590 research outputs found

    Ipotesi progettuale per un giardino pubblico “australiano” ai Danisinni, nella città di Palermo

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    It is presented a project aimed at achieving a public garden theme “Australia” to Danisinni, in Palermo. The idea is based mainly on the consideration that the image of Palermo, resulting from the urban climate and flora in its main public spaces and within private gardens; on the view that in Palermo has a garden to English G. B. F. Basile, the first and last example of a public garden designed as such from its inception; last but not least, the propulsive action of the Botanical garden, behind the idea of conceiving an urban design, structured by a system of theme parks, in order to affirm the cosmopolitan character of Palermo. The project of urban Danisinni depression shows an area, covering 12 hectares, which grows around the historic township of the same name that has always been characterized by a marked condition of marginality, combined with urban and social decay. The “Australian”, which symbolizes the species, more than any other in the city, became in time an emblem of urban beauty of he Sicilian capital


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    Il Calvario, dal latino Golgota che indica il luogo della Crocifissione di Cristo, è una tipologia di monumento di culto della religione cristiana la cui genesi si fa risalire al Medioevo, epoca dei lunghi pellegrinaggi di fedeli che, per tale ragione, sentivano l’esigenza di creare luoghi sostitutivi che richiamassero le mete Sante, troppo lontane. In Italia e, in particolare, in Piemonte e in Lombardia, l’edificazione di questi complessi prese inizio a seguito del Concilio di Trento soprattutto sotto forma di Sacri Monti che, per l’appunto, ne costituiscono la principale espressione. In Sicilia, la tradizione dei “Calvari” venne introdotta nel XVIII secolo dai Gesuiti che generalmente li costruivano su un’altura o, in alternativa, in presenza di un pianoro, utilizzando il mezzo scenico della scalinata, sia per simboleggiare la “via dolorosa” percorsa dal Nazareno sia per assolvere alla funzione di collegamento tra il luogo Sacro e l’abitato limitrofo. Se è vero che ciascun calvario possiede una sua unicità costruttiva, i diversi casi in Sicilia sono accomunati dalla presenza di tre elementi fondamentali: l’albero di cipresso; l’isolamento; l’orientamento a Nord, Nord-Est (Lima, 1984). Il Sacro Calvario di Gangi (Palermo) la cui realizzazione risale al 1826, anno in cui pervenne nel luogo una delle Missioni gesuite, fu completato e rifinito tra il 1843 ed il 1858. Oggi, esso si trova nel centro storico del paese delle basse Madonie, nel quartiere della chiesa di S. Maria di Gesù, e rappresenta il fulcro delle celebrazioni della Settimana Santa. L’indagine architettonica ha dimostrato l’esistenza di una rigorosissima e “colta” geometria che sottende l’intero impianto, sia per ciò che concerne la componente “minerale”, sia per quella “vegetale”. Anche le misure richiamno significati simbolici tutti riconducibili al senso del Lutto, come dimostra il lotto rettangolare entro cui insiste il giardino che contiene 4 cerchi del diametro di 10 m, per una lunghezza complessiva di 40 m. Inoltre, si individua un altro cerchio che, in parte materializzato nell’edicola centrale, si sviluppa fino a comprendere la scala esterna e il cui centro è perfettamente coincidente con l’asse orizzontale del giardino. Il complesso si sviluppa su un’area di 570 mq. La cancellata in ferro battuto, che si sviluppa sulla linea ideale posta tra la zona di mediazione e il giardino, sancisce la divisione tra l’ambito “celeste” del giardino e l’ambito “terreno” della città vera e propria. Tutto l’impianto è racchiuso su tre lati da alte mura, a formare uno spazio isolato. I viali sono ripartiti simmetricamente in due settori dall’asse centrale della scala e si sviluppa su tre livelli. I percorsi del giardino sono, quindi, strutturati per la rappresentazione della Via Crucis che si conclude con l’edicola della Madonna Addolorata, luogo delle tre croci. Lima A.I., 1984. La dimensione sacrale del paesaggio: ambiente e architettura popolare di Sicilia. Palermo. Flaccovio, Palermo

    Design and implementation of a smart system to control aromatic herb dehydration process

