2,589 research outputs found

    Spiral-wave Dynamics Depends Sensitively on nhomogeneities in Mathematical Models of Ventricular Tissue

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    Every sixth death in industrialised countries occurs because of cardiac arrhythmias like ventricular tachycardia (VT) and ventricular fibrillation (VF). There is growing consensus that VT is associated with an unbroken spiral wave of electrical activation on cardiac tissue but VF with broken waves, spiral turbulence, spatiotemporal chaos and rapid, irregular activation. Thus spiral-wave activity in cardiac tissue has been studied extensively. Nevertheless many aspects of such spiral dynamics remain elusive because of the intrinsically high-dimensional nature of the cardiac-dynamical system. In particular, the role of tissue heterogeneities in the stability of cardiac spiral waves is still being investigated. Experiments with conduction blocks in cardiac tissue yield a variety of results: some suggest that blocks can eliminate VF partially or completely, leading to VT or quiescence, but others show that VF is unaffected by obstacles. We propose theoretically that this variety of results is a natural manifestation of a fractal boundary that must separate the basins of the attractors associated, respectively, with VF and VT. We substantiate this with extensive numerical studies of Panfilov and Luo-Rudy I models, where we show that the suppression of VF depends sensitively on the position, size, and nature of the inhomogeneity.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures

    The Exotic Barium Bismuthates

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    We review the remarkable properties, including superconductivity, charge-density-wave ordering, and metal-insulator transitions, of lead- and potassium-doped barium bismuthate. We discuss some of the early theoretical studies of these systems. Our recent theoretical work, on the negative-U\/, extended-Hubbard model for these systems, is also described. Both the large- and intermediate-U\/ regimes of this model are examined, using mean-field and random-phase approximations, particularly with a view to fitting various experimental properties of these bismuthates. On the basis of our studies, we point out possibilities for exotic physics in these systems. We also emphasize the different consequences of electronic and phonon-mediated mechanisms for the negative U.\/ We show that, for an electronic mechanism, the \secin \,\,phases of these bismuthates must be unique, with their transport properties {\it dominated by charge ±2e\pm 2e Cooperon bound states}. This can explain the observed difference between the optical and transport gaps. We propose other experimental tests for this novel mechanism of charge transport and comment on the effects of disorder.Comment: UUencoded LaTex file, 122 pages, figures available on request To appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys. B as a review articl

    Recoverable Information and Emergent Conservation Laws in Fracton Stabilizer Codes

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    We introduce a new quantity, that we term recoverable information, defined for stabilizer Hamiltonians. For such models, the recoverable information provides a measure of the topological information, as well as a physical interpretation, which is complementary to topological entanglement entropy. We discuss three different ways to calculate the recoverable information, and prove their equivalence. To demonstrate its utility, we compute recoverable information for fracton models using all three methods where appropriate. From the recoverable information, we deduce the existence of emergent Z2Z_2 Gauss-law type constraints, which in turn imply emergent Z2Z_2 conservation laws for point-like quasiparticle excitations of an underlying topologically ordered phase.Comment: Added additional cluster model calculation (SPT example) and a new section discussing the general benefits of recoverable informatio

    Aperture Supervision for Monocular Depth Estimation

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    We present a novel method to train machine learning algorithms to estimate scene depths from a single image, by using the information provided by a camera's aperture as supervision. Prior works use a depth sensor's outputs or images of the same scene from alternate viewpoints as supervision, while our method instead uses images from the same viewpoint taken with a varying camera aperture. To enable learning algorithms to use aperture effects as supervision, we introduce two differentiable aperture rendering functions that use the input image and predicted depths to simulate the depth-of-field effects caused by real camera apertures. We train a monocular depth estimation network end-to-end to predict the scene depths that best explain these finite aperture images as defocus-blurred renderings of the input all-in-focus image.Comment: To appear at CVPR 2018 (updated to camera ready version

    Topological Entanglement Entropy of Fracton Stabilizer Codes

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    Entanglement entropy provides a powerful characterization of two-dimensional gapped topological phases of quantum matter, intimately tied to their description by topological quantum field theories (TQFTs). Fracton topological orders are three-dimensional gapped topologically ordered states of matter, but the existence of a TQFT description for these phases remains an open question. We show that three-dimensional fracton phases are nevertheless characterized, at least partially, by universal structure in the entanglement entropy of their ground state wave functions. We explicitly compute the entanglement entropy for two archetypal fracton models --- the `X-cube model' and `Haah's code' --- and demonstrate the existence of a topological contribution that scales linearly in subsystem size. We show via Schrieffer-Wolff transformations that the topological entanglement of fracton models is robust against arbitrary local perturbations of the Hamiltonian. Finally, we argue that these results may be extended to characterize localization-protected fracton topological order in excited states of disordered fracton models.Comment: published versio
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