenclature; and a universal transfer logic, such as the Resource Description Framework (RDF), are used to align the routine laboratory data of each data provider for use within the BioRef framework. With a decentralized data-sharing approach, the BioRef data can be evaluated by end users from each cohort site following a strict "no copy, no move" principle, that is, only data aggregates for the intercohort analysis of target ranges are exchanged. RESULTS The TI4Health distributed and secure analytics system was used to implement the proposed federated and privacy-preserving approach and comply with the limitations applied to sensitive patient data. Under the BioRef interoperability consensus, clinical partners enable the computation of RIs via the TI4Health graphical user interface for query without exposing the underlying raw data. The interface was developed for use by physicians and clinical laboratory specialists and allows intuitive and interactive data stratification by patient factors (age, sex, and personal medical history) as well as laboratory analysis determinants (device, analyzer, and test kit identifier). This consolidated effort enables the creation of extremely detailed and patient group-specific queries, allowing the generation of individualized, covariate-adjusted RIs on the fly. CONCLUSIONS With the BioRef-TI4Health infrastructure, a framework for clinical physicians and researchers to define precise RIs immediately in a convenient, privacy-preserving, and reproducible manner has been implemented, promoting a vital part of practicing precision medicine while streamlining compliance and avoiding transfers of raw patient data. This new approach can provide a crucial update on RIs and improve patient care for personalized medicine

    Patient Privacy in the Genomic Era

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    According to many scientists and clinicians, genomics is taking on a key role in the field of medicine. Impressive advances in genome sequencing have opened the way to a variety of revolutionary applications in modern healthcare. In particular, the increasing understanding of the human genome, and of its relation to diseases and response to treatments brings promise of improvements in better preventive and personalized medicine. However, this progress raises important privacy and ethical concerns that need to be addressed. Indeed, each genome is the ultimate identifier of its owner and, due to its nature, it contains highly personal and privacy-sensitive data. In this article, after summarizing recent advances in genomics, we discuss some important privacy issues associated with human genomic information and methods put in place to address them

    Towards Quantifying and Preventing the Leakage of Genomic Data Using Privacy-Enhancing Technologies

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    Towards Quantifying and Preventing the Leakage of Genomic Data Using Privacy-Enhancing Technologie

    Privacy Threats and Practical Solutions for Genetic Risk Tests

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    Abstract-Recently, several solutions have been proposed to address the complex challenge of protecting individuals' genetic data during personalized medicine tests. In this short paper, we analyze different privacy threats and propose simple countermeasures for the generic architecture mainly used in the literature. In particular, we present and evaluate a new practical solution against a critical attack of a malicious medical center trying to actively infer raw genetic information of patients

    Privacy-Preserving Processing of Raw Genomic Data

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    Geneticists prefer to store patients' aligned, raw genomic data, in addition to their variant calls (compact and summarized form of the raw data), mainly because of the immaturity of bioinformatic algorithms and sequencing platforms. Thus, we propose a privacy-preserving system to protect the privacy of aligned, raw genomic data. The raw genomic data of a patient includes millions of short reads, each comprised of between 100 and 400 nucleotides (genomic letters). We propose storing these short reads at a biobank in encrypted form. The proposed scheme enables a medical unit (e.g., a pharmaceutical company or a hospital) to privately retrieve a subset of the short reads of the patients (which include a definite range of nucleotides depending on the type of the genetic test) without revealing the nature of the genetic test to the biobank. Furthermore, the proposed scheme lets the biobank mask particular parts of the retrieved short reads if (i) some parts of the provided short reads are out of the requested range, or (ii) the patient does not give consent to some parts of the provided short reads (e.g., parts revealing sensitive diseases). We evaluate the proposed scheme to show the amount of unauthorized genomic data leakage it prevents. Finally, we implement the proposed scheme and assess its practicality

    Privacy threats and practical solutions for genetic risk tests

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    Recently, several solutions have been proposed to address the complex challenge of protecting individuals' genetic data during personalized medicine tests. In this short paper, we analyze different privacy threats and propose simple countermeasures for the generic architecture mainly used in the literature. In particular, we present and evaluate a new practical solution against a critical attack of a malicious medical center trying to actively infer raw genetic information of patients. © 2015 IEEE