24 research outputs found

    Speech intelligibility for target and masker with different spectra

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    The speech intelligibility index (SII) calculation is based on the assumption that the effective range of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regarding speech intelligibility is [− 15 dB; +15 dB]. In a specific frequency band, speech intelligibility would remain constant by varying the SNRs above + 15 dB or below − 15 dB. These assumptions were tested in four experiments measuring speech reception thresholds (SRTs) with a speech target and speech-spectrum noise, while attenuating target or noise above or below 1400 Hz, with different levels of attenuation in order to test different SNRs in the two bands. SRT varied linearly with attenuation at low-attenuation levels and an asymptote was reached for high-attenuation levels. However, this asymptote was reached (intelligibility was not influenced by further attenuation) for different attenuation levels across experiments. The − 15-dB SII limit was confirmed for high-pass filtered targets, whereas for low-pass filtered targets, intelligibility was further impaired by decreasing the SNR below − 15 dB (until − 37 dB) in the high-frequency band. For high-pass and low-pass filtered noises, speech intelligibility kept improving when increasing the SNR in the rejected band beyond + 15 dB (up to 43 dB). Before reaching the asymptote, a 10-dB increase of SNR obtained by filtering the noise resulted in a larger decrease of SRT than a corresponding 10-dB decrease of SNR obtained by filtering the target (the slopes SRT/attenuation were different depending on which source was filtered). These results question the use of the SNR range and the importance function adopted by the SII when considering sharply filtered signals

    Effect of Harmonicity on the Detection of a Signal in a Complex Masker and on Spatial Release from Masking

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    The amount of masking of sounds from one source (signals) by sounds from a competing source (maskers) heavily depends on the sound characteristics of the masker and the signal and on their relative spatial location. Numerous studies investigated the ability to detect a signal in a speech or a noise masker or the effect of spatial separation of signal and masker on the amount of masking, but there is a lack of studies investigating the combined effects of many cues on the masking as is typical for natural listening situations. The current study using free-field listening systematically evaluates the combined effects of harmonicity and inharmonicity cues in multi-tone maskers and cues resulting from spatial separation of target signal and masker on the detection of a pure tone in a multi-tone or a noise masker. A linear binaural processing model was implemented to predict the masked thresholds in order to estimate whether the observed thresholds can be accounted for by energetic masking in the auditory periphery or whether other effects are involved. Thresholds were determined for combinations of two target frequencies (1 and 8 kHz), two spatial configurations (masker and target either co-located or spatially separated by 90 degrees azimuth), and five different masker types (four complex multi-tone stimuli, one noise masker). A spatial separation of target and masker resulted in a release from masking for all masker types. The amount of masking significantly depended on the masker type and frequency range. The various harmonic and inharmonic relations between target and masker or between components of the masker resulted in a complex pattern of increased or decreased masked thresholds in comparison to the predicted energetic masking. The results indicate that harmonicity cues affect the detectability of a tonal target in a complex masker

    Exploring binaural hearing in gerbils (<i>Meriones unguiculatus</i>) using virtual headphones

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    <div><p>The Mongolian gerbil (<i>Meriones unguiculatus</i>) has become a key species in investigations of the neural processing of sound localization cues in mammals. While its sound localization has been tested extensively under free-field stimulation, many neurophysiological studies use headphones to present signals with binaural localization cues. The gerbil's behavioral sensitivity to binaural cues, however, is unknown for the lack of appropriate stimulation paradigms in awake behaving gerbils. We close this gap in knowledge by mimicking a headphone stimulation; we use free-field loudspeakers and apply cross-talk cancellation techniques to present pure tones with binaural cues via “virtual headphones” to gerbils trained in a sound localization task. All gerbils were able to lateralize sounds depending on the interaural time or level difference (ITD and ILD, respectively). For ITD stimuli, reliable responses were seen for frequencies ≤2.9 kHz, the highest frequency tested with ITD stimuli. ITD sensitivity was frequency-dependent with the highest sensitivity observed at 1 kHz. For stimuli with ITD outside the gerbil's physiological range, responses were cyclic indicating the use of phase information when lateralizing narrow-band sounds. For ILD stimuli, reliable responses were obtained for frequencies ≥2 kHz. The comparison of ITD and ILD thresholds with ITD and ILD thresholds derived from gerbils’ free-field performance suggests that ongoing ITD information is the main cue for sound localization at frequencies <2 kHz. At 2 kHz, ITD and ILD cues are likely used in a complementary way. Verification of the use of the virtual headphones suggests that they can serve as a suitable substitute for conventional headphones particularly at frequencies ≤2 kHz.</p></div

    Probability of responses to the right as a function of ITD at 750, 1000, and 1250 Hz. The left column shows the performance using virtual headphones. The right column shows the free-field performance depending on the ITDs occurring in the free-field experiments.

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    <p>Symbols indicate individual performance of animals [750 Hz: n = 6 (vhp, free-field), 1000 Hz: n = 6 (vhp, free-field), 1250 Hz: n = 5 (vhp) and 6 (free-field)]. Lines represent the cumulative normal distribution functions with four parameters (slope, inflection point, offset from 0, offset from 1) fitted to the raw data of individual animals. Identical colors and symbols represent data and fit of the same individual animal in the different panels. Thresholds (in μs) and identifiers of individual animals are given on the right.</p

    Mean observed masked thresholds for each masker type.

