4 research outputs found

    The Impact of Korean wave to the acceptance of Korean culture and product among Indonesian

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    Thesis(Master) --KDI School:Master of Public Policy,2012Outstandingmasterpublishedby Rahmiati, Lita

    The Influence Of Media On Attitudinal And Behavioral Changes: Acceptance Of Culture And Products

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    Culture affects every part of our lives, every day, from birth to death, and everything in between (Cateora, Gilly, and Graham 2011). This study discusses the way in which customers’ acceptance of cultures and products has been greatly affected by the media. This study also investigates how customers’ acceptance leads to attitudinal and behavioral changes. In particular, this study measures the impact of a cultural wave to examine the attitudinal and behavioral changes it causes. This study explores the causes that affect the willingness of people to change their behavior after exposure to the media. In particular, this study investigates 1) how a cultural wave influences product and cultural awareness, 2) the relationship between perceptions of a cultural wave and people’s attitudes and behavior, and 3) the relationship between the strength of people’s attitudes toward acculturation and changes in attitude and behavior. By applying various statistical analyses, this study identifies managerial and theoretical implications

    Gelar budaya komunitas adat

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    Kegiatan-kegiatan dalam Gelar Budaya Komunitas Adat meliputi, Pawai Budaya, Pergelaran Seni ,Pameran dan Bazar, Dialog Budaya dan Pemutaran Film tentang kebudayaan dengan tujuan untuk memperkenalkan keragaman budaya komunitas adat

    Implementasi Filter Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Window Hamming dan Blackman menggunakan DSK TMS320C6713

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    ABSTRAKFilter didefinisikan sebagai proses atau rangkaian yang melewatkan pita frekuensi tertentu yang diinginkan dan meredam pita frekuensi lainnya. Salah satu metode perancangan filter digital Finite Impulse Response (FIR) adalah metode windowing. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan jenis window Hamming dan Blackman. Simulasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan software Matlab dengan memasukan frekuensi passband, frekuensi stopband, ripple passband, dan stopband attenuation. Dengan frekuensi sampling sebesar 15000 Hz, frekuensi passband sebesar 3000 Hz, frekuensi stopband sebesar 5000 Hz. Setelah simulasi dilakukan implementasi filter dengan parameter yang sama menggunakan DSK TMS 320C6713 dengan bantuan software CCS. Simulasi dan implementasi dilakukan pada semua band frekuensi. Hasil pengujian terhadap implementasi filter adalah respon magnitude, frekuensi cut-off, bandwidth, dan faktor kualitas dengan hasil simulasi tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan.Kata kunci: filter digital, windowing, Hamming, Blackman, frekuensi cut-off.ABSTRACTFilter is defined as a process or series that skip certain desired frequency band and other frequency bands drown. One method of designing a digital filter Finite Impulse Response (FIR) is a windowing method. This study used the type of window Hamming and Blackman. Simulations performed using Matlab software by inserting a frequency passband, stopband frequency, passband ripple, and stopband attenuation. With a sampling frequency of 15,000 Hz, a frequency of 3000 Hz passband, stopband frequency of 5000 Hz. After the simulation is completed, implementation of the filter with the same parameters using TMS 320C6713 DSK with the help of software CCS. Simulation and implmentasi performed on all frequency bands. The test results of the implementation of the filter is the Magnitude response, the cut-off frequency, bandwidth, and quality factor with simulation results showed no significant difference.Keywords: digital filter, windowing, Hamming, Blackman, cut-off frequency