397 research outputs found

    Implications on feature detection when using the benefit–cost ratio

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    In many practical machine learning applications, there are two objectives: one is to maximize predictive accuracy and the other is to minimize costs of the resulting model. These costs of individual features may be financial costs, but can also refer to other aspects, for example, evaluation time. Feature selection addresses both objectives, as it reduces the number of features and can improve the generalization ability of the model. If costs differ between features, the feature selection needs to trade-off the individual benefit and cost of each feature. A popular trade-off choice is the ratio of both, the benefit–cost ratio (BCR). In this paper, we analyze implications of using this measure with special focus to the ability to distinguish relevant features from noise. We perform simulation studies for different cost and data settings and obtain detection rates of relevant features and empirical distributions of the trade-off ratio. Our simulation studies exposed a clear impact of the cost setting on the detection rate. In situations with large cost differences and small effect sizes, the BCR missed relevant features and preferred cheap noise features. We conclude that a trade-off between predictive performance and costs without a controlling hyperparameter can easily overemphasize very cheap noise features. While the simple benefit–cost ratio offers an easy solution to incorporate costs, it is important to be aware of its risks. Avoiding costs close to 0, rescaling large cost differences, or using a hyperparameter trade-off are ways to counteract the adverse effects exposed in this paper

    Hybrid clustering for microarray image analysis combining intensity and shape features

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    BACKGROUND: Image analysis is the first crucial step to obtain reliable results from microarray experiments. First, areas in the image belonging to single spots have to be identified. Then, those target areas have to be partitioned into foreground and background. Finally, two scalar values for the intensities have to be extracted. These goals have been tackled either by spot shape methods or intensity histogram methods, but it would be desirable to have hybrid algorithms which combine the advantages of both approaches. RESULTS: A new robust and adaptive histogram type method is pixel clustering, which has been successfully applied for detecting and quantifying microarray spots. This paper demonstrates how the spot shape can be effectively integrated in this approach. Based on the clustering results, a bivalence mask is constructed. It estimates the expected spot shape and is used to filter the data, improving the results of the cluster algorithm. The quality measure 'stability' is defined and evaluated on a real data set. The improved clustering method is compared with the established Spot software on a data set with replicates. CONCLUSION: The new method presents a successful hybrid microarray image analysis solution. It incorporates both shape and histogram features and is specifically adapted to deal with typical microarray image characteristics. As a consequence of the filtering step pixels are divided into three groups, namely foreground, background and deletions. This allows a separate treatment of artifacts and their elimination from the further analysis

    Improving adaptive seamless designs through Bayesian optimization

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    We propose to use Bayesian optimization (BO) to improve the efficiency of the design selection process in clinical trials. BO is a method to optimize expensive black-box functions, by using a regression as a surrogate to guide the search. In clinical trials, planning test procedures and sample sizes is a crucial task. A common goal is to maximize the test power, given a set of treatments, corresponding effect sizes, and a total number of samples. From a wide range of possible designs, we aim to select the best one in a short time to allow quick decisions. The standard approach to simulate the power for each single design can become too time consuming. When the number of possible designs becomes very large, either large computational resources are required or an exhaustive exploration of all possible designs takes too long. Here, we propose to use BO to quickly find a clinical trial design with high power from a large number of candidate designs. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by optimizing the power of adaptive seamless designs for different sets of treatment effect sizes. Comparing BO with an exhaustive evaluation of all candidate designs shows that BO finds competitive designs in a fraction of the time

    YLoc—an interpretable web server for predicting subcellular localization

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    Predicting subcellular localization has become a valuable alternative to time-consuming experimental methods. Major drawbacks of many of these predictors is their lack of interpretability and the fact that they do not provide an estimate of the confidence of an individual prediction. We present YLoc, an interpretable web server for predicting subcellular localization. YLoc uses natural language to explain why a prediction was made and which biological property of the protein was mainly responsible for it. In addition, YLoc estimates the reliability of its own predictions. YLoc can, thus, assist in understanding protein localization and in location engineering of proteins. The YLoc web server is available online at www.multiloc.org/YLoc

    Modelling Nonstationary Gene Regulatory Processes

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    An important objective in systems biology is to infer gene regulatory networks from postgenomic data, and dynamic Bayesian networks have been widely applied as a popular tool to this end. The standard approach for nondiscretised data is restricted to a linear model and a homogeneous Markov chain. Recently, various generalisations based on changepoint processes and free allocation mixture models have been proposed. The former aim to relax the homogeneity assumption, whereas the latter are more flexible and, in principle, more adequate for modelling nonlinear processes. In our paper, we compare both paradigms and discuss theoretical shortcomings of the latter approach. We show that a model based on the changepoint process yields systematically better results than the free allocation model when inferring nonstationary gene regulatory processes from simulated gene expression time series. We further cross-compare the performance of both models on three biological systems: macrophages challenged with viral infection, circadian regulation in Arabidopsis thaliana, and morphogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster

    Model selection characteristics when using MCP-Mod for dose–response gene expression data

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    We extend the scope of application for MCP-Mod (Multiple Comparison Procedure and Modeling) to in vitro gene expression data and assess its characteristics regarding model selection for concentration gene expression curves. Precisely, we apply MCP-Mod on single genes of a high-dimensional gene expression data set, where human embryonic stem cells were exposed to eight concentration levels of the compound valproic acid (VPA). As candidate models we consider the sigmoid Emax (four-parameter log-logistic), linear, quadratic, Emax, exponential, and beta model. Through simulations we investigate the impact of omitting one or more models from the candidate model set to uncover possibly superfluous models and to evaluate the precision and recall rates of selected models. Each model is selected according to Akaike information criterion (AIC) for a considerable number of genes. For less noisy cases the popular sigmoid Emax model is frequently selected. For more noisy data, often simpler models like the linear model are selected, but mostly without relevant performance advantage compared to the second best model. Also, the commonly used standard Emax model has an unexpected low performance