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    Drying is a process aimed at reducing the water content in plant materials below a limit where the activity of microbes and decomposing enzymes deteriorate the quality of medicinal and aromatic plants. Today, the interest of consumers towards medicinal and aromatic herbs has registered a growing trend. This study aims at designing a low-cost real-time monitoring and control system for the drying process of aromatic herbs and evaluating drying ecacy on the microbial community associated with the studied herbs. Hot-air drying tests of sage and laurel leaves were carried out in a dryer desiccator cabinet at 40 C and 25% relative humidity using three biomass densities (3, 4 and 5 kg/m 2 ). The prototype of the smart system is based on an Arduino Mega 2560 board, to which nine Siemens 7MH5102-1PD00 load cells and a DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor were added. The data acquired by the sensors were transmitted through Wi-Fi to a ThingSpeak account in order to monitor the drying process in real time. The variation in the moisture content of the product and the drying rate were obtained. The system provided a valid support decision during the drying process, allowing for the precise monitoring of the evolution of the biomass moisture loss and drying rate for laurel and sage. The three dierent biomass densities employed did not provide significant dierences in the drying process for sage. Statistically significant dierences among the three tests were found for laurel in the final part of the process. The microbial loads of the aromatic herbs after drying were influenced by the dierent leaf structures of the species; in particular, with laurel leaves, microbial survival increased with increasing biomass density. Finally, with the drying method adopted, the two species under consideration showed a dierent microbial stability and, consequently, had a dierent shelf life, longer for sage than laurel, as also confirmed by water activity (aw) values

    The distance to NGC1316 (Fornax A): yet another curious case

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    The distance of NGC1316, the brightest galaxy in Fornax, is an interesting test for the cosmological distance scale. First, because Fornax is the 2nd largest cluster of galaxies at <~25 Mpc after Virgo and, in contrast to Virgo, has a small line-of-sight depth; and second, because NGC1316 is the galaxy with the largest number of detected SNeIa, giving the opportunity to test the consistency of SNeIa distances internally and against other indicators. We measure SBF mags in NGC1316 from ground and space-based imaging data, providing a homogeneous set of measurements over a wide wavelength interval. The SBF, coupled with empirical and theoretical calibrations, are used to estimate the distance to the galaxy. We present the first B-band SBF measurements of NGC1316 and use them together with the optical and near-IR SBF data to analyze the properties of field stars. Our distance modulus m-M=31.59 +-0.05(stat) +-0.14(sys), when placed in a consistent Cepheid distance scale, agrees with the results from other indicators. However, our result is ~17% larger than the most recent estimate based on SNeIa. Possible explanations for this disagreement are the uncertainties on internal extinction, or calibration issues. Concerning the stellar population analysis, we confirm earlier results from other indicators: the field stars in NGC1316 are dominated by a solar metallicity, intermediate age component. A substantial mismatch exists between B-band SBF models and data, a behavior that can be accounted for by an enhanced percentage of hot horizontal branch stars. Our study of the SBF distance to NGC1316, and the comparison with distances from other indicators, raises some concern about the homogeneity between the calibrations of different indicators. If not properly placed in the same reference scale, significant differences can occur, with dramatic impact on the cosmological distance ladder.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figures; A&A accepte

    Alternative Horizontal Markings along Curved Exit Ramp Terminals to Improve Driver-Safety-Related Performance

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    Previous investigation has revealed that diverging maneuvers along curved terminals lead to a deterioration in the longitudinal and transversal performances of drivers with respect to linear ones. As a countermeasure, innovative horizontal markings (HMs) may be used to compel drivers to drive more prudently and maintain better vehicle control. In this driving simulation study, the behavioral effects of alternative HMs along curved exit ramp terminals were investigated. Forty-eight voluntary par-ticipants drove along randomly assigned exit ramp terminals, the design of which involved combinations of the following input variables: (i) horizontal markings (standard HM1, with internal lane bands HM2, with external zebra stripes HM3); (ii) lighting conditions (day and night); (iii) traffic flow in the motorway (1,000 passenger cars per hour pc/h and 3,000 pc/h), and (iv) ramp terminal connection type (continuous and reverse). Longitudinal (i.e., speed) and transversal (i.e., lateral position and diverging abscissa) behavioral data were collected. HM2 leads to greater improvements in the level of road safety thanks to better longitudinal and transversal driver behavior. However, drivers did delay their exit from the motorway with respect to the baseline condition (HM1) independent of the connection type. No relevant improvements were observed with HM3, apart from speed reductions at the end of the terminal and more centered trajectories when approaching the ramp. Results also show that drivers tended to enter the reverse terminal later than the continuous one (where drivers correctly used the taper), thus revealing that the use of the innovative HMs was not able to compensate for this inappropriate behavior adopted along reverse terminals

