3 research outputs found

    Hubungan Pengetahuan dengan Sikap terhadap Operasi Katarak pada Pasien Katarak Senilis di RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang

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    The purpose of this research was to analyze the correlation between knowledge and attitude regarding cataract surgery among senilecataract patients in Dr.Kariadi Hospital Semarang. This was an analytical study with cross sectional approach. The respondents were senilecataract patients in Dr.Kariadi Hospital Semarang. Research was held on MarchApril 2007. The data were analyzed using computer, thequestionnaire validity was checked by expert validity test and using Cronbach alfa for reliability. The result showed that there were about 50respondents who fulfilled the criteria. There was a significant correlation between knowledge and attitude regarding cataract surgery (p <0.005) with correlation coefficient r = 0.328. The knowledge levels were: 34% subjects have lack of knowledge, 38% subjects have enough,and 28% subjects were categorized into good knowledge. The attitudes of cataract surgery were: 30% subjects were categorized as lack, 38%subjects were categorized as enough, and 32% subjects were categorized as good. It was concluded that the knowledge of senile cataractpatients influence the attitude regarding cataract surgery. Despite of the correlation of this relationship is still low, so it was suggested toenhance socialization and education about cataract and the treatment in order to prevent unnecessary blindness because of cataract.Key words: knowledge, attitude, cataract surgery, senile cataracts patient

    Perbandingan Efektivitas Penurunan Tekanan Intraokuler Pada Laser Iridotomi Dengan Power Kurang Dari 700mw Dan Lebih Dari 700mw

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    Latar Belakang : Glaukoma menjadi penyebeb kebutaan kedua baik di dunia maupun di Indonesia. Berdasarkan data World Health Organization (WHO) tahun 2002, penyebab kebutaan paling utama di dunia adalah katarak (47,8%), kemudian glaukoma (12,3%). Pada tahun 2010 dari WHO , diperkirakan 39 juta orang di dunia menderita kebutaan dan glaukoma menyumbang 3,2 juta orang diantaranya. Tekanan intraokuler (TIO) merupakan satu-satunya faktor resiko yang dapat dikelola untuk mencegah kebutaan dan penanganannya dilakukan laser iridotomi.Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui perbandingan efektivitas pada laser iridotomi dengan power kurang dari 700mW dan lebih dari 700mW.Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian retrospektif dengan rancangan penelitian cross sectional. Sampel diperoleh dari instalasi rawat jalan dan rawat inap RSUP. Dr. Kariadi Semarang pada bulan Januari 2011-Desember 2013. Sampel adalah 42 mata yang diambil dari catatan medik. Data dianalisis menggunakan SPSS 17.00 for windows. Uji yang digunakan adalah uji t-berpasangan dan uji t tidak berpasangan.Hasil : Rerata penurunan TIO pada laser ridotomi dengan power kurang dari 700mW sebesar 40,38% dan rerata penurunan TIO dengan power lebih dari 700mW sebesar 9,00 32,95%. Pada uji t tidak berpasangan penurunan TIO pada laser iridotomi dengan power kurang dari 700mW dan lebih dari 700mW setelah 7 hari didapatkan hasil p=0,17 dan setelah 1 bulan p=0,09.Kesimpulan : Tidak ada perbedaan yang bermakna yang didapat dari uji statistik efektivitas penurunan TIO pada laser iridotomi dengan power kurang dari 700mW dan lebih dari 700mW tetapi secara klinis didapat hasil yang efektif

    Difference of Osdi Score Before and After ‘Senam Permata-ku' in Computer Vision Syndrome

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    DIFFERENCE OF OSDI SCORE BEFORE AND AFTER ‘SENAM PERMATA-KU' IN COMPUTER VISION SYNDROME Background: Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) is a group of symptoms that affects the eye and vision due to prolonged use of computer, cellphone, tablet, and e-reader. Dry eye is one of the symptoms that appear in CVS. In this study we did ‘senam PERMATA-KU' (Pelihara Mata–Kendorkan Bahu) as additional exercise to reduce dry eye in CVS. Aim: Observe &nbsp;there is any improvement of OSDI (Ocular Surface Disease Index) score before and after doing “senam PERMATA-KU” in CVS. Methods: This was a Pre-Post with Control Design quasi experimental study. The subjects were students of Faculty of Medicine of Diponegoro University who had CVS and met the inclusion and exclusion criteria that were divided randomly into control group and experimental group. The experimental group were given an education about using computer ergonomically and ‘senam PERMATA-KU' for 14 days. The control group were given an education about using computer ergonomically. OSDI score were measured before and after intervention was given using Ocular Surface Disease Index questionnaire. Result: The subjects were 32 students with 16 students in the experimental group and 16 students in the control group. One student in the control group and one student in the experimental group dropped out because they could not complete the procedure so that only 30 subjects were analyzed. OSDI score after intervention in experimental group was decreased significantly (p&lt;0.05). OSDI score after intervention in experimental group was better compared to control group (p&lt;0.05). OSDI score improvement in experimental group was higher compared to control group but statistically is not significant (p=0.595). Conclusion: ‘senam PERMATA-KU' that was done for 14 days can improve OSDI score in Computer Vision Syndrome. &nbsp; Keywords: Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS), Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI), dry eye, ‘senam PERMATA-KU