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    <p>Mean masked thresholds from five individuals for the detection of a pure tone target in each of the five masker types are displayed in absolute values (in dB SPL). Thresholds are shown for the co-located configuration (filled symbols) and for the spatially separated configuration (open symbols) separated by the target frequency (left panel = 1 kHz, right panel = 8 kHz). Error bars represent the standard deviation (SD). The five masker types used in this experiment are: “Harm” = a harmonic masker, “Mistuned” = a harmonic masker with an inharmonic relation to the target frequency, “Inh/Sess” = inharmonic per session, i.e. a random frequency composition redrawn for each session, “Inh/Pres” = inharmonic per presentation, i.e. a different random frequency composition for each stimulus presentation, “Noise” = bandpass noise.</p

    Comparison between observed and estimated masked thresholds.

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    <p>Observed and estimated masked thresholds (in dB SPL) were compared for each masker type, for all target frequencies and spatial conditions. The first four columns show the estimated and the observed masked thresholds as mean absolute values (in dB SPL) ± standard deviation. The last two columns show the estimated and the observed amounts of spatial release from masking (SRM) in dB that were calculated by subtracting the thresholds of the spatially separated conditions from the thresholds of the co-located conditions. Mean values for the observed thresholds were calculated from five individuals. Mean values for the estimated thresholds were calculated from 51 subjects of the LISTEN HRTF database <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0026124#pone.0026124-Warusfel1" target="_blank">[13]</a>. Details about the estimation of the thresholds can be found in the section <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0026124#s2" target="_blank">Materials and methods</a>: Model description.</p

    Dataset for: Effect of preceding stimulation on sound localization and its representation in the auditory midbrain

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    Prior stimulation can influence the perception of sound source location. Some psychophysical sound localization procedures differ in the amount of prior stimulation, which may affect measures of localization accuracy. If and how particularly the number of preceding stimuli affects sound localization and the neural representation of sound source position has not been investigated so far and will be the focus of the present report. We trained Mongolian gerbils in a left/right discrimination task where the target stimulus was preceded by silence or followed a number of reference stimuli. Localization thresholds decreased with the number of references presented before the target stimulus. The smallest thresholds were found after the presentation of a train of five reference stimuli and after silence. We recorded from units in the inferior colliculus (IC) of anaesthetised gerbils using virtual-acoustic space stimuli mimicking the ones used in the behavioral task and applied signal detection theory to compare behavioral and neurometric thresholds. We found that neurometric thresholds based on spike rate information of single units covered a wide range of threshold values but only neurometric thresholds based on responses of small populations of IC units reached consistently thresholds we also observed in the behavioral experiment. Unlike behavioral thresholds, however, neurometric thresholds were independent of the number of reference stimuli suggesting that processing stages downstream from the IC might better reflect the effect of prior stimulation

    Probability of responses to the right as a function of ITD at frequencies ≥2000 Hz. The left column shows the performance using virtual headphones. The right column shows the free-field performance depending on the ITDs occurring in the free-field experiments.

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    <p>Tones with frequencies of 2000 [n = 6 (vhp, free-field)], 2400 [n = 5 (vhp) and 4 (free-field)], 2673 (n = 5, vhp only), 2900 Hz (n = 5, vhp only), and 3000 Hz (n = 6, free-field only) were presented. Symbols and lines as in the previous figure. Thresholds (in μs) and identifiers of individual animals are given on the right. ‘x’ indicates that no threshold could be determined because the threshold criterion was not reached. Thresholds in brackets were derived from cumulative normal distribution functions that yielded R<sup>2</sup><0.875 with the raw data and not used in further analyses; such cumulative normal distribution functions are not shown.</p

    Methods and procedures.

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    <p><b>(A)</b> Schematic of the experimental setup. Free-field stimuli were presented from a subset of an array of 15 loudspeakers distributed between -90° and 90° (gray and orange). Virtual-headphone stimuli were presented from the loudspeakers positioned at ±18° (orange). Animals moved on a Y-shaped platform and initiated trials by disrupting a light-barrier in a half-ring-shaped poke-hole (inset) with their nose. Animals' movements and responses were monitored by further light-barriers. Correct responses were rewarded by dispensing food rewards into food bowls from dispensers (not shown) fixed on the ceiling of the sound-attenuated booth. <b>(B)</b> Sketch illustrating the generation of virtual-headphone stimuli using cross-talk cancellation. The undesired signal paths (pink) between the loudspeakers and the respective contralateral ears are eliminated by destructive interference in the ears resulting in only the direct signal paths (blue) remaining present at the ears. <b>(C)</b> The free-field performance measured as probability of an approach to the right was transformed to free-field interaural level difference (ILD) and free-field interaural time difference (ITD) performance by extracting ITD and ILD values from the directional transfer functions (DTFs) obtained for the angular positions tested. Thresholds were then calculated by fitting a cumulative normal distribution function (green and red lines) to the raw data (circles) and determining the difference in ITD or ILD at the inflection point of the function (IP, dotted line) and 0.26 above the inflection point (IP+0.26, dashed line), thus corresponding to a d’-value of 1.</p