2 research outputs found

    Nonuniversal impact of cholesterol on membranes mobility, curvature sensing and elasticity

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    AbstractBiological membranes, composed mainly of phospholipids and cholesterol, play a vital role as cellular barriers. They undergo localized reshaping in response to environmental cues and protein interactions, with the energetics of deformations crucial for exerting biological functions. This study investigates the non-universal role of cholesterol on the structure and elasticity of saturated and unsaturated lipid membranes. Our study uncovers a highly cooperative relationship between thermal membrane bending and local cholesterol redistribution, with cholesterol showing a strong preference for the compressed membrane leaflet. Remarkably, in unsaturated membranes, increased cholesterol mobility enhances cooperativity, resulting in membrane softening despite membrane thickening and lipid compression caused by cholesterol. These findings elucidate the intricate interplay between thermodynamic forces and local molecular interactions that govern collective properties of membranes.</jats:p

    Myeloid Sarcoma in the Central Nervous System: Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    Mijeloidni sarkomi su rijetke pojavnosti uglavnom mijeloblastične leukemije. Njihova pojava u središnjem živčanom sustavu je iznimna, pa je dotična literatura danas ograničena na studije pojedinih slučajeva. Mi opisujemo jo. jedan slučaj, dok je pregled literature poslužio kako bismo ispitali značajke i mogućnosti liječenja mijeloidnog sarkoma središnjega živčanog sustva. U žene stare 61 godinu s akutnom mijeloblastičnom leukemijom (FAB M5) i progresivnom lijevostranom hemiparezom utvrđena je desnostrano parieto-okcipitalno epiduralno oštećenje koje je sličilo meningiomu. Učinjena je djelomična resekcija koja je otkrila mijeloidni sarkom. Pregledom literature utvrdili smo 44 slučaja s dostatnim opisom dijagnoze, liječenja i praćenja do jedne godine. Kod tih bolesnika primijenjeni su različiti načini liječenja. Međutim, bolesnici su imali najbolji postotak jednogodišnjeg preživljenja kad je protokol liječenja uključivao sustavnu kemoterapiju ili zračenje.Myeloid sarcomas are rare manifestations of mainly myeloblastic leukemia. Their occurrence in the central nervous system is exceptional and current literature is limited to case studies. A case is added herewith and a review was performed to investigate clinical characteristics and treatment options of central nervous system myeloid sarcoma. A 61-year-old female with acute myeloblastic leukemia (FAB M5) and progressive left sided hemiparesis showed a right parieto-occipital epidural lesion mimicking meningioma. Partial resection was performed to reveal a myeloid sarcoma. Reviewing the literature we identified 44 cases with sufficient description of the diagnosis, treatment and follow up to one year. In these patients different treatment regimens were applied. However, when systemic chemotherapy or irradiation was included in the treatment regimen, patients showed the best 1-year survival proportion