7 research outputs found

    The effect of distance on oviposition preference.

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    <p>A Tukey box plot is shown for each genotype * distance combination; red β€Š=β€Š RAL-555, orange β€Š=β€Š RAL-437, green β€Š=β€Š RAL-208, blue β€Š=β€Š RAL-365.</p

    The average proportion of eggs laid on y<sup>-</sup> media for 213 inbred lines.

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    <p>Variance and sample sizes vary considerably between genotypes (see text), and only means are shown for each genotype, for clarity. On the right, a histogram of the same data is shown. Minimum sample size per line β€Š=β€Š5 females, mean β€Š=β€Š11.6 females.</p

    Violin plots of preference behavior.

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    <p>Each element contains a Tukey box plot showing the median (white dot), 75% quartile (thick line) and range excluding outliers (thin line). Surrounding the box plot is a kernel density trace, plotted symmetrically on both sides of the boxplot, which provides a graphical comparison of each distribution (following <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0016436#pone.0016436-Hintze1" target="_blank">[34]</a>). Inbred β€Š=β€Š distribution of inbred RAL genotypes; Outbred β€Š=β€Š the F<sub>8</sub> population started from these inbred lines; y-1 and y-2β€Š=β€Š populations selected for a single generation in the direction of 1.00; y+1 and y+2β€Š=β€Š populations after two generations of selection in the direction of 0.00.</p

    The effect of ethanol on oviposition preference.

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    <p>A: The effect of ethanol on behavior towards yeast is shown for 13 RAL genotypes at three concentrations of ethanol, where each line is a genotype. B: Plot of mean preference of genotypes in A, at two ethanol concentrations, shows that preferences are highly correlated between ethanol concentrations, with more avoidance of yeast substrate at higher ethanol concentration.</p

    The average number of eggs laid for 282 inbred lines.

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    <p>Minimum sample size per line β€Š=β€Š5 females, mean β€Š=β€Š16.1 females. Variance and sample sizes vary considerably between genotypes (see text), and only means are shown for each genotype, for clarity. On the right, a histogram of the same data is shown.</p