689 research outputs found

    Magnetic Tuning of a Microstrip Patch Antenna Fabricated on a Ferrite Film

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    A square, single-feed patch, fabricated on a ferrite film, that produced orthogonally polarized, well-formed radiation patterns is described. The application of a small in-plane magnetic field tuned the frequency, and hence phase, of one polarization only. Prior work on patch antennas fabricated on bulk ferrite substrates demonstrated magnetic tuning, but only linear polarization was obtained. The results indicate that 1) thin ferrite films, which are monolithically integrable, may be useful for a magnetically tunable antenna, and 2) the radiation polarization of the patch can be varied by the application of a small in-plane magnetic bias field

    A probabilistic approach to some results by Nieto and Truax

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    In this paper, we reconsider some results by Nieto and Truax about generating functions for arbitrary order coherent and squeezed states. These results were obtained using the exponential of the Laplacian operator; more elaborated operational identities were used by Dattoli et al. \cite{Dattoli} to extend these results. In this note, we show that the operational approach can be replaced by a purely probabilistic approach, in the sense that the exponential of derivatives operators can be identified with equivalent expectation operators. This approach brings new insight about the kinks between operational and probabilistic calculus.Comment: 2nd versio

    Explicit representations of biorthogonal polynomials

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    Given a parametrised weight function ω(x,μ)\omega(x,\mu) such that the quotients of its consecutive moments are M\"obius maps, it is possible to express the underlying biorthogonal polynomials in a closed form \cite{IN2}. In the present paper we address ourselves to two related issues. Firstly, we demonstrate that, subject to additional assumptions, every such ω\omega obeys (in xx) a linear differential equation whose solution is a generalized hypergeometric function. Secondly, using a generalization of standard divided differences, we present a new explicit representation of the underlying orthogonal polynomials

    A New Class of Non-Linear Stability Preserving Operators

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    We extend Br\"and\'en's recent proof of a conjecture of Stanley and describe a new class of non-linear operators that preserve weak Hurwitz stability and the Laguerre-P\'olya class.Comment: Fixed typos, spelling, and updated links in reference

    Effective superpotentials for compact D5-brane Calabi-Yau geometries

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    For compact Calabi-Yau geometries with D5-branes we study N=1 effective superpotentials depending on both open- and closed-string fields. We develop methods to derive the open/closed Picard-Fuchs differential equations, which control D5-brane deformations as well as complex structure deformations of the compact Calabi-Yau space. Their solutions encode the flat open/closed coordinates and the effective superpotential. For two explicit examples of compact D5-brane Calabi-Yau hypersurface geometries we apply our techniques and express the calculated superpotentials in terms of flat open/closed coordinates. By evaluating these superpotentials at their critical points we reproduce the domain wall tensions that have recently appeared in the literature. Finally we extract orbifold disk invariants from the superpotentials, which, up to overall numerical normalizations, correspond to orbifold disk Gromov-Witten invariants in the mirror geometry.Comment: 55 pages; v2: references added, typos correcte

    Propagator of a Charged Particle with a Spin in Uniform Magnetic and Perpendicular Electric Fields

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    We construct an explicit solution of the Cauchy initial value problem for the time-dependent Schroedinger equation for a charged particle with a spin moving in a uniform magnetic field and a perpendicular electric field varying with time. The corresponding Green function (propagator) is given in terms of elementary functions and certain integrals of the fields with a characteristic function, which should be found as an analytic or numerical solution of the equation of motion for the classical oscillator with a time-dependent frequency. We discuss a particular solution of a related nonlinear Schroedinger equation and some special and limiting cases are outlined.Comment: 17 pages, no figure

    Monomiality principle, Sheffer-type polynomials and the normal ordering problem

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    We solve the boson normal ordering problem for (q(a)a+v(a))n(q(a^\dag)a+v(a^\dag))^n with arbitrary functions q(x)q(x) and v(x)v(x) and integer nn, where aa and aa^\dag are boson annihilation and creation operators, satisfying [a,a]=1[a,a^\dag]=1. This consequently provides the solution for the exponential eλ(q(a)a+v(a))e^{\lambda(q(a^\dag)a+v(a^\dag))} generalizing the shift operator. In the course of these considerations we define and explore the monomiality principle and find its representations. We exploit the properties of Sheffer-type polynomials which constitute the inherent structure of this problem. In the end we give some examples illustrating the utility of the method and point out the relation to combinatorial structures.Comment: Presented at the 8'th International School of Theoretical Physics "Symmetry and Structural Properties of Condensed Matter " (SSPCM 2005), Myczkowce, Poland. 13 pages, 31 reference

    Scalar Casimir Effect on a D-dimensional Einstein Static Universe

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    We compute the renormalised energy momentum tensor of a free scalar field coupled to gravity on an (n+1)-dimensional Einstein Static Universe (ESU), RxS^n, with arbitrary low energy effective operators (up to mass dimension n+1). A generic class of regulators is used, together with the Abel-Plana formula, leading to a manifestly regulator independent result. The general structure of the divergences is analysed to show that all the gravitational couplings (not just the cosmological constant) are renormalised for an arbitrary regulator. Various commonly used methods (damping function, point-splitting, momentum cut-off and zeta function) are shown to, effectively, belong to the given class. The final results depend strongly on the parity of n. A detailed analytical and numerical analysis is performed for the behaviours of the renormalised energy density and a quantity `sigma' which determines if the strong energy condition holds for the `quantum fluid'. We briefly discuss the quantum fluid back-reaction problem, via the higher dimensional Friedmann and Raychaudhuri equations, observe that equilibrium radii exist and unveil the possibility of a `Casimir stabilisation of Einstein Static Universes'.Comment: 37 pages, 15 figures, v2: minor changes in sections 1, 2.5, 3 and 4; version published in CQ

    Some Orthogonal Polynomials Arising from Coherent States

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    We explore in this paper some orthogonal polynomials which are naturally associated to certain families of coherent states, often referred to as nonlinear coherent states in the quantum optics literature. Some examples turn out to be known orthogonal polynomials but in many cases we encounter a general class of new orthogonal polynomials for which we establish several qualitative results.Comment: 21 page