    Extracellular vesicle microRNAs contribute to the osteogenic inhibition of mesenchymal stem cells in multiple myeloma

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    Osteolytic bone disease is the major complication associated with the progression of multiple myeloma (MM). Recently, extracellular vesicles (EVs) have emerged as mediators of MM-associated bone disease by inhibiting the osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs). Here, we investigated a correlation between the EV-mediated osteogenic inhibition and MM vesicle content, focusing on miRNAs. By the use of a MicroRNA Card, we identified a pool of miRNAs, highly expressed in EVs, from MM cell line (MM1.S EVs), expression of which was confirmed in EVs from bone marrow (BM) plasma of patients affected by smoldering myeloma (SMM) and MM. Notably,we found that miR-129-5p, which targets different osteoblast (OBs) differentiation markers, is enriched in MM-EVs compared to SMM-EVs, thus suggesting a selective packaging correlated with pathological grade. We found that miR-129-5p can be transported to hMSCs by MM-EVs and, by the use of miRNA mimics, we investigated its role in recipient cells. Our data demonstrated that the increase of miR-129-5p levels in hMSCs under osteoblastic differentiation stimuli inhibited the expression of the transcription factor Sp1, previously described as a positive modulator of osteoblastic differentiation, and of its target the Alkaline phosphatase (ALPL), thus identifying miR-129-5p among the players of vesicle-mediated bone disease

    Consumi energetici e comfort in edifici tradizionali in pietra: monitoraggio e ipotesi di intervento

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    L’oggetto di studio è un edificio rurale in pietra di elevato interesse storico-architettonico sito a Ghesc, un villaggio dell’Ossola. Si tratta di un’abitazione contadina di origine medievale; gli altri edifici della borgata sono oggi allo stato di rudere o in fase di recupero per opera dell’associazione Canova, nata per la valorizzazione di questo patrimonio. Lo studio ha previsto alcune indagini strumentali e la diagnosi energetica, finalizzata a quantificare il fabbisogno energetico attuale ed elaborare alcuni scenari di intervento per migliorare l’efficienza energetica e il comfort. Le diverse ipotesi progettuali sono confrontate sotto il profilo energetico, economico e ambientale, anche attraverso l’utilizzo di un motore di calcolo dinamico orario. I risultati dello studio saranno utili non solo per eventuali interventi sull’edificio in esame, ma anche per recuperare edifici analoghi. Del resto, Ghesc è un “villaggio laboratorio” dove si stanno sperimentando tecniche tradizionali e innovative per il recupero degli edifici con l’obiettivo di divenire un punto di riferimento per il recupero dell’architettura storica in pietra

