36 research outputs found

    Pottery from Viminacium - a craf product of multipurpose function

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    Overview of the part of pottery vessels discovered at Viminacium is given in the article. Techniques of making and decorating as well as their multipurpose use are presented. The most common working technique in the treatment of outer surface of vessels are colouring, engraving and stamping. Most of the vessels are dated to the period from the beginning of the second to the end of the third century. Certain forms had a short expiration date, while some underwent several production making changes. These are locally produced vessels intended for everyday use. Among them, according to their decoration, vessels made after the luxury imported models stand out. The research of Viminacium confirmed the role of its pottery-brick production center, which, with its production and distribution, met the needs of both the city itself and the surrounding provinces

    Pottery from Viminacium - a craft product of multipurpose function [apstrakt]

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    The paper will present an overview of the shape, function and structure of cera mic vessels discovered during the decades-long archaeological excavations of Viminacium. These vessels are the product of a local pottery craft complex. The chemical and mineralogical characterization of the pottery production of this wor kshop suggests the presence of several groups of ceramic clays. Several basic clay masses are distinguished in relation to whether the final product was intended for preparing food, its consuming, or ritual laying in the grave of an inhumated or cremated deceased. Mineralogical and chemical examinations were conducted over the raw materials and it was determined that besides this pottery craft cen ter, there had to be another one in which was used the clay from the same loan. This conclusion follows the extensive analysis of the product range from this pottery complex, which is compared with the forms discovered on the necropo lis itself and in the settlement stratums. Forms that do not appear in the pottery range of this center, but are discovered at necropolises or in settlement stratums with the same chemical index in clay mass, must have been the product of another workshop at Viminacium whose production went parallel with the first one. The specificity of the material of this workshop complex is reflected in the fact that craftsmen who have responded to the needs of pottery use in funerary rituals at the necropolises have made these products in poor quality compared to those distribu ted to the living part of the populatio

    Ceramic Vessels as Grave Goods in the Necropolises of Viminacium

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    During the decades-long research of the Viminacium necropolises, numerous ceramic vessels were discovered in graves of cremated and inhumated individuals. Their research helps to a better understanding of not only funeral rituals, but also the everyday life, customs and economy of the ancient population. The wide repertoire of discovered vessels indicates developed trade links with other parts of the Empire. The majority of these vessels represent local products, which indicates the inventiveness of domestic potters who supplied all of the Viminacium necropolises with their products. The paper presents an overview of the most common forms and types of vessels discovered in Viminacium graves and whose timeframe covers the period from the 1st to the 4th century AD

    Pottery from Viminacium - a craft product of multipurpose function

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    Overview of the part of pottery vessels discovered at Viminacium is given in the article. Techniques of making and decorating as well as their multipurpose use are presented. The most common working technique in the treatment of outer surface of vessels are colouring, engraving and stamping. Most of the vessels are dated to the period from the beginning of the second to the end of the third century. Certain forms had a short expiration date, while some underwent several production making changes. These are locally produced vessels intended for everyday use. Among them, according to their decoration, vessels made after the luxury imported models stand out. The research of Viminacium confirmed the role of its pottery-brick production center, which, with its production and distribution, met the needs of both the city itself and the surrounding provinces.Zbornik Instituta za arheologiju. Serta instituti archaeologici ; knjiga / volume XVI

    Keramičke posude iz grobova

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    Keramika kao najčeŔći arheoloÅ”ki nalaz brojno se nalazi i u grobovima viminacijumskih nekropola u vidu priloga ostavljenih pokojniku. Bilo da su u pitanju inhumirani ili kremirani ostaci pokojnika, prilozi koji se otkrivaju uz njih ukazuju nam na mnoge pravce istraživanja, kako od samog hronoloÅ”kog datovanja pojedinih grobova, ako nema materijala koji bi to preciznije pružio, tako i do raznih uvida u njihov zagrobni, ali i svakodnevni život, verovanja i običaje

    Gastronomic guide through Viminacium ā€“ how to eat like a Roman

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    Confirmation that good food and drink can be found at Viminacium is already in its prehistoric layers. With the development of the city, import increased and with it came real delicacies in the form of exotic animals, as well as in the form of various beverages. The remains of such vessels were found in large numbers throughout Viminaciumā€™s settlement layers. Ceramic vessels along animal remains and traces on human remains, show us the tur bulent centuries of its existence until the collapse under the onslaught of the Huns. This paper is a short guide through the hedonistic image of Viminacium from the 1st to the 5th century shown through the prism of ceramic vessel

