10 research outputs found


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    Erbium doped titania and strontium titanate thin films were synthesized by the sol-gel method on the quartz glass, monocrystalline silicon and porous anodic alumina/silicon structures. Morphology of the surface and optical properties of the films were investigated. Luminescence spectra of the thin films show an intense band at 1.53 µm corresponding to the electronic transitions (4I13/2→4I15/2) of the erbium trivalent ions.Золь-гель методом синтезированы тонкие пленки диоксида титана и титаната стронция, легированные эрбием, на кварцевом стекле, монокристаллическом кремнии и структуре пористый анодный оксид алюминия/кремний. Исследованы морфология поверхности и оптические свойства пленок. В спектрах фотолюминесценции тонких пленок наблюдается интенсивная полоса с максимумом в области ~1,53 мкм, обусловленная внутрицентровыми электронными переходами (4I13/2→4I15/2) на трехвалентных ионах эрбия


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    The results of synthesis and analysis of the film structures fabricated from suspensions based on titanium dioxide sol and terbium-doped yttrium aluminum composite powder are presented. The film structures comprising titania with terbium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet grains were fabricated by sol-gel method on the textured aluminum foil. The synthesized samples reveal strong room temperature terbium photoluminescence with the most intensive band at 543 nm.Приведены результаты синтеза и анализа пленочных структур, изготовленных из суспензии на основе золя диоксида титана и легированного тербием порошка иттрий-алюминиевого граната, полученного золь-гель методом, на подложке из текстурированной алюминиевой фольги. Синтезированные образцы демонстрируют интенсивную фотолюминесценцию тербия с наиболее интенсивной полосой с максимумом 543 нм

    Erbium luminescence in the TiO<sub>2</sub> and SrTiO<sub>3</sub> thin films

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    Erbium doped titania and strontium titanate thin films were synthesized by the sol-gel method on the quartz glass, monocrystalline silicon and porous anodic alumina/silicon structures. Morphology of the surface and optical properties of the films were investigated. Luminescence spectra of the thin films show an intense band at 1.53 µm corresponding to the electronic transitions (4I13/2→4I15/2) of the erbium trivalent ions

    Synthesis and spectral-luminescence properties of the conjugate of 24-epibrassinolide with porphyrin

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    The synthesis of a previously unknown conjugate of 24-epibrassinolide with porphyrin is described. Four molecules of 24-epibrassinolide are bonded to a molecule of porphyrin by selective formation of cyclical boric ethers in diol groups of the side chain. Electronic spectra of the synthesized conjugate of 24-epibrassinolide with porphyrin are measured and analyzed. The spectral and luminescence characteristics of the initial porphyrin and the conjugate are found to be similar. The quantum yield and fluorescence lifetime of the conjugate in tetrahydrofuran are 0.06 and 10.6 ns, respectively. The extinction coefficient of the conjugate in tetrahydrofuran is 385,000 (Mbullet operatorcm)-1 at a wavelength of 418 nm. © 2009 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc

    Synthesis and spectral-luminescence properties of the conjugate of 24-epibrassinolide with porphyrin

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    The synthesis of a previously unknown conjugate of 24-epibrassinolide with porphyrin is described. Four molecules of 24-epibrassinolide are bonded to a molecule of porphyrin by selective formation of cyclical boric ethers in diol groups of the side chain. Electronic spectra of the synthesized conjugate of 24-epibrassinolide with porphyrin are measured and analyzed. The spectral and luminescence characteristics of the initial porphyrin and the conjugate are found to be similar. The quantum yield and fluorescence lifetime of the conjugate in tetrahydrofuran are 0.06 and 10.6 ns, respectively. The extinction coefficient of the conjugate in tetrahydrofuran is 385,000 (Mbullet operatorcm)-1 at a wavelength of 418 nm. © 2009 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc

    Optical characteristics of strontium titanate films formed by sol-gel method on quartz substrates

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    The transmission spectra of films of strontium titanate up to 200 nm thick produced on quartz glass substrates by the sol-gel method were investigated in the region of 200–1100 nm. The sol was prepared from strontium acetate, titanium tetraisopropoxide, acetic acid, and ethylene glycol monomethyl ether. The strontium titanate films were formed by successive deposition of five layers with intermediate drying of each layer and final heat treatment at temperatures in the range of 500–700oC. From analysis of the transmission spectra it was established that the obtained films are characterized by a wide forbidden band decreasing from 4.46 to 3.84 eV in the transition from x-ray amorphous films to crystalline films with refractive index of 1.996 (λ = 620 nm) due to the high packing density of up to 81.5% of that for monocrystalline strontium titanate

    Synthesis and properties of thin films made from suspension on the basis of powder composite yttrium aluminum, doped with terbium

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    The results of synthesis and analysis of the film structures fabricated from suspensions based on titanium dioxide sol and terbium-doped yttrium aluminum composite powder are presented. The film structures comprising titania with terbium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet grains were fabricated by sol-gel method on the textured aluminum foil. The synthesized samples reveal strong room temperature terbium photoluminescence with the most intensive band at 543 nm

    Erbium luminescence in the TiO2 and SrTiO3 thin films

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    Золь-гель методом синтезированы тонкие пленки диоксида титана и титаната стронция, легированные эрбием, на кварцевом стекле, монокристаллическом кремнии и структуре пористый анодный оксид алюминия/кремний. Исследованы морфология поверхности и оптические свойства пленок. В спектрах фотолюминесценции тонких пленок наблюдается интенсивная полоса с максимумом в области ~1,53 мкм, обусловленная внутрицентровыми электронными переходами (4I13/2→4I15/2) на трехвалентных ионах эрбия. Erbium doped titania and strontium titanate thin films were synthesized by the sol-gel method on the quartz glass, monocrystalline silicon and porous anodic alumina/silicon structures. Morphology of the surface and optical properties of the films were investigated. Luminescence spectra of the thin films show an intense band at 1.53 µm corresponding to the electronic transitions (4I13/2→4I15/2) of the erbium trivalent ions

    Synthesis and properties of thin films made from suspension on the basis of powder composite yttrium aluminum, doped with terbium

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    Приведены результаты синтеза и анализа пленочных структур, изготовленных из суспензии на основе золя диоксида титана и легированного тербием порошка иттрий-алюминиевого граната, полученного золь-гель методом, на подложке из текстурированной алюминиевой фольги. Синтезированные образцы демонстрируют интенсивную фотолюминесценцию тербия с наиболее интенсивной полосой с максимумом 543 нм. The results of synthesis and analysis of the film structures fabricated from suspensions based on titanium dioxide sol and terbium-doped yttrium aluminum composite powder are presented. The film structures comprising titania with terbium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet grains were fabricated by sol-gel method on the textured aluminum foil. The synthesized samples reveal strong room temperature terbium photoluminescence with the most intensive band at 543 nm