13 research outputs found

    Cocoa Production and Distribution in Bahia (Brazil) after the Witch’s Broom

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    Theobroma cacao production in the state of Bahia (Brazil) suffered crises due to a combination of falling prices, the end of subsidized credit, droughts, international supply and witches’ broom disease. The objective was to verify the distribution of the cocoa crop in the state of Bahia and to analyze the indicators of harvested area, production and productivity, starting from the crop crisis that started in the late 1980s. Data were collected from the Brazilian Institute of Geography database. and Statistics, period from 1988 to 2019. Cocoa production is present in 26% of the municipalities, distributed in nine economic regions, especially in the east of the state. Harvested area decreased by 30.7%, production by 65.4% and productivity by 50.1%; numbers that demonstrate the dimension of the problem. In the economic regions, there was a separation of two periods: 1988–1999 and 2000–2019. In the first, the indicators show higher numbers that decrease with the deepening of the crisis. In the second, cultivars resistant to witches’ broom and new management and production techniques were implanted, measures related to the behavior of the indicators. Thus, decades after the cocoa farming crisis, increasing production and productivity levels remains a challenge

    Construindo o conhecimento através de projetos de trabalho: uma experiência no curso de química da universidade estadual de Santa Cruz Building knowledge through work projects: an experiment in the chemistry course of the state university os Santa Cruz in Bahia

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    <abstract language="eng">In this work, we describe a pedagogical experiment using work projects in chemistry undergraduate programs in general chemistry and inorganic chemistry courses making learning more dynamic and consolidating the link between students and the external community. We highlight as fundamental outcomes the improvement in the learning process and, above all, the active participation of the students in investigation and problem-solving activities

    Potencial de utilización de sistemas de microgeración de energía eléctrica y de aprovechamiento de agua de lluvia:

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    Este trabalho possui o objetivo de analisar a viabilidade econômica e ambiental da instalação de unidade de microgeração de energia solar fotovoltaica e de aproveitamento de água de chuva em três escolas da rede pública de Ilhéus. O método adotado contempla a análise do enquadramento legal vigente no Brasil, o levantamento de dados de consumo de água e energia elétrica, o cálculo de irradiaçãoolar e de precipitação pluviométrica incidente na área e, o dimensionamento dos sistemas de microgeração de energia elétrica solar e de aproveitamento de água de chuva em cada unidade escolar estudada. Os resultados encontrados demonstram viabilidade econômica e ambiental, uma vez que a implantação desses sistemas promove economia mensal de aproximadamente 96% no consumo de energia elétrica e 40% no consumo mensal de água potável nas unidades escolares estudadas.Este trabajo tiene el objetivo de analizar la viabilidad económica y ambiental de la instalación de unidad de microgeración de energía solar fotovoltaica y de aprovechamiento de agua de lluvia en tres escuelas de la red pública de Ilhéus. El método adoptado contempla el análisis del marco legal vigente en Brasil, el levantamiento de datos de consumo de agua y energía eléctrica, el cálculo de irradiación solar y de precipitación pluviométrica incidente en el área y, el dimensionamiento de los sistemas de microgeración de energía eléctrica solar y de aprovechamiento de agua de lluvia en cada unidad escolar estudiada. Los resultados encontrados demuestran viabilidad económica y ambiental, ya que la implantación de estos sistemas promueve una economía mensual de aproximadamente el 96% en el consumo de energía eléctrica y el 40% en el consumo mensual de agua potable en las unidades escolares estudiadas


