29 research outputs found

    The Jordan normal form of higher order Osserman algebraic curvature tensors

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    We construct new examples of algebraic curvature tensors so that the Jordan normal form of the higher order Jacobi operator is constant on the Grassmannian of subspaces of type (r,s)(r,s) in a vector space of signature (p,q)(p,q). We then use these examples to establish some results concerning higher order Osserman and higher order Jordan Osserman algebraic curvature tensors


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    Thesis (Ph. D. in Engineering)--University of Tsukuba, (B), no. 1406, 1998.3.2

    Prevention of infections by vaccines and immune modulators

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    Откриването и внедряването на ваксините и имуномодулаторите в медицинската практика е огромна крачка напред в предотвратяване на инфекциозните заболявания, някои от които са завършвали фатално при миналите векове. С прогреса в медицинската наука непрекъснато се усъвършенства имунопрофилактиката, като се разработват по-модерни технологии за по-безопасни и ефективни ваксини, което повишава здравния статус на обществото, изчезват смъртните и инвалидизиращи тежко протичащи случаи, намаляват разходите за лечение. Цел на тази разработка е да представи класификацията на видовете ваксини и имуномодулатори, както и съвременното състояние на ефекта от приложението им за превенция на инфекциозни заболявания. Материал и методи: Събрана е актуална информация от научни източници на информация по темата ваксинопрофилактика и имуномодулатори. Тя е анализирана, систематично представена и илюстрирана с подходящи графики. Резултати и обсъждане: Показано е значението на ваксините и имуномодулаторите за ограничаване на редица опасни вирусни и бактериални инфекции, напр. успешната ерадикация на вариола. Представена е съвременна класификация на тези средства за имунопрофилактика. Изброени са използваните понастоящем в България ваксини и имуномодулатори, разгледан е актуалният към момента на проучването имунизационен календар. Обективно са разгледани както полезните ефекти от приложението им, така и някои нежелани, странични ефекти. Проследени са тенденции за бъдещото развитие на имунопрофилактиката в България и в света. Изводи: Ефектът от прилагането на ваксини и имуномодулиращи средства не само за профилактика, но и при терапия на някои инфекциозни заболявания през последните две столетия е доказан в медицинската наука и в практиката. Силно ограничени и облекчени по протичане са инфекции, причинени от силно патогенни вируси и бактерии. Наблюдава се ефект и срещу някои туморни образувания. За повишаване на ефективността от прилагането им, в световен мащаб, се изискват планирани и координирани усилия на здравните институции в отделните страни, a това се постига благодарение на обединяващата дейност на СЗО.Introduction: The discovery and implementation of vaccines and immune modulators in medical practice is a huge step forward towards the prevention of infectious diseases, some of which have lead to a fatal outcome during the past centuries. Immune prophylaxis has been continuously improving along with the progress in medical sciences by developing more advanced technologies for safer and more effective vaccines, which increases the health status of the population of our society. The deaths and severely debilitating cases have disappeared and the cost of treatment has been reduced. Aim: The aim of this work is to present the classification of vaccines and immune modulators, as well as the current state of the effect of their application on the prevention of infectious diseases. Materials and Methods: Current information from scientific sources on the prevention by vaccines and immune modulators has been accumulated. It has been analyzed, systematically presented and illustrated by appropriate graphics. Results and Discussion: The importance of vaccines and immune modulators for limiting a number of dangerous viral and bacterial infections, such as successful eradication of smallpox, is shown. Contemporary classification of these agents for immune prophylaxis is presented. The vaccines and immune modulators used nowadays in Bulgaria are listed, the up-to-date immunization calendar is considered. Both the beneficial effects of their application and some undesirable side effects are objectively presented. Trends for the future development of immune prevention in Bulgaria and in the world are traced.Conclusions: The effect of application of vaccines and immune modulating agents in medical science and practice has been proved to be useful not only for prophylaxis but also for therapy of some infectious diseases during the last two centuries. Very limited and relieved are infections caused by strong pathogenic viruses and bacteria. Also, an effect against some tumor formations has been established. To increase the effectiveness of their implementation worldwide, planned and coordinated efforts of healthcare institutions in all the countries are required, and this is achieved thanks to the unifying activity of WHO

    Higher order Jordan Osserman Pseudo-Riemannian manifolds

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    We study the higher order Jacobi operator in pseudo-Riemannian geometry. We exhibit a family of manifolds so that this operator has constant Jordan normal form on the Grassmannian of subspaces of signature (r,s) for certain values of (r,s). These pseudo-Riemannian manifolds are new and non-trivial examples of higher order Osserman manifolds

    A collaborative approach to exploring the future of Cancer treatment and care in relation to Precision Medicine: A design perspective.

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    The Precision Medicine and the Future of Cancer project was jointly conceived by the Innovation School at Glasgow School of Art and the Institute of Cancer Sciences at the University of Glasgow. Graduating year Product Design students from the Innovation School were presented with a challenge-based project to produce a vision of the future based on current trends that relate to Precision Medicine(PM) and Cancer treatment. This project involved working closely with scientists, clinicians, patients, industry and academic professionals from Glasgow University, staff at Queen Elizabeth University Hospital and Clinical Innovation Zone, staff at Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre, Patient Representatives and external design experts from Studio AndThen and GOODD design consultancy. The objective of this project was to investigate, in both analytical and speculative ways, future forms and functions of cancer treatment and care in relation to Precision Medicine, to develop future scenarios and design artefacts, services, and the experiences associated with them. One of the most significant societal shifts currently taking place within the field of PM is the transformation around what it means to be a patient and a professional working within this context. The public’s role is developing beyond once-passive patients into stakeholders valued within the medical industry and healthcare sector for their participation in clinical trials, and contribution towards policy-making and decision-making committees. This new dynamic is changing the traditional patient-doctor relationship and challenging the hegemony of medical practice at an institutional level. The impetus for this shift is relentless technological acceleration and increased scientific research, in particular driven by advances in PM. This project asked students to consider what will happen in a cancer landscape ten years from now, where PM has evolved to the extent that new forms of medical practice, cancer treatment and care transform how we interact with each other, with professionals and the world around us. The brief gave students the opportunity to reflect on the underlying complexities regarding the future of health, technological acceleration, post-capitalism and human agency, to envision a future world context, develop it as an experiential exhibit, and produce the designed products, services and experiences for the people who might live and work within it. The project was divided into two sections: The first was a collaborative stage where groups of students were assigned a specific area of focus from Social, Technological, Economic, Ethical, Educational, Political, Legal, Ecological [STEEEPLE]. These groups focused on researching and exploring their specific lenses and gathering as much information and understanding while working with external experts to further their knowledge. This group stage culminated in an exhibition of the collaborative understanding of what the future could look like in 10 years from now, after exploring the possible consequences of current actions. The second stage saw students explore their individual response to the world that had been defined in the first stage. Each student had their own response to the research by iteratively creating a design outcome that was appropriate to the subject matter. This culminated in each student having created a design product/service/experience relating to the future scenario. A full report (Project Process Journal [PPJ]) is included within the repository of each student which breaks down their process of designing and the outcome they have designed. The project aims to tackle the emerging possibilities where medical professionals and design can collaborate, to create a future where forms of medical practice are more preventative and are more appropriate for an aging population now and into the future. The deposited materials are arranged as follows: Readme files - two readme files relate to stage one and stage two of the project as outlined above. Overview poster - gives a visual overview of the structure and timeline of the project. Data folders - the data folders for stage one of the project are named for the lens through which each group viewed possible futures. The data folders for stage two of the project are named for the individual students who conducted the work