5 research outputs found

    Report workshop "Bioavailability" Bilthoven, march 14th 1991

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    Abstract niet beschikbaarAt the National Institute of Public Health and Environmental Protection a workshop was held on bioavailability of continaminants for micro- organisms in relation to biological treatment of hazardous waste. At the moment the application and development of biological treatment techniques is hampered by residual concentrations exceeding the standards set by the government. Research in this field is stimulated within the framework of different R&D programmes. This workshop was organised to discuss the desired research strategy in this field for the Innovation-oriented Research Programme on Environmental Biotechnology. On this workshop it was concluded that the development of biological treatment techniques for heavy metal containing hazardous waste does not seem very promising. Other (physical-chemical) treatment techniques will probably be more effective. the biological removal of organic pollutants seems much more promising.Werkgroep Milieubiotechnologi

    Innovation-oriented Research Programme Environmental Technology, subprogramme Environmental Biotechnology 1990-1993

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    Abstract niet beschikbaarIn 1990 an Innovation-oriented Research Programme on Environmental Biotechnology was issued. Within the framework of this programme, the Dutch government offers additional financial support to stimulate precompetitive applied research, i.e. research that is oriented towards the needs of the industry and can result in a full scale application within a 5 to 10 years period. This research is not carried out by the industry itself, but by universities and research institutes. In this research programme the following subjects received a high-priority: - process and reactor optimization, - application of selected micro-organisms, - interactions between micro-organisms and solid substrates. The total research budget is about Dfl 12 million, for a 4 years period. As a result of the 50:50 formula, the scope of this programme will be twice as large.EZ/Stuurgroep IO

    Report Workshop "Bioreactors for the cleaning of contaminated soil"

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    Abstract niet beschikbaarOn december 15th 1989 a workshop was held on bioreactors for soil cleaning. The purpose was to present research results of the last 4 years and to discuss the continuation of this research with the parties involved. It was concluded that the main bottle necks in the application of bioreactors are the residual concentrations in the treated soil and a rather long residence time. beside this, problems concerning soil analysis and sampling, implementation of gorvernmental standards and upscaling play a major role. The final reactor design will not only be determined by (bio-) technological potentialities, but surely also by economical factors.DGM/DWB-

    Survey on development of soil remediation techniques

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    Abstract niet beschikbaarThis study serves as a background document for the Subprogramma Soil of the Regulation for the Advancement of Environmental Technology. The aim of this study is twofold: . to survey the available techniques for preventive and curative soil protection . to signal bottlenecks and report relevant developments in order to indicate the major issues and focal points for desirable, future research. The report consists of four chapters. Chapter 1 discusses the problems of contaminated soils and sediments. In chapter 2 techniques directed to prevent soil contamination are surveyed. Measures for reducing emissions and immisions will be dealt with. Chapter 3 deals with removal and treatment of contaminated soils, groundwaters and sediments. Finally, chapter 4 presents the major issues and focal points for desirable future, research, while singling out special items discussed in the previous chapters.DGM/