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    Este estudo teve como principal objetivo utilizar Laguncularia racemosa como bioindicador da presença de metais no manguezal do estuário do rio Buranhém, na cidade de Porto Seguro, extremo sul da Bahia. Para tanto, coletaram-se folhas verdes e amarelas dessa planta em quatro pontos do estuário. Essas amostras passaram por digestão ácida (método 3050-B da United States Environmental Protection Agency — USEPA) para posterior quantificação de metais via espectrometria de emissão ótica com plasma indutivamente acoplado (ICP OES). Os valores mínimos e máximos para as concentrações de metais encontradas foram, respectivamente, em mg.kg-1: Cr: 0,29 a 2,90; Mn: 7,92 a 72,13; Fe: 74,07 a 392,67; Ni: 0,25 a 1,24; Cu: 0,18 a 1,19; Zn: 6,62 a 16,93; Sr: 47,09 a 167,28; Cd: 0,06 a 36,42; Ba: 3,20 a 17,24; e Pb: 2,59 a 145,90. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a Laguncularia racemosa constitui um bioindicador de metais de potencial relevância no que diz respeito à qualidade de ecossistemas estuarinos

    Pb and Cd on growth, leaf ultrastructure and essential oil yield mint (Mentha arvensis L.)

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    Contamination of medicinal plants with heavy metals as Pb and Cd can affect the growth and the essential oil production of the plants and represent a risk to those who consume as medicine. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of absorption and localization of Pb and Cd on growth, ultrastructural aspects of leaves and essential oil yield and composition of Mentha arvensis, applied on the soil with increasing concentrations (8, 16, 32, 64 and 128mg kg-1). There was a differential absorption of Pb and Cd by M. arvensis mainly concentrated in the roots. Pb was found in small amounts in the leaves while Cd largely exceeded the safety limit without symptoms of toxicity. The ultrastructural analysis revealed the metal accumulation on vesicles surrounding the mitochondria and the presence of electron dense deposits surrounding the mitochondria, nucleus and chloroplasts. Little changes caused by Pb and Cd application were not enough to affect the growth and essential oil yield and composition of M. arvensi

    Redalyc.Apparent digestibility of energetic ingredients by pirarucu juveniles, Arapaima gigas (Schinz, 1822)

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    ABSTRACT. An understanding of feed ingredient digestibility for the pirarucu is a fundamental step in the development of feeds that promote proper growth of the specie while in captivity. A digestibility trial was conducted with four treatments in triplicate (corn starch, corn, rice bran and wheat bran) to evaluate the digestibility of dry matter, gross energy, crude protein and amino acids by the pirarucu. We used indirect methodology with the inclusion of chromium oxide at 0.1% in the feeds. In total, 18 juveniles were used, with an average live weight of 235 ± 36 g. The sampled juveniles were trained to consume the feeds prior to testing. The corn and cornstarch presented the best apparent digestibility coefficients (ADCs) of dry matter, with 76.37% and 70.66%, respectively, followed by rice bran (46.23%) and wheat bran (45.13%). The best ADCs of crude protein were observed in corn (93.44%) and cornstarch (90.94%) compared to rice bran (68.23%) and wheat bran (68.58%). There was no significant difference in the ADC of gross energy; the values ranged from 47.10% for corn starch to 40.10% for corn. The corn and corn starch presented the best ADCs for all the amino acids evaluated, followed by rice bran and wheat bran

    Apparent digestibility of energetic ingredients by pirarucu juveniles, Arapaima gigas (Schinz, 1822)

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    An understanding of feed ingredient digestibility for the pirarucu is a fundamental step in the development of feeds that promote proper growth of the specie while in captivity. A digestibility trial was conducted with four treatments in triplicate (corn starch, corn, rice bran and wheat bran) to evaluate the digestibility of dry matter, gross energy, crude protein and amino acids by the pirarucu. We used indirect methodology with the inclusion of chromium oxide at 0.1% in the feeds. In total, 18 juveniles were used, with an average live weight of 235 ± 36 g. The sampled juveniles were trained to consume the feeds prior to testing. The corn and cornstarch presented the best apparent digestibility coefficients (ADCs) of dry matter, with 76.37% and 70.66%, respectively, followed by rice bran (46.23%) and wheat bran (45.13%). The best ADCs of crude protein were observed in corn (93.44%) and cornstarch (90.94%) compared to rice bran (68.23%) and wheat bran (68.58%). There was no significant difference in the ADC of gross energy; the values ranged from 47.10% for corn starch to 40.10% for corn. The corn and corn starch presented the best ADCs for all the amino acids evaluated, followed by rice bran and wheat bran