    Microorganisms of food ice cubes and their transfer to drinks

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    The present work was carried out to investigate the microbiological characteristics of the ice cubes produced at different levels: 1) home-made (HM) from domestic freezers; 2) produced by ice machines in bars and pubs (BP); 3) produced by ice industries (IN). BP samples were collected from the box stocks. HM and BP samples were transferred into sterile stomacher bags. IN samples were provided in the manufacturers’ plastic bags. Samples were transported into thermal insulated boxes. Five samples per each production level, forming a total of 15 samples (HM1-HM5, BP1-BP5, IN1-IN5), were collected in duplicate in two consecutive months. Each ice sample was thawed in 1 L sterile Dhuram’s bottle at room temperature and subjected to the membrane filtration analyses. Total mesophilic microorganisms (TMM), total psychrotrophic microorganisms (TPM), pseudomonads, members of the Enterobacteriaceae family, coliforms, enterococci, yeasts and moulds were investigated. When the amounts of colonies were uncountable, 1 mL of sample was directly inoculated into agar media. All results were expressed as colony forming units (CFU)/100 mL of thawed ice. TMM were in the range 100-9600, 312-6300 and 130-4000 for HM, BP and IN samples, respectively. Three HM and two IN samples were negative for the presence of TPM. The highest concentration (960) was found for IN2. Pseudomonads were detected in all HM samples but the highest levels were registered for BP1 (390) and IN2 (384). Except IN4, Enterobacteriaceae were found in all samples. All INs and 4 HM samples did not displayed coliforms. By contrast, they were hosted in all BP samples, ranging from 1 to 184. Enterococci were never found in HM samples, but detected in two INs and 3 BPs. Except IN1, moulds were always registered, while yeasts developed from the majority of HM and IN samples and two BP samples. The colonies representative for the different morphologies were randomly picked up from plates, purified to homogeneity and subjected to a phenotypic grouping. Yeasts and bacteria were subjected to the genetic identification by sequencing of D1/D2 domains of 26S rRNA gene and partial sequencing of 16S rRNA gene, respectively, while moulds were identified phenotypically. So far, the species mostly represented among bacteria, as evaluated only by the forward 16S rRNA gene sequence, were Bacillus spp., Pseudomonas spp., Pantoea spp., Pantoea agglomerans, Enterococcus faecium, and Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Candida intermedia and Pichia guillermondii were identified among yeasts and Penicillium spp. among moulds. The work was also aimed to monitor the microbial transfer from ice to humans through drinks. To this purpose, each microorganism was inoculated singly in sterile mineral water to produce contaminated ice cubes using disposable ice cube trays. Inoculums occurred at the highest concentrations found in the ice cubes analysed. The concentrations of the microorganisms were followed in six different types of drinks, including alcoholic (vodka and whiskey), moderate alcoholic (Martini), sparkling (tonic water), sugary (peach tea) and sugary sparkling (coke) drinks. In order to simulate the contamination of drinks by ice during consumption, six ice cubes (corresponding to 60 mL) containing each microorganism were added to 100 mL of each drink (simulating a bar administration) in sterile cups and, after 1 h, the entire volume was analysed by membrane filtration. A physiological solution was used as control. So far, the tests were performed with Penicillium spp. and P. agglomerans. Penicillium was not influenced by the different drinks, since, after 1 h, its level did not change. Regarding P. agglomerans, which is an opportunistic pathogen causing urinary tract infections, its concentration in peach tea was superimposable to that found in physiological solution, while it decreased in all other drinks. In particular, the concentration of this bacterium almost halved in vodka, coke and tonic water, diminished consistently in Martini and completely disappeared in whiskey. Experimentations are in progress to determine the behaviour of the other microorganisms in these systems. These data evidenced that the worst hygienic characteristics were found in BP samples, while the majority of ice cubes produced in specialized industries were characterized by acceptable microbiological parameters. This work indicated that the concentration of P. agglomerans is reduced by alcohol and CO2, but further in vivo assays are necessary to better clarify their role on the other ice microorganisms

    Relazione sulla sostenibilitĂ  ambientale del progetto esecutivo dell'edificio scolastico Scuola Media "L. Orsini" di Imola (BO)

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    Rapporto scientifico della consulenza ambientale alla progettazione esecutiva dell'edificio scolastico Scuola Media "L. Orsini" per la CittĂ  di Imola, Servizio LL.PP., comprendente: dati di contesto e caratterizzazione del clima locale; strategie e tecnologie di climatizzazione e produzione energetica (riscaldamento solare, ventilazione naturale controllata, raffrescamento passivo e solare, controllo solare e dell'illuminazione naturale, elemento a soffitto a prestazioni integrate); bilancio energetico, emissioni di gas serra e fattore d'efficienza energetico-ambientale; uso razionale delle risorse idriche e tecnologie per il contenimento del consumo d'acqua potabile; uso razionale delle risorse deriventi da scarti e rifiuti; benessere, igiene e salute dell'utente; gestione e controllo dinamico dell'edificio e degli impianti; monitoraggio. ALLEGATI: a) dati climatici; b) analisi del comportamento termico dell'edificio; c) analisi comparata dei sistemi di climatizzazione; d) analisi termo-fluidodinamica; e) scambiatore geotermico ad aria a condotti orizzontali

    Selected lactic acid bacteria as a hurdle to the microbial spoilage of cheese: application on a traditional raw ewes’ milk cheese.

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    To evaluate the efficacy of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) to improve the hygienic safety of a traditional raw milk cheese, the raw ewes’ milk protected denomination of origin (PDO) Pecorino Siciliano cheese was used as a model system. Different Pecorino Siciliano curds and cheeses were used as sources of autochthonous LAB subsequently used as starter and non-starter LAB. These were screened for their acidification capacity and autolysis. Starter LAB showing the best performance were genotypically differentiated and identified: two strains of Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis were selected. From the nonstarter LAB, Enterococcus faecalis, Lactococcus garvieae and Streptococcus macedonicus strains were selected. The five cultures were used in individual or dual inocula to produce experimental cheeses in a dairy factory for which production was characterised by high numbers of undesirable bacteria. At 5- month of ripening, the experimental cheeses produced with LAB were characterised by undetectable levels of enterobacteria and pseudomonads and the typical sensory attributes
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