    Seal boxes from the Viminacium site

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    Bronzane kutijice za čuvanje pečata (32 primerka) iz Viminacijuma - Gornja Mezija (Stari Kostolac, Srbija) uglavnom su sa prostora nekropola (deset primeraka iz grobova i deset između grobova), dok su Å”est iz objekta koji je verovatno imao funkciju skladiÅ”ta, četiri iz objekta javnog karaktera - amfiteatra, a samo je jedan primerak iz vojnog logora legije VII Claudia. Kutijice za čuvanje pečata sastoje se iz dva dela: poklopca i baze. Poklopac je dekorisan figuralnim prikazom, koncentričnim kružnicama, posebno apliciranim ornamentom, a često su različiti motivi ispunjeni emajlom. Baza uvek ima kružne perforacije na dnu, od tri do četiri, bočne zidove visine od 4 do 6 mm, sa trapezastim urezom kroz koji prolazi žica ili kanap za vezivanje kutije za poÅ”iljku ili dokument. Mehanizam za zatvaranje je funkcionisao po principu Å”arke. Pojedini primerci imaju kružno proÅ”irenje na poklopcu sa trnom na naličju kome odgovara identični deo na bazi za dodatno fiksiranje poklopca. Klasifikacija je izvrÅ”ena na osnovu oblika i dekoracije na poklopcu kutije. Izdvojeno je pet tipova sa varijantama. Uglavnom odgovaraju analognim primercima iz Zapadne Evrope, a najbliže po analogijama su im kutijice iz Siska. Kutijice tipa I sa reljefnim figuralnim predstavama na poklopcu izuzetno su retke, poznati su neki primerci iz Londona i Siska. Na njima su uglavnom prikazivana božanstva i vojnici. Unikatna je kutijica elipsastog oblika sa predstavom orla s venčićem u kljunu. Može se dovesti u vezu sa Jupiterom, ili sa standardnim simbolom rimske legije - aquila. Evidentna je podudarnost u formi, dekoraciji i hronologiji, kutijica za čuvanje pečata tip III, IV i V i pločastih fibula sa emajlom ili bez njega. Može se očekivati da su u pitanju isti radionički centri koji su proizvodili delove vojne opreme, fibule i pečatne kutije. Treba ih locirati u provincijama Zapadne Evrope (Galija, Norik, Recija). Sa vojskom i putujućim trgovcima ova vrsta predmeta dospeva na prostore Viminacijuma. Deset kutijica iz Viminacijuma deo su grobnog inventara (Å”est iz grobova kremiranih pokojnika i četiri iz grobova inhumiranih pokojnika). Isti broj je sa prostora nekropola, između grobova. Na lokalitetima sa do sada poznatim nalazima kutijica za čuvanje pečata, to je prava retkost. U grobovima dominiraju emajlirane kutijice, pa smo miÅ”ljenja da su ovi luksuzni primerci imali sekundarnu primenu i da su možda, kao neka vrsta dragocenosti, koriŔćeni kao grobni prilozi. Možda takvu funkciju treba očekivati, nakon Å”to je kutija izgubila svoj primarni značaj, ili kada je bila delimično oÅ”tećena. Kutijica za čuvanje pečata sa falusom na poklopcu u kremiranom grobu etažnog tipa možda je koriŔćena u sekundarne svrhe, pre svega kao amajlija. Fragmentovani poklopac kutijice sa nejasnim reljefnim ukrasom (žaba?) takođe bi mogao biti neka vrsta amajlije. Brojnija zastupljenost kutijica u grobovima i na prostoru viminacijumskih nekropola, u odnosu na nalaze iz drugih delova naselja, predstavlja izuzetan podatak, kome se treba posebno posvetiti, budući da je to za sada jedini lokalitet na kome kutijice za čuvanje pečata dominiraju u funerarnoj praksi (u grobovima različitih formi i na prostoru nekropola). HronoloÅ”ki pripadaju 2. i 3. veku, dok su najmlađi primerci iz prve polovine 4. veka.Bronze seal boxes that had the function of holding the wax seal on the Viminacium site - Upper Moesia (Stari Kostolac, Serbia), mainly from the area of the necropolis (ten were found in the graves and ten at the cemetery between the graves). Six are from buildings that had a storage function, five are from public facilities - an amphitheatre, and only one find is from the military fort of the legion VII Claudia, which was stationed in Viminacium in the second half of the 1st century. Thirty-two seal boxes have been processed: nine whole, six with fragmented upper and lower parts, seven bases and ten covers. Seal boxes consist of two parts: the cover and the base. The cover is decorated with figural images, concentric rings and especially with applied ornaments. Some of the motifs are filled with enamel. The base always has three to five circular perforations at the bottom, the side walls are a height of 4 to 5 mm with two opposed notches or slots which are thought to have facilitated the tying of the seal box to a package or a document. The lock mechanism is operated using the hinges principle. Some specimens have a circular extension on the cover with a thorn on the bottom. This fits the hollow in the base, through which passes a thorn for the additional fixing of the cover. Based on shape and decoration, seal boxes were classified into five types: I - elliptical or oval shaped with a figural representation on the cover derived in relief; II/1 - leaf or heart-shaped with a special, riveted ornament; II/2 - leaf or heart-shaped with enamel on the cover; III/1 - circular showing a form in relief; III/2 - circular with cast concentric rings, with no enamel; III/3 - circular with concentric rings with enamel on the cover; IV - diamond shaped with enamel on the cover and V - square with enamel on the cover. The seal boxes dominate chronologically from the first half of the 2nd and throughout the 3rd century

