4 research outputs found

    Preliminary results from the CONCAP-2-01 and EIOM-3 experiments on STS-46

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    CONCAP-2-01 (complex autonomous payload, first flight) was the maiden flight of 'CONCAP-2,' a secondary payload, utilizing the get-away special (GAS) carrier system, sponsored by the Consortium for Materials Development in Space (CMDS) at the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH). A host of materials such as high-T(sub c) superconductor samples, metal films, polymers, carbons, and semiconducting materials were exposed to a low earth orbit (LEO) environment. We have also measured on orbit the changes in the electrical resistance of some of the high-T(sub c) materials plus carbon and silver dosimeters exposed to the space environment. The preliminary results of this experiment are compared with those from EOIM-3, both of which flew on STS-46

    Effects on LDEF exposed copper film and bulk

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    Two forms of copper were exposed to the Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) Mission 1 environment: a copper film, initially 74.2 plus or minus 1.1 nm thick sputter coated on a fused silica flat and a bulk piece of oxygen-free, high conductivity (OFHC) copper. The optical density of the copper film changed from 1.33 to 0.70 where exposed, and the film thickness increased to 106.7 plus or minus 0.5 nm where exposed. The exposed area appears purple by reflection and green by transmission for the thin film and maroon color for the bulk copper piece. The exposed areas increased in thickness, but only increase in the thickness of the thin film sample could be readily measured. The increase in film thickness is consistent with the density changes occurring during conversion of copper to an oxide. However, we have not been able to confirm appreciable conversion to an oxide by x-ray diffraction studies. We have not yet subjected the sample to e-beams or more abusive investigations out of concern that the film might be modified

    The interaction of atomic oxygen with copper: An XPS, AES, XRD, optical transmission, and stylus profilometry study

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    The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) experiment A-0114 was designed to study the reaction of material surfaces with low earth orbits (LEO) atmospheric oxygen. The experiment contained 128 one-inch circular samples; metals, polymers, carbons, and semiconductors. Half of these samples were exposed on the front of the Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) and remaining on the rear. Among metal samples, copper has shown some interesting new results. There were two forms of copper samples: a thin film sputter-coated on fused silica and a solid piece of OFHC copper. They were characterized by x-ray and Auger electron spectroscopies, x-ray diffraction, and high resolution profilometry. Cu 2p core level spectra were used to demonstrate the presence of Cu2O and CuO and to determine the oxidation states

    Changes in chemical and optical properties of thin film metal mirrors on LDEF

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    Thin films of the metals Cu, Ni, Pt, Au, Sn, Mo, and W deposited on fused silica flats were exposed at ambient temperature on the leading and trailing faces of the LDEF. Reflectances of these films were measured from 250 to 2500 nm and compared with controls. The exposed films were subjected to the LDEF external environment including atomic oxygen, molecular contamination, and solar ultraviolet. Major changes in optical and infrared reflectance were seen for Cu, Mo, Ni, and W films on the leading face of LDEF and are attributed to partial conversion of metal to metal oxide. Smaller changes in optical properties are seen on all films and are probably caused by thin contaminant films deposited on top of the metal. The optical measurements are correlated with film thickness measurements, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, optical calculations, and, in the case of Cu, with x-ray diffraction measurements. In a few cases, comparisons with results from a similar UAH experiment on STS-8 have been drawn