7 research outputs found

    NFC Based Health Monitoring System

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    Near Field Communication (NFC) is a technology in which electronic devices can interact and is easy to connect devices with one touch. It is a used for small range like range of NFC is 10cm. NFC technology can be inculcated in Tags. Unique identification number can be used to store data. Many real-time applications uses this NFC tag feature. As the world is heading towards development in mobile technology many applications can use mobiles. Nowadays, most of the mobile phones are NFC enabled. NFC can be used for distinct identification of patients in hospitals. It will be a major heap in automation of Healthcare. NFC-based identification decreases wrong diagnosis and treatments to patients in busy and updated hospitals. Efficiency and Accuracy are the two significant aspects in healthcare services. Using NFC in fields like healthcare promises these aspects . NFC provides an easily usable wireless-communication interface. Technical as well as non-technical people like Doctors, Nurses, and all other staff of the hospital can easily use it. Hence, NFC- Based Healthcare can be used for providing accuracy and Automation in healthcare. It also reduces the cost of healthcare in developing countries