    Food in Roman Britain - Joan P. Alcock

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    Knjigu Food in Roman Britain napisala je Joana Pilsbury Alcock koja u svom bibliograf skom opusu ima i druge naslove na sličnu temu, a pre svih to su Food in the Ancient World, Life in Ancient Rome, Life in Roman Britain i Daily Life of the Pagan Celts, čime se svakako može svrstati u vrsne poznavaoce teme o kojoj piÅ”e. ViÅ”egodiÅ”nje iskustvo kao predavača na South Bank Univerzitetu na predmetima istorije i istori je hrane upotpunjavala je putovanjima po Evropi i Dalekom Istoku Å”to joj je pružilo obilje materijala za ovu knjigu. U njoj je želela da predstavi ishra nu, pripremu hrane i njeno serviranje kao i navike ljudi koji su naseljavali Rimsku Britaniju, praveći poređenja sa hranom i ishranom u drugim delo vima Rimskog Carstva. Knjiga se sastoji od 192 strane, 128 crteža i fotografija, 222 bibliografske jedinice i spiska od 39 antičkih izvora spomenu tih u tekstu. Iako je ova knjiga prvi put Å”tampana joÅ” 2001. godine (u izdanju Tempus Publishing-a) njen kvalitet i zanimljiva tema uticali se da se ti raž rasproda i da se knjiga ponovo Å”tampa 2010. i 2014. godine. Ova publikacija je prvenstveno na menjena arheolozima koji se bave temom ishrane u rimskom periodu, ali je napisana stilom koji je dostupan i običnom čitaocu zainteresovanom za ovaj period i temu. Hrana, kao i proces njene pri preme uvek su zanimljivi za proučavanje, jer čine veliki deo čovekovog života, a ova knjiga na ak tuelnosti dobija i time Å”to je sve viÅ”e ljudi zainte resovano za antičke recepte i pripremu hrane, bilo prema originalu ili adaptirane da bi se prilagodile danaÅ”njem ukusu

    GrĆ¼ll Tibor, A RĆ³mai Birodalom gazdasĆ”ga

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    Grull Tibor je univerzitetski profesor antičke istorije i arheologije iz Pečuja. Najnovije delo u njegovom Å”irokom opusu je knjiga Ekonomija rimskog carstva. Knjiga je izaÅ”la pod pokrovi teljstvom mađarske Akademije nauka, izdata je na mađarskom jeziku, u BudimpeÅ”ti 2017 godi ne. Rad je podeljen na devet glavnih poglavlja od kojih svako ima joÅ” po nekoliko potpoglavlja. Na kraju svakog potpoglavlja nalazi se spisak kori Ŕćene literature

    Sub testu: preparation of Roman food under a clay dome

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    Among the multitude of ceramic fragments, there occasionally appear handles of unusual shapes, or the remains of large dome-shaped lids. Such vessels were used for food preparation in kitchens with open hearths. Ever since prehistory, they have represented a kitchen appliance in daily use to the present day, and they appear in Roman kitchens as well. Various sources refer to this method of food preparation as sub testu. These vesselsā€™ segments have also been archaeologically confirmed on Roman sites in Pannonia Inferior and Moesia Superior. There is a type of dish called patina in Roman cuisine, similar to modern-day souffle, which was presumably prepared on plates with a flat bottom and curved, convex, or concave walls